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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 9/12/2024 - The Fundraising Difference

Today’s Saints Speak includes information on our upcoming Fun Run, overall fundraising expectations at ASCA, safety drill notices, as well as important reminders for arrival. Thank you for reading the full message!


Saint of the Week

This week’s saint of the week is St. Joseph of Cupertino. As I shared with the students earlier this week, St. Joseph of Cupertino is the patron saint of test taking. I thought it was fitting we learn more about him this week as our students took their standardized tests.


St. Joseph struggled to learn as a child. He was slow to pick up new skills and would become frustrated and have a temper with others. He wanted to be a Franciscan, but they first turned him away. As a young adult, he began to grow in gentleness. While he still struggled to learn new things, he had a new patience and continued to work at it until he was accepted as a Franciscan. As a priest, he developed a very deep relationship with God and was known for being so deep in prayer that he would levitate!


St. Joseph of Cupertino reminds us that schoolwork does not come easily to all and that we all learn differently. Just like St. Joseph, God has a plan for each one of us and wants us to have a close relationship with him. May we remember to have patience and continue to do our best in new things, even when they are difficult. May we teach our children to persevere when things are tough and to treat those around us who may be struggling to learn something new with compassion and kindness.


Arrival Reminder

We had been doing so well with our arrival procedures, until this morning! Please, PLEASE, PLEASE do not block the entrance to the lot by waiting for Door 1. This creates a very dangerous backup onto Aurora Avenue. If cars proceed to both doors, everyone can get on and off campus safely and efficiently.


If your preschool or kindergarten child needs assistance getting out of the car, please wait for the front spot at either door to unload them. This way you can assist them without holding up the line, and other cars can safely go around you to exit the line. If your child is in 1st-8th grade, please stay in the car and allow them to exit on their own. I assure you they are capable, and our staff is there to assist as needed.


Lastly, please make sure your child is ready to exit the vehicle when you get to the line. Have your goodbyes, final hugs/kisses, discussion of plans for after school, etc. before you reach our lot, and have backpacks in hand so students can hop out quickly. We appreciate you keeping our line moving so all can enter school safely, efficiently, and happily!


ASCA Fun Run 2024

Yesterday we kicked off preparation for our annual Fun Run, which happens in just 8 days! We already raised over $13,000 and are more than 20% of the way toward our goal – way to go! Congratulations to Mrs. Beardsley’s Kindergartners, Mrs. Porlier’s 1st graders, and Mrs. Baumann’s 4th graders, who had the highest percentage of students return their checklist and earned an extra recess. Tonight’s challenge is to begin collecting donations! The class with the most donations collected by 7:30am tomorrow will earn a popsicle party! If you haven't already done so, go to our Fun Run website to begin collecting pledges!


Fund-A-Need Input Needed!

As I shared last week, we are trying to finalize the Fund-A-Need focus for this year’s Dinner Dance Auction. If you haven’t already done so, please fill out this one-question survey to let us know your thoughts. Thank you for your feedback and for your incredible generosity!


Fundraising at ASCA

You may have noticed several communications recently about fundraising events. As a private Catholic school, All Saints Catholic Academy operates without the support of governmental funds and local taxes. We are proud to do more with less, providing a truly excellent education for each one of our students while spending less per pupil than our neighboring public schools.

Spending per pupil (public school data from Illinois Report Card):

  • Naperville CUSD203                 $18,362
  • Indian Prairie SD 204                $14,914
  • Illinois state average                 $17,952
  • ASCA 24-25 budget                  $  9,717
  • ASCA K-8 in-parish tuition        $   6,900


Our largest funding sources are tuition and fees, but as you can see these do not cover the cost to educate. We receive financial support from each of our five sponsoring parishes, and we look to offset the cost of tuition and “bridge the gap” with fundraising. Fundraising is an essential component of our school’s operating model and integral to the success of All Saints. 


To help with your planning and budgeting, below you will find a calendar of the fundraising events you can expect throughout the school year. FFO fundraisers may vary each year, but the calendar below will give you an idea of what is typical. Some fundraisers specifically support one part of the school, while others go directly to the operating budget to bridge the gap. While no family is required to participate in any one fundraiser, all families are required to meet their Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) – see below for more info on the FFO and how it works. Some fundraisers qualify for FFO credit, while others do not. There are a variety of fundraising opportunities to support the great work we’re doing at All Saints, and we ask each family to prayerfully consider how they can support our school within their means. 


Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) Info:

Each family at ASCA has an annual fundraising obligation ($500 for K-8 families and $250 for PK only families). Throughout the year, some of the fundraisers go toward your FFO, but not all fundraisers qualify as others have different budget-specific purposes. We recommend using these opportunities (especially SCRIP!!) to “chip away” at your FFO throughout the year; any balance remaining is due in May. 


Time of Year


FFO Connection


All year


Yes – SCRIP goes toward your FFO!

Purchase gift cards (and e-gift cards) from more than 700 retailers at a rebate

All year

No Cookin’ in the Kitchen

No – does not count toward FFO, but if you submit your receipt your child will get an Out of Uniform Pass!

Eat out at a featured restaurant on designated days and the school gets a portion of the proceeds. No Cookin’ supports the school operating budget.

All year

Out of Uniform

No – all proceeds go to the 7th grade class in support of their 8th grade class trip

There are Out of Uniform Days throughout the year that can be purchased individually or as a package.


Charleston Wrap

Yes – Charleston Wrap proceeds go toward FFO!

