Saints Speak – 3/1/2019 – Straight from the Heart
When I think about what I would like to share with you in Saints Speak each week, it is usually pretty easy to come up with a topic or two. My communication to you is important to me. Please know that I try to be thoughtful and informative; and what I share comes to you straight from the heart. Each day, let alone week, there is so much happening here at All Saints. This past weekend was no exception, as we celebrated our 14th Annual Dinner Dance Auction – Coming Home on Saturday evening. In recent years, the DDA has been held at some very nice local hotels and banquet rooms. This year, however, the event returned to ASCA for the first time since the 2006-2007 school year. What a fabulous night of celebration and fun.
Many of the guests who attended the DDA shared how happy they were that the event was held here at the school. Our school gym was completely transformed, and utterly gorgeous. Months of hard work went into planning and executing this evening. I would like to recognize the auction co-chairs, Christi Kluzak and Dana Menendez. Many, many other parents spent countless hours to make this evening such a great success.
Whether you were able to attend the auction and participate first hand, or you were unable to attend but took part in the fun by bidding on items online, we are grateful for everyone’s generosity in support of the auction which is All Saints Catholic Academy's largest fundraiser that directly supports our students at All Saints.
This year’s paddle up to Fund a Need was in support of renovation and reinvention of one of ASCA’s largest communal spaces, McSherry Hall. All Saints prides itself on providing excellent academics that are grounded in faith for all of our students. The educational environment in which those academics and formation take place has great impact on the success of our efforts.
The proposed changes to McSherry Hall will create a learning center, a true hub and nerve center of ASCA, that will allow all of our students to work both independently and collaboratively, and that will provide space that can adjust to the needs of instruction with ease and flexibility.
The new and improved Mc Sherry Hall will:
- be brighter with the both the addition of windows to add natural light, as well as updated room lighting.
- have modern modular flexible furniture which can be configured for different activities.
- include updated technology to allow multimedia instruction for presentations and a SmartBoard table.
- be a home to cooperative learning activities within and across all grade levels.
- include space for group project work.
- add improved storage in underutilized space.
We are currently very close to our $44,000 goal that will allow us to move forward to complete all of the proposed changes. It is not too late to contribute in any amount – simply click here to make your donation online; or send in a check (checks made out to ASCA), and note Fund a Need 2019 in the memo line. There are some architectural renderings of the McSherry Hall project at the Welcome Desk if you would like to take a look at some of the details.
I would also like to recognize our Cornerstone Sponsors of this year’s DDA 2019 – Coming Home. You can find links to their respective businesses at the end of Saints Speak today, and each week throughout the remainder of 2019. I respectfully ask that you consider supporting them with your business, as they have supported our beloved school, All Saints Catholic Academy. Please let them know that you are an All Saints family, and thank them.
Technology – Yay or Nay?
I am sure that we all would agree that technology has made our lives easier. Most of us (and our children) use technology each day in our work and in our school. We are quite proud of the one to one technology that our students enjoy here at ASCA which includes IPads and Chromebooks. Our students are not only expected to learn how to use technology, but to also be responsible in their use of technology. The following is a prayer that is on the wall in our Technology Center that reads:
Technology is a gift that is all around us. Please help us to learn to use it responsibly and guide us as we go about our studies.
Students recite this prayer at the beginning of every technology class. Unfortunately, we have found that a number of our students are not being good, responsible, and accountable stewards of our/their technology resources. At a recent diocesan principal meeting that I attended, inappropriate use of technology was a hot topic of conversation. One principal shared with us that she had recently had to suspend seven students due to inappropriate technology use.
All Pre K through Grade 8 students and parents sign and return our ASCA Technology Use Agreement annually. Yesterday, I met with our junior high students to discuss school rules, policy and expectations, and what the consequences would be for students who disregard these policies and procedures. Let me share some of the technology misbehaviors that I and my staff have observed.
