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Friday, March 14, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 10/11/18 – Resource Stewardship


Upwards of 95% of the respondents to our recent ASCA Volunteer and Communications Survey noted that Saints Speak (sent via email on Thursday) and the Weekly Reminders (sent via email on Sunday) are their main sources of information about the school.  Our analytics tell us that over 70% of you are routinely opening these emails, and clicking through links within to obtain information about what is happening at ASCA.


This indicates to us that the majority of ASCA families are technically savvy at obtaining and acting upon information that is presented in an electronic format.  It is important that we communicate well, timely and responsibly at All Saints.  Know too, that it has always been one of our goals to be fiscally accountable and good stewards of our All Saints resources. 


Towards these goals, we will no longer be sending home most school related information via hard copy.  Our copiers have received such a workout in the first quarter of this school year that the toner cartridge has already been replaced three times in the first 7 weeks of the school year, which we have never experienced in such a short period of time.  Imagine the amount of staff resources required to make, collate and disseminate this information in addition to the copying and paper costs.


For families who prefer a hard copy, there will be a small number of copies available at the Welcome Desk at Door 1.  We will also be sure to have links to these documents not only in Saints Speak and Weekly Reminders, but also on our website embedded in the calendar, and also available under a newly created tab entitled Forms/Flyers


This coming week, All Saints will be audited by the Diocese of Joliet’s Parish Finance, Auditing and Consulting team.  All schools and parishes undergo this review every few years.  It is our responsibility as a parish school within the diocese to use wisely, the temporal goods of the Church;  and it is a solemn bond between this institution, its members, and the Lord, Himself.  We who are entrusted with this challenge should use the virtues of prudence and justice in the management of these goods.   Our actions, which include our decision to move to a more electronic method of communicating, must be viewed within this prism.


Text Reminders Coming to ASCA

One additional note with regards to communication.  We are aware that texting plays a huge role in how we all communicate with each other.  All Saints has investigated how other communities, institutions and schools utilize texting to inform and remind their constituents of upcoming events or other important information. 


We are in the process of moving forward to add texting to our communications!  Please stay tuned for more news.  We will be letting you know how you will be able to opt in to receiving text communications from ASCA in the near future. 


Parking Lot – Part 4

Now that the cooler weather has finally arrived, there are more of our school families dropping students off in the car line.  Please note that cars need to double up like Noah and the Ark – two by twowhen entering the campus via the western entrance.  If we don’t do this:


  1. Traffic will spill out onto Aurora Avenue, creating a traffic hazard and delaying cars from being able to make a right or left turn onto the campus.
  2. It will also take forever for cars to get to the drop off point at Door 7 which will result in frustrated parents and anxious students who do not want to be tardy.


There is a point in the car line (signage is posted) where drivers are directed to merge into one line to travel around the north side of the school.  PLEASE allow your fellow school families to merge into one line at this point.  Traffic will continue to move smoothly, and you will feel infinitely better if you allowed another car to merge with a friendly wave, or this courtesy was extended to you. 


If you see me outside in the coming weeks, I hope that you will extend a friendly good morning or good afternoon, and wave to me.  Let’s keep striving to be Parking Lot Heroes!


As always, please consult the Parent Student Handbook at with questions.


Move Your Feet to Give a Child a Seat

In support of the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) of the Diocese of Joliet, All Saints will once again be participating in the Move Your Feet to Give a Child a Seat campaign on Friday, October 19.  The CEF is instrumental in raising funds that assist families in affording a Catholic school education in the Diocese.  They have been very generous to All Saints, awarding almost $60,000 in awards for the 2018-2019 school year to ASCA families. 


On Friday, October 19, students will have the opportunity to be out of uniform in support of the CEF.  It will cost $1 to wear an out of uniform top; and $1 to wear an out of uniform bottom.  If a student wishes to be totally out of uniform on the 19th, it will cost $2. 


Please bring your money on the 19th.  All monies collected will be sent to the Catholic Education Foundation.  Know that these resources are put to good use both here at All Saints and throughout the diocese.  You are most welcome to donate more than $2 to this worthy cause.  Each contribution will be greatly appreciated.    


