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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

You're Invited

This coming week, we celebrate Catholic Schools Week at All Saints Catholic Academy.  It is a week filled with fun each and every day.  We kick off the week with our 2019 Open House this Sunday, January 27 from 1 - 3 pm.  I personally invite all of you to come out of the cold on Sunday, and come to All Saints where it will be warm and inviting inside.  The Open House presents a tremendous opportunity for you to visit the school, and not only visit your student's classroom this year, but also to take a look ahead to next school year.  Meet the teacher(s) and see the classroom(s) that your students will be moving to this coming fall. 


Do you have one of our littlest 'saints'?  This would be a great time to find out more about our Growing Saints Early Childhood preschool program for three and four year olds.  Were you aware that ASCA has an exceptional and well balanced curriculum, with excellent academics in a true school setting, for our three and four year old students?  


Preschool students enjoy Spanish, gym, art and music with our K-8 teachers, and lots of opportunities to grow socially, physically, and emotionally with play and fun.  We offer flexibility and choice with both full and half day options - you craft your child's program.  Extended care is also available for preschoolers, with end to end care.  The ability of our program to meet your child and family's needs, as well as provide a firm academic foundation that is built for each student, are what truly makes our preschool unique; and why the program is growing!  Our preschool students are well prepared, confident, and ready for the next part of their academic journey.


Do you have a student who is moving to the Junior High Academy this fall?  I will bet that both you and your student have lots of questions!  There is so much to see, and you and your student will enjoy learning more about what happens in 6th grade and beyond. 


We encourage you to bring a friend who may like to know more about All Saints and why you love it so much.  Families who attend the Open House will have the opportunity to complete a scavenger hunt that will take them on an adventure throughout the school building.  All those who turn in a completed form will be entered in a drawing to win their re-enrollment fee - a $200 value.   Pretty sweet!


At the Open House, we also are opening up registration to families who will be new to ASCA.   This current school year, we had over 120 new students from preschool through grade 8 register at All Saints.  We anticipate meeting and welcoming many new families who have heard about our amazing students and school, and would like to find out more.  On this day, we are showing our All Saints pride in who we are, and what we do.   Wear your uniform or other All Saints spirit wear.  It is a great day to be a Saint!


Remember that YOU  can Help Us Advertise the Open House - and earn an Out of Uniform Pass for your student(s).  Please help us SHARE THE GOOD WORD about our upcoming open house on Sunday, January 27th from 1:00 - 3:00 pm.  Doing so can earn your student an out of uniform pass!                 


Click here for the message to be shared on social media, or printed out and posted at a public location for students to earn an out of uniform day.  (You can also find the same message on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages, which you can easily share or repost.)


Students/parents must post the ad between today and this Saturday, January 26 to get the out of uniform pass.  Either a screen print of the post or a picture of the flyer hanging up must be emailed to by 1/26, along with the student's name(s) and homeroom teachers.  Parents should title the email "Open House Ad".  


Also on Sunday afternoon during the Open House, our gym will also be very busy with the annual Knights of Columbus Youth Free Throw Contest at All Saints Catholic Academy.  All boys and girls ages 9-14 years old are invited to participate, so come on out to compete.  There is NO ENTRY FEE for this event.  Doors open at 12:00 pm; and registration closes at 12:30 pm when the competition begins.   Boys and girls will compete within their own gender and individual age category, thus there will be twelve different categories of competition.  Winners are awarded a Council Level Prize and have the opportunity to advance through three additional levels of competition:  District, Regional and State Level.


So, come on out to enjoy the Open House  - this Sunday, January 27 from 1 - 3 pm.  


