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Monday, March 3, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 4/23/2020 – Proud of You

From Mrs. Santos


Every day when I record our morning announcements, I am thinking about each one of you, and praying for your family’s health and well being.  I know that this is not easy for all of us.  Certainly for me, I miss being in our school building with all of our students and my staff.  I know that the children miss their friends and their teachers.   I really had hoped that we would be able to return to All Saints, and finish out this school year together



In the past six weeks, we have accomplished so many amazing things after being thrust into a new and unknown chapter in our lives.   Our faculty has stretched themselves, employing new methods of teaching, and ways of learning to their students.  Our students are getting up each day, and taking care of their school work, reading for fun, exercising, playing, enjoying time with family, and fresh air outdoors (with not too much screen time).   Our parents are heroes and saints – helping their student(s), juggling multiple student calendars and assignments, and taking care of their own jobs – working many more hours per day than they normally would.


I want you to know that I am so proud of all of you; and am grateful for your support, for your hard work, and for your choosing joy in the presence of each precious day.    


Keep doing what you are doing.  Take each day as it comes, and do the best that you are able toYou are doing a great job. 


One important takeaway that I have come to realize in my many communications with school families and others over the past 6 weeks, is that we are at all different places in what we are experiencing with COVID-19, and what has transpired as a result. 


I came across the following observation on Facebook that I thought was on point in articulating our experiences, our feelings, and the many facets of this pandemic:


We all need to acknowledge that WE ARE NOT IN THE SAME BOAT ...........................


I have heard many tell us that we are all in the same boat, but we are not. We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat. Your ship could be shipwrecked, and mine might not be. Or vice versa.


  • The meaning of quarantine looks different for everyone.  For some, it is a moment of reflection, of re-connection, a daily walk through the neighborhood, and comfortable clothes and flip flops with a cup of coffee. Some are focused on medical concerns, underlying conditions, and fear for their lives.  For others, this is a desperate time of financial and/or family crisis.
  • Those who live alone are facing endless loneliness. Those who are dying are being deprived of time with their loved ones.  For some, it is a welcome opportunity for peace, rest, and family time with their mother, father, sons and daughters.
  • With the $600 weekly increase in unemployment, some are bringing in more money to their household than when they were working. Others are working more hours for less money due to pay cuts or losses in sales.   Some are struggling just to keep their businesses afloat, and their employees paid.  Some are trying to keep their job in a business that is on the brink of disaster. 
  • Some families of 4 just received $3,400 from the stimulus, while other families of 4 saw $0.
  • Some were concerned about getting their favorite candy or a certain toy in their Easter basket, while others were concerned if there would be enough bread, milk and eggs for the weekend.
  • Some want to go back to work because they don't qualify for unemployment, and are running out of money. Others want to challenge or shame those who may not adhere to the quarantine.
  • Some are battling the Coronavirus; others are battling depression, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism and drug abuse, child or spousal abuse, homelessness, and hopelessness.
  • Some are home spending 2-3 hours per day or more helping their child with online schooling, while others are spending 2-3 hours per day helping to educate their children on top of a 10-12 hour work day.
  • Some have experienced death or near death from the virus, some have lost someone they know from it, and some are not sure if their loved one is going to make it. Others do not know anyone affected, and don't believe that this is a big deal.
  • Some have faith in God, and expect miracles during this 2020. Others say the worst is yet to come.  Some have lost faith, or the ability to meet in their communities of faith. 
  • Some have great trust in their government and leaders’ decisions. Others are skeptical, and long for their freedoms to be restored.   
  • Some want to return to school, eating out, getting haircuts, attending concerts, shows and sporting events, playing in parks, shopping in our favorite stores, going to the beach or playing a round of golf.  Some do not feel safe, and will do whatever it takes for how long it takes to get there.  


So, friends, we are not all in the same boat. We are going through a time when our perceptions and needs are completely different.  Each of us will emerge, in our own way, from this storm. It is very important to see beyond what is seen at first glance. Not just looking, actually seeing.  We are all on different ships during this storm, experiencing a unique and very personal journey.



Take care.  I miss you.  I am so proud of you. 


Teacher Blogs are Here

Our teacher blogs are up on our school website.  To access them, click here.  They can also be found under the Quick Links - New! Blogs at the ASCA website -  Simply click on your teacher's name.  On the blog, you will each teacher’s weekly calendar, and more.  The teachers look forward to personalizing and building upon their individual blogs going forward, so be sure to stop by weekly.   A huge thank you to Mrs. Barnhart, our Technology Integration Specialist, who shepherded and guided this project and new way to communicate with our school families.   


Daily Check In

There are a few of you who have not been completing the Daily Check In for your student(s).  This attendance reporting is directed by Fr. John Belmonte, Superintendent of Catholic Schools – Diocese of Joliet, and required of all diocesan schools.    