Nursing Office Substitutes

We are very blessed to have a wonderful school nurse, Mrs. Tara Brophy, here at All Saints Catholic Academy.  This is not the case at most other Catholic elementary schools in the diocese.   


On occasion, our nurse needs to take a day off, and we are looking for nurses or parents who might be able to occassionaly substitute here at All Saints on those days


If you or someone that you know may be interested, please call the school at (630) 961-6125 for more information.  We would be happy to answer any questions that you might have. 


Trunk or Treat

Our third annual Trunk or Treat will be held on Friday, October 26 in the parking lot outside Door 1 (Main Entrance – Welcome Desk Door) from 2:30 – 5 pm.  All are invited to attend.  


What is Trunk or Treat?   For anyone unfamiliar with Truck or Treat, it is a great alternative and safe way to enjoy the Trick or Treat experience with friends. Families park their cars in a parking space, and then open their trunks which are decorated with a fun theme. For amazing and creative examples of how you can decorate your trunk, simply search Trunk or Treat online.  Our students then walk around the lot with their friends, trick or treating at each car.


Click here for more information.  Early bird registration at only $5 per car will be ending on Monday, October 15.  Please note that there is only a total of 45 spots available, and they go fast!  From October 16 through October 23, registration will go up to $10 per car.  No spots will be sold after October 23.  There will be prizes for the top three decorated cars.  Trunk or Treat will be held rain or shine!  Please note that the event will be in the school gym in the event of rain.  Questions?  Contact Lauren Giroux at


November Hot Lunch Orders

Ordering information will be attached to this coming week’s Weekly Reminders, which will be sent out on Sunday, October 14.  


Blue Out – This Friday, October 12

BLUE OUT is this Friday, October 12th at  7:00 pm.  Don’t miss out on this fun night in support of our 8th graders as they play their last games on HOME court. Wear your Blue Out t-shirt, grab some hot popcorn or sweet treats, and show your spirit as we honor the 8th graders for their contribution and dedication to our volleyball program the last 4 years.  If you know any of our alumni, please invite them to come home, and join us at the Blue Out!


All Aboard SHPP

Please mark your calendars for the November SHPP meeting which will be held on Tuesday, November 6 at 6:30 pm in Café 1.   


Please click here to view the October 2018 SHPP Meeting Minutes.


We now have online signups for upcoming events!  Please click on the Sign Up Genius links below.  Note that some of these events have not been calendared yet, and are volunteer dependent on moving forward.  We have added dates where known to our Upcoming Event school calendar at


· Trunk or Treat: SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Trunk or Treat Event


· Community Outreach SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Community Outreach Committee


· Daddy Daughter Dance SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Daddy Daughter Dance


· Faith Formation SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Faith Formation Committee


· Fundraising SHPP Volunteer SIgn-Up: Fundraising Commitee


· Grandparents Day SHPP Volunteer SIgn-Up: Granparent's Day


· Book Fair SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Book Fair Committee


· Booster-thon SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Booster Thon


· Holiday Shop SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Holiday Shop


· Hospitality SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Hospitality Committee


· Mother Son Event SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Mother Son Event


· Teacher Appreciation Week SHPP Volunteer Sign-Up: Teacher Appreciation Week


Questions??????  Email  


ASCA Fall Book Fair – October 15 – 19 – THIS COMING WEEK

One of the most anticipated events of the fall is almost here....the Book Fair! This year, we will take a walk through The Enchanted Forest Book Fair!


Preview day is this coming Monday, October 15th, sales begin on Tuesday, October 16th and will wrap up the morning of Friday, October 19th.   The book fair takes place in McSherry Hall. 


Book fair hours are as follows:

  • Monday, October 15 - Set up from 7:45 - 10 am.  Student.previews/wishlists will take place from 10 am - 3 pm.
  • Tuesday, October 16 - Open from 7:45 am - 5 pm.
  • Wednesday, October 17 - Open from 7:45 am - 5 pm.
  • Thursday, October 18 - Open from 7:45 am - 5 pm.
  • Friday, October 19 - Last Call.  Book fair closes at 10 am.