One of the things that I am most proud of here at All Saints is the virtues that we study each week, and put into practice in our homerooms, in our homes, and in our greater community.  You can not talk about the 'good news' of what is happening at ASCA, without reflecting on the young men and women that we are forming, and their kind and compassionate hearts.  I would like to share what our students and families accomplished at our MLK Day of Service on Monday of this week, and thank all of you for your participation in our MLK Day activities!  We hope you enjoyed your volunteer experience and found it to be a meaningful way to spend this day of service.:

  • A total of 358 students and parents signed up for our volunteer sessions. 
  • During four packing sessions at Feed My Starving Children, 211 students and parents packed 161, 568 meals, which will feed 443 children for a year.
  • 80 students and parents make 220 Valentine’s Day and spring themed cards for parishioners in need who attend St. Elizabeth Seton Church.
  • 24 students and parents help sort food at West Suburban Food Pantry.
  • 21 students and parents spent time with the residents at St. Patrick’s.
  • 22 students and parents helped clean up at St. Margaret Mary Church. 


I know that some of you created your own service project, which included making baked goods for our firefighters, and collecting donations for Cradles to Crayons. 

We are so proud of all of the service that you did for others on MLK Day!  Way to go!  

Just a reminder:  Students are required to fill out and turn in a Reflection Form about their act of service by the Friday, February 1 deadline.  Students who do not turn in a Reflection Form by the deadline will be marked absent for the day.


Click here for the Reflection Form.  


If you have any pictures from MLK Day, feedback regarding your day of service or possible volunteer opportunities for future MLK Days, we would love to hear from you.  Please email Robin Beck at  Thank you!  


Building Kind and Compassionate Friends

Our school community, and in particular, our students, have been very welcoming to and supportive of our students who have special needs.  I would like to let you know about an exciting social skills group in Bolingbrook that includes peer buddies and skill builders.  The group is looking for both - skill builders and peer buddies!   It has been shared with me by some of our aides here at ASCA that so many of our students are already great peer buddies, exhibiting great patience and compassion with their students, and who might be able to share these valuable skills with others outside of ASCA.  There are some of you who might feel that your student could benefit from the program as a skill builder.  Please note that the majority of the groups are for K-5, but that they are looking to start a Pre K, and a middle school and high school group!   


If this is something that you think your student might be interested in, please click here to find out more.  Groups start next week.


Parking Lot

Yes, somehow didn't you know that this subject would return...........................................  Well, it is colder now than it was in the fall, with a lot more families picking up and dropping off students in the car line at Door 7. 

Please take a look at the following reminders about pick up and drop off:


  1. All families should enter the campus through the western entrance, and exit via the eastern entrance.  
  2. When leaving the campus after drop off or after pick up, all cars are required to exit through the eastern entrance.  There are signs posted at the eastern entrance that requires ALL traffic from BOTH EXIT LANES to turn RIGHT ONLY during posted times – which are 7:30 – 8:00 am in the morning, and 3:00– 4:00 pm in the afternoon.  LEFT TURNS ARE NOT ALLOWED DURING THESE TIMES,
  3. Cars that are dropping off students at Door 7 should be doubled up (forming two lines) until the merge sign that directs drivers to merge into one lineWhy do we do this, you ask?  If we did not do this, cars would be backing up onto Aurora Avenue, which would be a headache and a hazard for both ASCA parents and other cars passing the school.    So, please be kind, form two lines, and allow your fellow ASCA parent to merge at the appropriate point.  
  4. To our preschool parents - your line to drop off your student at Door 5 can not be formed until 8 am.  Some of you are lining up so early, that you are blocking families who are trying to drop off their K-8 student before 8 am.  I received a report of a preschool family lined up to drop off their student at 7:51 am this morning.  Please do not queue up until 8 am or later for your 8:10 am drop off.
  5. This time of year, the weather and resulting traffic can be frustrating.   Please give yourself enough time to arrive at school, or to pick up at the end of the day.


On a related note - please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather when they leave your vehicle.  Although, it may be warm and toasty in the car, it is pretty cold outside.  I would like direct everyone to pages 30-32 of our ASCA Parent Student Handbook for review the parking lot/car line procedures.  Click here for the handbook.


Re-enrollment for the 2019-2020 School Year

Have you completed your electronic re-enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year?  The deadline is tomorrow, Friday, January 25.   Current PS3 parents were also asked to complete the survey that was sent electronically to inform us of your Pre K schedule preferences for your student.  If you need assistance in completing the re-enrolment, need a password reset, or have questions or concerns, please contact  Patty Bajek at or (630) 961-6125.