Purchase wrapping paper and gifts and a percentage of your purchase goes to your FFO


Saintly Ballers

No – Saintly Ballers funds support schoolwide security improvements

This event is fundraising and FUN! Join in the 3-on-3 basketball tourney or just come out to watch!


Fun Run

No – Fun Run proceeds go toward the operating budget (this year’s funds specifically support technology, playground, and teacher supplies)

Collect pledges and donations for your child, who will run laps in the Fun Run. Fun Run includes class competitions and individual prizes as well.


Day of Giving

No – the Day of Giving supports the school’s operating budget

The Day of Giving is a social media celebration of our Feast Day, All Saints Day. There are competitions as well as opportunities to reminisce!  


Treasure Breads

Yes – this will support your FFO!

Order delicious breads in time for Thanksgiving! A portion of the sale goes toward your FFO.

November / December

Annual Fund Appeal

No – Annual Fund Appeal supports the school’s operating budget

Letters are sent to current school families, alumni, staff, and Friends of ASCA asking for your support


Poinsettia Sale

Yes – this sale qualifies for FFO!

Purchase Poinsettia plants through school and pick up in time for Christmas, all while earning FFO credit!


Catholic Schools Week t-shirt

No – this sale supports the 7th grade class and their 8th grade trip

Buy an exclusive ASCA Catholic Schools Week t-shirt, which can be worn for Spirit Wear Wednesdays throughout the year!




The Fundraising Committee is considering options for additional winter/spring fundraisers that can support your FFO.


Dinner Dance Auction (DDA)

Before the DDA, you’ll have the opportunity to make donations, and these donations DO COUNT toward your FFO. DDA tickets, donations to the Fund-A-Need, and purchase made at the event (auction and raffle items) DO NOT COUNT toward your FFO.

The DDA is our biggest annual fundraiser. The adults-only event features an evening of dinner, dancing, live and silent auction, raffles, and more! 


Golf Outing

No – this event supports a specific focus each year. Last year it supported the teacher salary supplement fund.

Gather a few friends and come out to enjoy a round of golf and a fun day while supporting the school! This parents-only event is always a big hit with the ASCA Dads!


Throughout the year, ASPA (All Saints Parents Association) hosts many events. The focus of these events (Trunk or Treat, Book Fair, Holiday Shop, Daddy Daughter Dance, etc.) is on community building, but many also help raise funds for the school. Proceeds from these events go back to ASPA and are re-invested in other events for our students and families!


The All Saints Athletic Association (ASAA) may lead fundraisers at various times throughout the year when there is a specific need such as new uniforms or athletic equipment. These events vary by year.


Thank you for your support of these fundraising initiatives to the extent that you are able. Please know that we do not expect families to participate in every fundraiser and try to offer choices. Each event is optional, as we know that some resonate more strongly with your giving preferences, priorities, and family budget. We are grateful for every dollar you contribute and strive to be good stewards of these resources. Thank you for choosing All Saints and continuing to give your time, talent, and treasure to support our school and our mission!


Safety Drills

Your children may have mentioned that we have did a fire drill last week and another one this week. These drills have been “practice” for us so the students could get used to the sound of the alarm and know where to go. We will be conducting our third fire drill of the year next Wednesday with the presence of the Naperville Fire Department. I have been very proud of the students with our practices; they have exited the building quickly and quietly, following the direction of the teachers.


Next week (Tuesday) we will also be conducting our annual law enforcement lockdown drill on Tuesday, September 17. The Naperville Police Department will be on site that day to conduct the drill with us. When we do this drill, we do let the students know that it is just practice and there is no immediate threat or danger. The classroom teachers also use age-appropriate language with their students about the drill, as the same message for this type of event cannot be used for our 3-year-olds and our 8th graders. If you have any questions about this drill, please contact me. 



The All Saints Athletic Association (ASAA) Board is looking for new members! Our volunteer board assists the athletic directors in ensuring our programs run smoothly. Consider sharing your time and talent! Click here for a short survey and more information.


Diocesan News

The Catholic Education Foundation is hosting their annual Be True to Your School raffle. Click here for more information! Raffle tickets are $100 each; the grand prize is $10,000. There are also cash prizes for ASCA if we sell the winning ticket or sell the most tickets. All proceeds from the raffle benefit the Catholic Education Foundation, which supports scholarships for students within our Diocesan schools, including students right here at All Saints. Get your tickets now; the drawing is on September 21!


Saintly Acts

Congratulations to the following students who earned Saintly Acts this week: Matthew B. (7th grade), Luca R. (4th grade), Isla V. (3rd grade), Luke C. (Kdg), Isabella D. (3rd grade), Anthony H. (5th grade), Henry L. (5th grade), Ari S. (5th grade), Emmy Z. (3rd grade), Gus A. (Kdg), Evelyn G. (3rd grade), Mary W. (Kdg), Blaise Z. (1st grade), Mayli B. (5th grade), Dakota J. (1st grade), Brynn K. (1st grade), Logan U. (8th grade), Emily G. (1st grade), Seth G. (2nd grade), KJ G. (2nd grade), and Erickson G. (Kdg). Keep being saintly!


Warm regards,


Margie Marshall



Did YOU know that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  Check Us Out on Social Media, and please share the good news that is happening at All Saints.  


We welcome all of our new and existing followers!!!  Click on the icons below to take a look.




A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA):  Masquerade Gala



We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business.  Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family. 

Previous Article Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 9/5/2024 - See the Face of Jesus in Others
Next Article Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 9/19/2024 - Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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