- With regards to appropriate use of Chromebooks, students are expected to only be logged into sites as directed by their teacher, in the class they currently are in. What does this mean? If they are in their religion class, they should not have a tab opened to Membean, which although it is an approved site, should only be a site that you are logged into in your English class. In this case, being logged into Membean would not be appropriate. When class is over, students should log out of all sites before proceeding to their next class.
We have observed students with up to 20 tabs open on their Chromebooks, logged into different sites, and toggling between them during class. You can well imagine how distracting this would be for the student who might be missing the important teaching and learning that is taking place in their current class. This is also quite rude and disrespectful to the teacher who did not direct the students to be visiting these inappropriate sites during their class. These are bad habits to get into. Teachers spend a considerable amount of time putting their lesson plans together, teach end to end in their classes, and expect their students’ undivided attention.
If the teacher tells their students that they can work on another assignment during class, only at that time would it be appropriate to open a tab and log into a site that a student normally would not visit in that particular academic class.
- Students should not be logging into sites that are not on the Portaportal, which has school approved sites. Students need to be careful in their choice of words that they enter into search engines. We receive an electronic message that notifies us each time a student goes to an unapproved site.
- Students should not be working on assignments that are listed in their google classroom, but that have not yet been assigned.
- Students should not be building short cuts or have bookmarks on their Chromebooks.
What will be the consequence for being logged into an inappropriate site?
Students will receive a minor when found to be logged into an inappropriate site.
In our meeting yesterday morning, our junior high students and I had some very good conversation about what is and what is not appropriate. Students were given the opportunity to ask questions about appropriate and inappropriate actions regarding technology for clarification. I am confident that all students are now aware of the expectations for which they will be accountable concerning their Chromebook use. Students are on notice – if they cannot follow the rules, they will not be able to use the technology.
On a personal note, I would like to share one last observation to consider. While technology is and can be a wonderful thing; sometimes, it is a good thing to take a break from technology. During the past few weeks, my son has been reading books so he could earn the Six Flags Read for Success award. I have so enjoyed talking with him about the books that he has read. It has been delightful to hear his thoughts, and to share mine. We have had great interaction and conversation, which I much prefer to him entertaining himself on his IPad.
While I Have Your Attention…………………………………………………….
Students were also reminded of the following points to inform and to clarify:
- If a student wishes to wear an extra layer on top of their uniform during the school day for warmth, it must be an official sweatshirt or sweater uniform item from Schoolbelles or Lands’ End. No more non-uniform sweatshirts. If a student has been told to remove a non-uniform sweatshirt in one class, they should not put it back on in the next class that they go to. Students will receive a minor if they wear a non-uniform sweatshirt during the school day.
- Out of uniform passes are being abused and reused, which in truth is lying and being sneaky. All uniform passes must now be turned in. Students will then receive a pass that will be good for one day only, which they must carry with them and be prepared to produce for the entire day. Students who do not have this pass will receive a minor.
- Ripped jeans are not allowed at any time. Wear regular jeans, or don’t dress down.
- Crazy socks with your uniform??? The answer is a resounding No (unless it is Crazy Sock Day during Catholic Schools Week).
Fun at All Saints
Let’s Plunge into Fitness
Let's all plunge into fitness! All Saints is happy to announce we will be participating in the Plunge into Fitness program from Raging Waves. All students in grades K-8 are eligible to participate. The program starts this week and ends April 5th.
Students that complete the program will be allowed to PICK ONE of the following offers: one free admission ticket valid in June, or a $10 OFF discount on a one day admission in July or August. Details and the fitness log have been sent home with each student. Please contact Mr. Lindgren at or Kathy Kokkinos at with any questions.
ASCA Bingo Night
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O! SHPP is happy to announce they will be hosting their first Family Bingo Night on Friday, March 15th from 6 PM - 8:30 PM! This is a free event for all ages! Special prizes will be given out all night. Doors will open at 6 PM with the first game starting promptly at 6:30 PM. 10 games will be played. Concessions will be available- $5 dinner special-2 slices of pizza and 1 pop!
