Saints Speak - 4/6/2023 - Gratitude and Appreciation
Please take a few minutes to reflect on today’s quote from Pope Francis:
“For all the obstacles we see before us, gratitude and appreciation should prevail over concerns and complaints.”
Today’s words from Pope Francis are so simple, yet so beautiful. How often in our lives do we focus on the negative, looking for what could or did go wrong? How often do we fail to show gratitude and appreciation for the MANY wonderful blessings around us? If we make a conscious choice to focus more on the good than the bad and to appreciate rather than complain, just imagine how it will change our mood, our outlook, and overall view of our lives. Our Lord sees the good in each one of us, focusing on how we are made in His image rather than on our sinful choices. Let’s make an effort to do the same in our own lives.
Thank you to all families who have joined us to participate in the Stations of the Cross this week. We are grateful to join with you in prayer! Please also consider participation in your parish’s Triduum services. Information from each of our parishes can be found below.
Family Literacy Night
Please mark your calendars for Family Literacy Night on Wednesday, April 19th, 5:30-7:00pm. Come shop the Scholastic Book Fair and participate in various jungle-themed literacy activities. We're wild about reading at All Saints! Click here for more information!
Today's Backpack Mail
Be sure to check your child's backpack today; Break a Rule Passes and Out of Uniform Passes purchased at the DDA are coming home! Break a Rule Day is scheduled for next Thursday, April 13th.
Second Trimester Honor Roll
There was an error in the Honor Roll list shared before spring break. Please click here for the corrected list. We apologize for the error!
2023-2024 Tuition Payment
As a reminder, we require a $250 non-refundable payment per family that will be credited to next year’s 2023-2024 tuition. This payment will be charged to your current FACTS agreement, and payable by Monday, April 17, 2023. Families who do not pay this amount, which will be credited to 2023-2024 tuition, will forfeit their student’s enrollment spot at that time. Please be aware that a couple of grade levels are already full and waitlisting at this time. If you do not plan to return to All Saints and have not previously informed the school, please contact me at
2023-2024 Calendar
Please click here for an updated copy of the 2023-2024 school calendar. There is only one event that has changed; next year’s First Communion Mass has been moved to Friday, May 17, 2024. This will align better with our parish First Communions.
Yearbook Orders
You can now order your 2022-2023 ASCA Yearbook! Click here to place your order by April 16th. Don’t miss out on sharing in the memories from this school year!
April Updates
Our virtue for the month of April is justice. Click here for activities you can do at home to coincide with our justice discussions here at school. April is also Celebrate Diversity Month. Our students will be talking about what makes our school community diverse and what characteristics God has given each one of us to make us unique. In April, our social-emotional learning lessons will focus on Relationship Skills. Click here to read more about the topic.
Saintly Acts
Congratulations to the students who earned Saintly Acts recently, both before spring break and this week: Liam B. (2nd grade), Carlos C. (8th grade), Mateo S. (6th grade), Skylar V. (2nd grade), Caleb S. (1st grade), 6th grade students, Taylor T. (5th grade), RJ S. (5th grade), Anthony C. (5th grade), Charlotte W. (2nd grade), Will P. (7th grade), Asher A. (3rd grade), Ashton B. (3rd grade), Will T. (3rd grade), Beau W. (1st grade), Alayna H. (1st grade), Mila V. (1st grade), Julio M. (1st grade), Jordyn L. (Kdg), Kaydence F. (7th grade), Savanna M. (7th grade), Mary D. (5th grade), Henry R. (5th grade), Matthew G. (5th grade), Ryan E. (3rd grade), and Reeve M. (3rd grade). Keep being saintly!
Happy Easter!
Margie Marshall
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A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2023 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Great Gatsby Gala
Cornerstone Sponsors
We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.