Spots can not be held for students who do not re-enroll by 3:30 pm on Friday, January 25.  The current family re-enrollment fee is $200 per family.  This fee will be charged to all re-enrolled families via their FACTS account, and will be due within 10 days of billing/invoice.   


Check Out this Week's ASCA NOW News

Find out more about what happened at ASCA this past week by tuning into the ASCA NOW News, produced by our Junior High Academy Grade 8 Honors ELA students.  Click here to view this week's news.  


Junior High Health and Wellness Fair - Friday, February 15

Are you a health professional who might like to come to ASCA on the morning of February 15 to share information and your expertise with our junior high students?  If so, please contact Mr. Lindgren at    


COMING HOME – ASCA’s 14th Annual Dinner Dance Auction




RSVP Early Bird Discount until this Friday, January 25th


Your personal invitation to DDA went home the end of last week. Be sure to RSVP by the Early Bird deadline this Friday, January 25th for reduced ticket pricing. Be sure to watch the ASCA Facebook - click here -  and DDA website - click here - for announcements and auction updates. We look forward to celebrating with you!


Special ASCA Rate Available at BEAUTIFUL, NEW Hotel Indigo in downtown Naperville until this Friday, January 25th


All Saints has been able to secure a special DDA booking price of just $119 at the beautiful boutique hotel, Hotel Indigo in Naperville. Keep the celebration going after the DDA and treat yourself to a little pampering. When is the last time you enjoyed such a great night out while supporting such an amazing cause? The hotel can provide free shuttle service to and from ASCA if needed. Hotel Indigo’s phone number is (630) 778-9676 or use this link – click here - and then click the Book Now box.  Deadline to secure this special rate is January 25, 2019.  DEADLINE IS FIRM!


Tuition Credit Raffle Tickets are Going, Going...Almost Gone!


Time is running out to purchase your chance to win $5,000 toward your 2019-2020 tuition. Only 150 tickets will be sold at $100 each and fewer than 30 remain! DDA volunteers are available for ticket sales after Mass each week or you can purchase your ticket online at Forms are also available at the Welcome Desk. Cash, Check (payable to ASCA) or FACTS (must be set up for auto-pay) will be accepted.


The 2019 DDA “Coming Home” celebrates the All Saints community and will be a great night of food, music, festivity and fun while supporting our children’s home away from home – All Saints Catholic Academy!  

Join us Saturday, February 23, 2019 6 pm - Midnight at ASCA!


Fun Fair 2019 – Friday, February 1 from 5:30 – 8 PM


So come on out of the cold on Friday, February 1, and LET’S HAVE SOME FUN! 


  • 5:30 – 6 pm: Early Bird Entry for Preschool/Kindergarten ONLY.  Our youngest saints have the whole fair to themselves!
  • 6 – 8 pm: Entry for ALL Kids


Come One, Come All! It's time to sign up for Fun Fair. The Class of 2020 can't wait to see you there! 


Please return your order form and payment by the Thursday, January 31 deadline.  While the deadline for t-shirt orders have passed, there will be a limited amount of shirts available for purchase in limited sizes.


Click here for the Fun Fair Parent Letter

Click here for the Fun Fair Items Available Info

Click here for the Fun Fair Order Form

Click here for the Fun Fair Cake Walk Donation Request Form

Click here to place your 2019 Fun Fair order online.


 Fun Fair Soda Pop Toss and Cake Walk Donations


We are in need of donations for the always popular Soda Pop Toss and Cake Walk. Please contribute if you are able. All flavors of soda in 2 liter bottles and all types of baked goods are welcome. Soda bottles can be dropped off at Door 1 Welcome Desk from January 28-31st. Baked goods can be dropped off January 31st-February 1st, also at Door 1 Welcome Desk. Thank you in advance for your help in making the Fun Fair a success!


 New this year:


  • Limited Edition ASCA TEDDY BEARS - Grades Pre-K thru 3rd can have Teddy Bears as Desk Buddies during Catholic School Week!
  • ASCA Drawstring Bag - what better way to bring home all your fun fair prizes
  • Stuffed Animal Raffle – check out the signs throughout the school to see the adorable and very large stuffed animals being raffled.  


