Saints Speak – 4/30/2020 – The Anchor Leg
From Mrs. Santos
We are now in the home stretch of this current school year, with just a few more weeks of remote e-learning to go. For most of us, it feels like we have been engaged in a long distance race for the past 7 weeks. In this race, each of us have encountered many different feelings and experiences.
At times, you and your student may have felt a euphoric ‘runner’s high’, that rush of energy, strength, power, and accomplishment. At times, you may have felt as if you had ‘hit the wall’, that time where runners experience fatigue and negativity. I can assure you that we have experienced both extremes in the Santos household.
I want to thank each one of you for your many emails. Your positive and encouraging communication has truly lifted me up at times where I felt frustrated, and those times where I felt that I could not take another day of this ‘abnormal’. Many of you have offered constructive criticism and suggestions that have helped us shape and reshape our distance learning for your child(ren). I appreciate this feedback. There have been times where some of you have become discouraged and disheartened. I understand.
In my meetings with our teachers this past week, we have discussed and are planning to increase face to face online interactions and instruction over these remaining weeks. There will be more Google Meet opportunities that will allow teachers to conduct lessons, and for students to ask questions. Some of this may take place during teacher office hours.
Please understand that this will not look the same at all grade levels, especially for our youngest students. We are still investigating safe ways for our children to be online and interactive, and age level appropriate.
We are at the point in this school year where the finish line is in our sights. We are passing the baton, and ready to being the anchor leg of this race. The anchor leg in a relay race is typically given to the athlete who is the fastest or most experienced competitor on a team. The athlete completing the anchor leg of the race is expected to bring home the win.
So, we are all running the anchor leg of this race together. Let’s work hard, stay focused, and finish All Saints strong.
Coming Attractions
Stay tuned for details about book and device turn in, locker/medication pick up, and Spring Book Fair.
School Supply Ordering for 2020-2021
Online ordering for 2020-2021 school supply kits is NOW OPEN, and will be ongoing through Sunday, June 14. Complete your order on line at, and use the school's account number which is ALL233.
While late orders may be placed after the June 14 deadline, please note that prices will be higher for late orders, and the products are not guaranteed to be brand name products. Please retain a copy of the order confirmation email for your records.
Please note that Educational Products Inc. (our school supply kit provider) uses descriptions that match their inventory. You certainly have the option to purchase similar supplies elsewhere. Please click here if you wish to view the 2020-2021 school supply lists. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Kokkinos at
ASCA Yearbook Sales Will End tomorrow, Friday, May 1st
If you have not yet ordered your yearbook for this current school year, tomorrow, Friday, May 1 is the order deadline. Click here for the order form.
ASPA Looking to fill TREASURER position
Are you interested in getting involved in the All Saints Parent Association (ASPA)? We are currently looking for a parent to join us on the Executive Board. The primary responsibility of the treasurer is to manage the ASPA budget. The treasurer will also be responsible for attending Executive committee meetings in addition to the regularly scheduled ASPA meetings.
Individuals interested should contact Courtney Devine( or Jennifer McMahon ( ASAP.
Celebrate Crazy Hair Week This Week/Favorite Hat Week Coming Up!
We have been celebrating Crazy Hair Week. Send in your crazy hair pics.

This coming week, we celebrate Favorite Hat Week beginning May 3. Your favorite hat can be from a sports team, or Kentucky Derby worthy. Is it a floppy hat, bucket hat, safari hat, or cowboy hat? Maybe a Cat in the Hat! Send in a pic of you in your favorite chapeau.
Send your pictures or videos to and And, don’t forget Spirit Wear Friday, every Friday!
Savers Donation Drive
Have you been at home cleaning and organizing your house...maybe cleaning out closets... DON’T THROW IT AWAY! The ASCA incoming 8th Grade Class of 2021 will be hosting a SAVERS DONATION DRIVE in the FALL. Savers will pay All Saints for our donations: and the money will help fund the Class of 2021 Legacy Gift. Further details will be coming in the fall about collection information and dates.
We just wanted to touch base because, you may have been busy organizing like some of us - we need your old stuff! The ASCA Class of 2021 thanks you in advance!
Click here for the April 27, 2020 Edition of the ASCA NOW News.
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
With the school closed, we will not be processing any physical Scrip Gift Card orders until the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. Please note you can still earn fundraising credit for the 2020-2021 school year with Ecards and Reloads, which are still available.
All of our school families have a Family Fundraising Commitment of $250 (per family) for preschool only families; and $500 (per family) for K - 8 families. If you are interested in getting started earning toward your 2020-2021 FFO with Scrip now and over the summer months, sign up now, and you will have until the end of February 2021 to earn toward next school year’s FFO (AND potentially earn some tuition credit). Now is the time to enroll!!!! Click here to enroll. Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information or have questions??? Contact

News from All Saints Athletic Association
Registration for ALL 2020-21 Sports Seasons is open for ALL current 4th - 7th grade students. When registering, please indicate the grade level for next fall.
Volleyball registration is extended through June 1st due to COVID-19 restrictions. Evaluation dates/times have yet to be determined and will be communicated once registration closes and the current quarantine expires. Basketball registration will close June 1st with evaluation dates/times to be communicated at a later date. Participants must be registered in order to participate in evaluations.
Participant registration can be completed by going to our website at
Registration for parent coaches is also open at this time. Please indicate your interest in coaching any or all sports by completing the registration.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Keith Glab, Athletic Director (, Kathy Kokkinos, Volleyball Coordinator (, Christopher Johanneson, XC Coordinator (, or Erika Baka (
Important Information Regarding the Conclusion of Sports Seasons
Winter and Spring Sports Banquets are cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. If you submitted payment for the Winter banquet, your check will be shredded by the school office. If you choose to have your check returned, please notify Keith Glab ( Any payments made in cash will be deposited to the school account and a check refund issued. Any questions, please contact Keith Glab.
2020 Track & Field season has been cancelled by SPL due to the school closing mandate. Registered participants will receive a credit of fees paid ($100) toward the 2020-21 Sports season. Please contact Keith Glab ( should you have questions.
ASAA Looking to fill Secretary/Communications Coordinator position
Interested in getting involved in the Athletic Association? We are currently looking for a parent to join us on the Board. The primary responsibility of the secretary is to manage annual sports registrations and rosters and keep/publish meeting minutes. The secretary will also be responsible for communicating concession schedules, creating/updating the Athletic calendar, coordinating athletic team photo sessions and creating the weekly sports report for inclusion in the weekly school newsletter. Additionally, this position is responsible for communications via the sports website.
Individuals interested should contact Erika Baka ( or Keith Glab ( asap.
LET’S GO SAINTS!! We are All Saints Strong.
Did YOU know that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check Us Out on Social Media, and please share the good news that is happening at All Saints.
We welcome all of our new followers!!! Click on the icons below to take a look.

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone and Patron Sponsors of
The Crystal Gala, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2020

Thank You to our Cornerstone Sponsors

Thank You to our Patron Sponsors