Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 5/23/2024 - End of the Year Excitement
Please take a few moments to reflect on today's message from Pope Francis:
“A church without women would be like the apostolic college without Mary. The Madonna is more important than the apostles, and the church herself is feminine, the spouse of Christ and a mother.”
What a beautiful message for the month of May, when we celebrate Mary as well as our earthly mothers! May we continue to recognize the importance of women in our Church and in our world.
Tomorrow, the Class of 2024 will graduate from All Saints! We are very proud of these students and grateful to have been part of their educational journey. We wish them well as they go on to high school and hope they’ll stay in touch with us so we can hear about their future successes! To the parents of the Class of 2024, thank you for your support of your children and our school over the years. We are grateful for your partnership and look forward to celebrating your children with you tomorrow. To the rest of our ASCA community, please keep our graduates in your prayers tomorrow and as they begin the next chapter of their journey!
Tomorrow is also the last day of school for our preschool and kindergarten students. To our littlest saints, thank you for an amazing year! Have a safe, relaxing, and fun summer, and we look forward to welcoming you back in August!
End of Year Reminders
Next week is our final week of school for our 1st-7th grade students. Please see below for some important reminders for the week:
- There is no school Monday as we celebrate Memorial Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
- There is no bus and no hot lunch. Please make sure you have planned for your child to get to/from school each day and that you pack a lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Thursday is our Field Day! Each grade has an assigned color shirt to wear. Students may wear out of uniform bottoms (please, no short shorts) and gym shoes. They will spend a large part of the day outside, so we recommend a water bottle, hat, and sunscreen. Lunch on Thursday will be a pizza lunch provided by ASPA, which we will eat outside picnic-style. Students should bring a towel to sit on for lunch. If your child does not eat pizza, please pack a lunch for Thursday.
- Friday is our final school day together. All are welcome to join us for Mass at 8:15am, and all students will dismiss at 9:30am. There is no after care on this day. Friday is a dress UP day, so students may wear nice clothes in place of their uniform if they choose.
Saintly Acts
Congratulations and thank you to the following students who earned Saintly Acts this week: Cameron A. (6th grade), Bridget C. (7th grade), Ella H. (3rd grade), Riley M. (3rd grade), Kaya P. (3rd grade), Addison P. (3rd grade), James J. (4th grade), Isha P. (4th grade), Brissa S. (4th grade), Matti B. (5th grade), Tessa E. Y. (2nd grade), Jackson F. (5th grade), Noah H. (2nd grade), Alayna H. (2nd grade), Sam K. (2nd grade), Zachary L. (5th grade), Vivienne R. (2nd grade), Analena S. (5th grade), Geena C. (2nd grade), Audrey K. (2nd grade), Maddox G. (6th grade), Hasan Q. (6th grade), and Antonella B. (2nd grade). Keep being saintly!
Enjoy the long weekend!
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.