Help!  More help is needed.  The book fair would not be a success without the help of our wonderful volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering for the book fair, please sign up through the link below.  The book fair is such a wonderful way to meet other parents, see our terrific students, and to be involved in a meaning way of supporting the school and our students


To volunteer, go to


Saints in Service - SHPP’s Community Outreach


Book Drive October 15 – 19 – THIS COMING WEEK

ASCA’s Fall Book Fair is coming soon from October 15 – 19What better time to clean off your book shelves?  Bring your gently used books to the book fair, where we will have collection bins for your donation.  Then, you can shop the Book Fair knowing you have plenty of room on your newly cleared shelves! 


All of the donated books will go to Bernie’s Book Bank.  This Chicago area organization is committed to providing books to at-risk children.  Their goal is to provide 12 books each year, for 12 years, to all of the children they serve.  Thank you for donating your books to this wonderful organization!


Grandparents (and other Very Important Person – VIP) Day

First of all, a very big thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help!  If you are interested in joining the team, please go to


We will be welcoming our grandparents and special guests into our school on Tuesday, November 20th at 12:30 pm. 


COMING HOME – ASCA’s 14th Annual Dinner Dance Auction

The ASCA 14th Annual Dinner Dance & Auction (DDA) will be held in Saturday, February 23, 2019, from 6 pm - Midnight at All Saints.



$5000!!!! - Win a $5,000 ASCA tuition credit for the 2019-2020 school year!


How?  Simply purchase a ticket for the All Saints Catholic Academy 2019 Tuition Credit Raffle and you could win a $5,000 tuition credit for your family or the ASCA Scholarship Program.  Tickets are $100 and only 150 tickets will be sold.  Please see the ASCA DDA website for complete rules and restrictions.




Tomorrow evening, stop by the DDA Raffle Table near the Welcome Desk, play a fun game and buy your ticket!  Cash, Check (payable to ASCA) or FACTS (must be set up for auto-pay) will be accepted.   If you have any questions, please contact Erin Bayer at


The DDA Forms Finder

Looking for a form?  Please see the following forms and links below:



DDA is our biggest fundraiser of the year!  DDA makes a significant contribution to the financial wellbeing of our school - from technology to infrastructure to operating costs.  DDA helps keep tuition down and academics up!  Join us for a great night of food, music, celebration and fun while helping our school!


Please consider a generous donation to the dinner dance auction.  We can’t do it without you!  All Saints needs you!


We welcome your help, energy and ideas!  Join us in planning and executing this fabulous event!  Anyone, any grade, any level!  Sign up, get involved and join the fun!  To sign up, go to


Fundraising Corner – Sign Up Deadline – THIS COMING WEEK

Out of Uniform fundraiser to benefit the ASCA Class of 2020 - Sign Up Deadline is Monday, October 15


Information about this optional fundraiser to benefit the ASCA Class of 2020 has been sent home with all youngest and only students.  You can also view the form by clicking here


Out-of-Uniform fundraiser days are offered by the current 7th grade class (Class of 2020) to raise money for its 8th grade trip next year.  By participating in this fundraiser, your child can enjoy a total of 5 Out-of-Uniform days.  The Class of 2020 thanks you for your generous support!


Out-of-Uniform fundraiser days are:

•           Friday, November 9, 2018

•           Thursday, December 20, 2018

•           Thursday, February 14, 2019

•           Friday, March 22, 2019

•           Friday, May 17, 2019


The cost to participate is:

•           $20 (per child) to participate in the Prepaid Package for all 5 Out-of-Uniform days (with a $50 MAXIMUM per family)

•           $10 (per child) Drop-in Rate for each individual Out-of-Uniform Day


Deadline This Week - To take advantage of the Prepaid Package, please return the form below by Monday, October 15, 2018 to the school office.  Payment will be made via cash or check (payable to ASCA). 