In order to help us get an accurate count, please RSVP to by Thursday, March 7th. RSVP's are not required but highly recommended. A special "RSVP drawing" will be held before game 5 for those who have responded by Thursday, March 7th.
Spring Book Fair
Dino-mite bookfair.....Stop, Chomp, and Read! The spring book fair is almost here and the students cannot wait! The spring book fair will be here from March 11th-March 15th. The book fair committee is currently looking for volunteers to make this event a success! Volunteering at the book fair is a great way socialize and meet other parents while being able see your children during the school day. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here to sign up. Thank you in advance for your help!
Feel free to reach out to Kathy Kokkinos or Cristine Shaw with any questions.
New Spirit Wear Available
All Saints is pleased to announce that we have opened a new pop up spirit wear store, and have a new vendor as well - Boomer T’s! There are some exciting new options that include tie dye t-shirts, hoodies, dri fit t's, bling t's, and joggers!!!!! If you are looking to freshen up your spring spirit wear, now is this time to place your order.
The order deadline is Sunday, March 10. We will have some samples available to view at the welcome desk this week, so please stop by. Items will be delivered to students a few weeks beyond the order deadline. So, let's get ordering!
To order ASCA branded items, click here.
To order ASAA (athletics) branded items, click here.
Daddy Daughter Dance
Evites have been sent for the Daddy Daughter Luau, which will be held at ASCA on Friday, April 13 from 6 - 9 pm. We hope that you will be able to attend. Please be sure to respond to the electronic invitation, and send in your payment by the March 15 deadline. Questions? Contact
Be sure to check out the last couple weeks of the ASCA NOW News, produced by our 8th grade students.
- Click here for the ASCA NOW News from February 19. 2019
- Click here for the ASCA NOW News from February 25, 2019
Chapel News
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be held everyday during Lent at 7:50 am (except Wednesdays) in the Chapel. Join us for 10 minutes of quiet reflection and prayer to start your day during your Lenten journey. All are welcome! Prayer guides will be available.
The Rosary will be held Wednesday’s at 7:50 am in the Chapel. All are welcome! The Rosary will be said bilingually. Guides are available.
There will be NO ADORATION in March as we observe Ash Wednesday and begin our Lenten journey. Adoration will resume Wednesday, April 3.
Check out Catholic Apps do download Chaplet of Divine Mercy or Rosary prayer guides
Please join us for this month's SHPP meeting, which will be held this coming Tuesday, March 5 from 6:30- 7:30 pm. Please click here for the meeting agenda. All are welcome!
News from All Saints Athletic Association
Our last regular season YOGURT BEACH Home Athlete of the Week was Gabe Salinas. Congratulations Gabe on scoring 19 points in your team’s game against Our Lady of Peace, enjoy your trip to “the Beach”!
MARCH MADNESS has arrived! The regular season ended with many of our ASCA teams controlling the ranks. Congratulations to our Girls 5B and Boys 7B2 teams for taking 1st place in the regular season standings! Our Girls 5A, Boys 7B1 and 8A teams secured 2nd place finishes while our Girls 7A, 8A, Boys 5A, 5B and 7A teams took 3rd place in the regular season standings! Way to go!
Continuing their play-off journey this week are Girls 5A, 5B, 7A, 8A and Boys 5A, 5B, 7B1, 7B2, 8A and 8B2. Good luck in your hunt for a championship!
Our teams love it when our school community comes out to cheer them on! So, put on your blue and gold, load up the car and bring your Saints pride to cheer our teams on to a strong finish! Visit the league website at where you can stay on top of playoff game schedules.
For those teams whose season has ended, you can return your uniform to the front desk. Please place uniforms in a Ziploc bag and be sure to put the athlete’s name and team on the bag.
Mark your calendars! The end of season banquet for basketball will be held on Thursday, March 21st from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Information will be sent to your email on file with SI Play. RSVPs are due on or before Friday, March 15th.
Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!
A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019
For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.