Solaia Luxury Salon and Spa Specials


We are SO excited to welcome and thank our SAINTS SALON Sponsor - Solaia Luxury Salon & Spa! In addition to generously, sponsoring the Saints Salon they are offering these specials to all ASCA families. Check out all of their services at




  • Mother/Daughter Haircuts $59 for Both (*$33 savings)
  • Mother/Daughter Manicure & Pedicure $99 for Both (*$79 savings)
  • Mother/Daughter Spa Day (30 Minute Massage, Express Facial, Express Manicure, Express Pedicure and Blowout) $249 for Both (*$125 savings)
  • 50% off one service for anyone new to Solaia Luxury Salon & Spa


To redeem, simply mention ASCA Fun Fair. All of these specials expire APRIL 1st, 2019.


8th Grade Legacy Gift Fundraiser - Nothing Bundt Cakes


Help support the 8th Grade Legacy Gift through purchases of Nothing Bundt Cakes.  Orders will be taken through Monday, February 4, and available for pick up on February 12 - just in time for Valentine's Day.  Click here for the order form.  


NanoBeasts STEM+Robotics Program

Sign up your K-2 student for this afterschool program where students will explore challenges facing today's scientists.  Teams will be formed that will participate in a non-competitive Expo to take place on April 6 (this is optional) Class takes place on Tuesday afternoons from 3:35-4:35 pm, and begins on Tuesday, January 29.    This session's theme is Mission Moon.  Click here to register.   


Fundraising Corner


What is this FFO? 

Remember that all families are responsible for their Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO - $250 for preschool only families; $500 for K-8 families)


We encourage ALL SCHOOL FAMILIES to take advantage of each fundraiser that is offered that goes toward your FFO.   For more information on fundraising opportunities at ASCA this year, please go to   If you have any fundraising questions, please contact


Scrip – orders are placed each week.  Orders made through the end of February will count toward the 2018-2019 FFO.   Orders placed after February count toward your 2019-2020 FFO.   Using Scrip is a GREAT WAY to purchase your Christmas gifts and other holiday needs, and earn money toward your FFO.  Questions about getting started with Scrip?  Contact


News from All Saints Athletic Association


This week’s YOGURT BEACH Home Athlete of the Week is Thomas Lukitsh (Boys 8B2) Thomas scored 22 of the 31 points scored against OLP.  Way to hustle Thomas!  Enjoy your trip to “the Beach”!


From the Saints Sidelines . . . The long, cold weekend did not slow our Saints.  Bringing home wins this week were – Girls 5A, 5B, and 7A; Boys 5A, 5B and 7B1.  Keep up the good work Saints! 


As we enter the second half of the season . . . be in the know . . . visit   to keep up with the current league standings.


St. Francis H.S. is hosting Middle School Nights with FREE admission for all middle school students attending.  Win door prizes, enter raffles and see what life is like as a SPARTAN!

  • Boys’ Basketball: Friday, January 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., SFHS Spyglass Athletic Center
  • Pep Band: Friday, January 25, 2019 at 5:30 p.m., Meet in the SFHS Music Room.  Play with the SFHS Band during the Boys’ basketball game!

DON’T FORGET . . . the Knights of Columbus are hosting the annual Free Throw Contest in our very own ASCA gym to kick off Catholic Schools Week.  Be sure to sign up and show us what you’ve got!


Remember to pick up a new ASCA basketball car decal and show your team spirit!


SHOUT-OUTS now available!  Does your athlete have a birthday to celebrate? Do you want to recognize your son/daughter’s team or your son/daughter for their academic/athletic performance?  SHOUT-OUTS are now available for $25 through the Athletic Association.  Shout-outs will be placed on the digital scorekeeper’s table at all HOME games for one weekend.  Be sure to purchase a shout-out to recognize your child’s special moment!  Contact Keith Glab at




Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!






A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of 

A Green Tie Affair, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2018 






For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.  We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.  Please share with them that you are an ASCA family.  




Previous Article Saints Speak – 1/17/2019 – Show Your Support
Next Article Saints Speak – 1/31/2019 – Knocking it Out of the Park

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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