If you prefer to pay for each Out-of-Uniform day separately, your child must bring in $10 cash the morning of the scheduled Out-of-Uniform day.  Any questions, please contact Tracy Coleman at or Kendra Kirchgessner at


Yankee Candle Fundraiser

You can still order Yankee Candles online until the end of the year that will count toward your FFO. Go to: and enter our Group Number 999983478. Remember to setup a student account to receive FFO credit.


Coming Soon!  Get ready to get hungry – Butter Braid is coming.


Remember that all families are responsible for their FFO ($250 for preschool only families; $500 for K-8 families).  We encourage you to take advantage of each fundraiser that is offered.   For more information on fundraising opportunities at ASCA this year, please go to

If you have any fundraising questions, please contact


New Sewing Class at ASCA – STARTS NEXT WEEK

Don’t miss out on the fun!  There are only 3 spots remaining!


The class will meet on Mondays beginning on Monday, October 15 through Monday, November 12, from 3:30 – 5 pm. The class is for students who are 8+ (or with instructor permission). It will take place in the Art Room, and the cost is $120 which includes all materials and tools.


To register, go to Once registered, all participants will receive email with participation forms, all forms must be completed and returned before first day.


Questions? Contact Mrs. Breunig at


This week’s ASCA NOW News

To view this week’s News You Can Use produced by ASCA’s 8th grade Honors ELA students, go to


Upcoming Events of Interest at ASCA and Beyond!


Acclaimed nationally-known composer Dan Schutte will be visiting St. Elizabeth Seton the weekend of October 12, 13, and 14.  You know and have been enriched by many of the inspiring songs written by this talented composer which include Here I Am Lord, Though the Mountains May Fall, Table of Plenty, City of God, Blest Be the Lord, and Glory and Praise to Our God just to name a few. The weekend will begin with a Friday evening Concert on October 12 at 7 pm. A morning of reflection led by Dan will take place on Saturday morning at 9 am. On Sunday morning, this talented musician will participate with our parish Adult and High School Choirs in the music ministry at the 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. liturgies.  All events are free and open to the public.  For more information, contact  St. Elizabeth Seton is located at 2220 Lisson Road, Naperville, 60565.


News from All Saints Athletic Association


TCBY HOME ATHLETE OF THE WEEK…..The TCBY Home Athlete of the Week for 10/2 is Ellie Glab!  Be sure to congratulate Ellie on her 17 consecutive serves and her contribution to 3 team victories, including her 7A team and 8A.  Thanks Ellie for being a great team player!


Volleyball News


BLUE OUT is this Friday, October 12th at  7:00 pm.  Don’t miss out on this fun night in support of our 8th graders as they play their last games on HOME court. Wear your Blue Out t-shirt, grab some hot popcorn or sweet treats, and show your spirit as we honor the 8th graders for their contribution and dedication to our volleyball program the last 4 years.  If you know any of our alumni, please invite them to come home, and join us at the Blue Out!


This week’s winning teams included Boys 7A1, 7A2, Girls 6A, 7A & 8A!  Way to go Saints. . .keep swinging!  To see where our other teams will be playing in this final week of the regular DPL season, be sure to watch for the “Weekend Sports Report”!  Want to follow the team standings and future games? Schedules can be found at the DuPage Parochial League website


Fall Sports Banquet will be held on Thursday, November 8, 2018 at 6:30 pm. Invitations will be sent soon via SI Play!


SHOUT-OUTS now available!  Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance?  SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association.  Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend.  Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment!  Contact Keith Glab at




  • October 12                BLUE OUT
  • November 5              Basketball practices begin
  • November 8              Fall Sports Banquet for Volleyball and Cross Country
  • November 30            Basketball games begin

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@ASCA_Athletics) and Instagram (@allsaintsathletics)!






Check Us Out on Social Media






A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of 

A Green Tie Affair, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2018




For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.  We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.  


Previous Article Saints Speak – 10/4/18 – Words are just Words until they are Brought to Life
Next Article Saints Speak – 10/18/18 – Teamwork

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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