Please we aware that students who do not check in are marked absent.   These absences will be reflected on final student report cards, and as part of their permanent record. 


Click here for instructions on how to complete the Daily Check In.      


Khottie of the Week: Coming Attractions | Kchat Jjigae

Coming Attractions

Stay tuned for more information about the ‘last day’ of school, book fair, book and device turn in, locker/medication pick up, graduation.


Refunds of March Hot Lunch Orders

Please note that refunds for March hot lunch orders will be processed and sent to families once completed. 


Celebrate Crazy Hair Day Next Week

Crazy Hair Day Ideas For Your Kids' School Spirit Week | POPSUGAR ...Next week, we celebrate Crazy Hair Day.  Pick one day, or EVERY day.  Just got out of bed hair?  Could be crazy.  Or, take your ‘do’ to a new level with glitter, color, goo, braids or ponytails.  Send in your crazy hair pics next week, from Sunday, April 26 to Saturday, May 2.


And don’t forget, this week we celebrate you and Your Favorite Book.   Take a picture with your book, and let us know why you like it!


As always, send your pictures or videos to and    And, don’t forget Spirit Wear Friday, every Friday!   


ASCA Yearbook Sales Extended to NEXT Friday, May 1st

If you have not yet ordered your yearbook for this school year, it is not too late.  Everyone has been contacted who has ordered a yearbook.  If you did not receive an email confirmation and still wish to order a yearbook, simply click here for the order form.     


Scrip (counts toward FFO)

With the school closed, we will not be processing any physical Scrip Gift Card orders until the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.   Please note you can still earn fundraising credit for the 2020-2021 school year with Ecards and Reloads, which are still available


All of our school families have a Family Fundraising Commitment of $250 (per family) for preschool only families; and $500 (per family) for K - 8 families.  If you are interested in getting started earning toward your 2020-2021 FFO with Scrip now and over the summer months, sign up now, and you will have until the end of February 2021 to earn toward next school year’s FFO (AND potentially earn some tuition credit).   Now is the time to enroll!!!!   Click here to enroll.  Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information or have questions??? Contact


News from All Saints Athletic Association


2020-2021 Sports Registration

Registration for ALL 2020-21 Sports Seasons is now open! Registration is open to ALL current 4th - 7th grade students. When registering, please indicate the grade level for next fall.


  • Volleyball registration will remain open through May 1st.   Evaluation dates/times have yet to be determined and will be communicated once registration closes and the current quarantine expires.
  • Basketball registration will close June 1st with evaluation dates/times to be communicated at a later date. Participants must be registered in order to participate in evaluations.


Participant registration can be completed by going to our website at   Registration for parent coaches is also open at this time. Please indicate your interest in coaching any or all sports by completing the registration.


If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Keith Glab, Athletic Director (, Kathy Kokkinos, Volleyball Coordinator (, Christopher Johnneson, XC Coordinator (, or Erika Baka (



Basketball Uniforms can be returned this Saturday, April 25th from 9am – 12pm.  Keith Glab will be available to open Door #1 for uniform drop off.  While dropping off uniforms, please adhere to social distancing protocol and maintain appropriate spacing.  If you cannot drop off a uniform during this time, please contact Keith for further direction.  Please note, ALL 8th grade uniforms MUST be returned in order for graduation materials to be processed.


Winter and Spring Sports Banquets are cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.  If you submitted payment for the Winter banquet, your check will be shredded by the school office.  If you choose to have your check returned, please notify Keith Glab (  Any payments made in cash will be deposited to the school account and a check refund issued.  Any questions, please contact Keith Glab.


2020 Track & Field season has been cancelled by SPL due to the school closing mandate.  Registered participants will receive a credit of fees paid ($100) toward the 2020-21 Sports season.  Please contact Keith Glab ( should you have questions.


ASAA Looking to fill Secretary/Communications Coordinator position

Interested in getting involved in the Athletic Association?  We are currently looking for a parent to join us on the Board.  The primary responsibility of the secretary is to manage annual sports registrations and rosters and keep/publish meeting minutes.  The secretary will also be responsible for communicating concession schedules, creating/updating the Athletic calendar, coordinating athletic team photo sessions and creating the weekly sports report for inclusion in the weekly school newsletter.  Additionally, this position is responsible for communications via the sports website.


Individuals interested should contact Erika Baka ( or Keith Glab ( asap.


LET’S GO SAINTS!!  We are All Saints Strong.


Did YOU know that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  Check Us Out on Social Media, and please share the good news that is happening at All Saints.  


We welcome all of our new followers!!!  Click on the icons below to take a look.




A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone and Patron Sponsors of 

The Crystal Gala, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2020 


Thank You to our Cornerstone Sponsors







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Thank You to our Patron Sponsors

Players Indoor Sports



Previous Article News For April 20, 2020
Next Article Saints Speak – 4/30/2020 – The Anchor Leg

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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