Saints Speak – 2/13/2020 – Celebrating Accomplishments
From Mrs. Santos
Each week, there are so many personal, academic, and athletic student accomplishments to celebrate at All Saints.
Earlier this week, our 7th grade representative tied for 5th place at the DuPage County Private School Spelling Bee. Can you spell
Way to spell!!!
Last Saturday, ten students from All Saints competed in the regional MATHCOUNTS competition.
I would like to share some highlights from the event:
- Our 4-person team finished in 4th place overall and for the 4th year in a row, qualified for the State championship - we are the only school of the 26+ schools that have competed in this region over the past four years with such a streak.
- The test was the hardest ever created by MATHCOUNTS – advancing to states not only required placing high enough as a team, it also required achieving a predefined minimum score. Normally, most teams in our competitive region achieve this minimum, making it a non-factor … though with the extreme difficulty of the test this year, only four teams from this region met that threshold. In other words, to advance, not only did the students have to beat the majority of schools in the region, they had to perform at a very high level on an unusually difficult test.

- On that test, one of our 8th grade students placed 6th. Additionally, two of our 7th grade students placed 9th and 13th, marking the 1st time ever that All Saints has had two students in the top 10, and three students in the top 25.
All Saints was the only Catholic school competing in the region this year, and one of only ~10 Catholic schools still competing in the state.
What a remarkable feat!
Last night, our Boys 8B1 basketball team competed in a tournament. Our boys battled against a worthy opponent (Incarnation from Palos Hills). Our Saints ultimately were victorious (winning score of 31-27) in a hard fought and exciting final game where a last minute 3 point buzzer beater by Incarnation landed the two teams in overtime. Play hard, respect the game and your opponent, and never, never give up - that is how our athletes compete!
What a victory!
We are so proud of how well our students represent themselves and All Saints Catholic Academy. Congratulations to our top speller, our math competitors, and our athletes for your hard work and preparation for these triumphs.
Speaking of celebrating, we will be celebrating all things All Saints at The Crystal Gala, our 15th Annual Dinner Dance Auction which will take place at the Chicago Marriott Naperville on Friday, March 6.
I hope that you will join us for this beautiful celebration of your children and our school.
Half Day of School Tomorrow – Noon Dismissal – Friday, February 14
There is a half day of school tomorrow due to a Teacher In Service, with K – 8 dismissal at Noon.
No Buses HOME Tomorrow – Friday, February 14
Please note that there will be no D203 busing home from school tomorrow, Friday, February 14. Students will need to find alternate transportation HOME tomorrow afternoon.
March 2020 Hot Lunch Orders
The deadline for March hot lunch orders THIS Friday, February 14. Please note that no late orders will be taken, so please do not be disappointed. Questions? Contact Cristine Shaw at
Please remember to:
- Make a copy of your order form (photo on your phone works great)
- Include your payment (checks should be made out to ASCA)
PLEASE NOTE: There are no credits or refunds due to student absence or illness.
2019-2020 ASCA Yearbook
Click here to order your copy of this year’s 2019-2020 ASCA Yearbook. Do not be disappointed when yearbooks are distributed in May. The order deadline is Friday, March 27.
IMPORTANT: All 8th Grade students will receive a yearbook as part of their Graduation Fee.
Click here for this week’s 2/12/2020 edition of the ASCA NOW News, produced by our junior high academy students.
Box Top and Pop Tab Collection
Did you know that ASCA collects both Box Tops for Education, and soda pop pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House? Could you please bring in your Box Tops to your child’s homerooms by next Friday, February 21 for our next submisson deadline (March 1, 2020). Also, Box Tops for Education (BTFE) submission has gone digital. Please be sure to download the BTFE App. Need more info on how to submit digital Box Tops? Go to
The submission for the Pop Tabs to Ronald McDonald House is early May, so please continue to bring your Pop Tabs in to homerooms!

Things to Do and Upcoming Events
The Crystal Gala News – this year’s 15th Annual Dinner Dance Auction
The Crystal Gala less is just 1 month away! The RSVP deadline is TOMORROW, Friday, February 14th (Valentine’s Day), and the preferred RSVP method is online. CLICK HERE for the invitation was sent home in backpacks last week. Please CLICK HERE TO RSVP.
Tomorrow, Friday, February 14 is also the deadline to reserve your room at the Chicago Marriott Naperville for THE BIG NIGHT! Click here to reserve your discounted room.
Don’t forget to purchase a Tuition Credit Raffle Ticket for a chance to win $5,000 toward your tuition for the 2020 – 2021 school year. Please note only 150 tickets will be sold, and you do not want to miss out. Click here to purchase your ticket.
2020-2021 Financial Aid Applications
Please do not wait if you are interested in applying for financial assistance for the 2020-2021 school year. Click here to start your FACTS application (must be completed by all families seeking assistance). All applications and supporting information must be completed by Monday, March 2, 2020 for consideration. This is a hard deadline for funding consideration. Questions? Please contact Patty Bajek at
New Spirit Wear Offerings
Do you need to freshen up your ASCA spirit wear? We have some exciting new offerings from JemHedz, and the order deadline is tomorrow, Friday, February 14. Click here to place your order.
Plunge into Fitness
Would you like to earn a free or discounted admission to Raging Waves Waterpark??? Of course you would! Information has been sent home with all K – 8 students about Plunge into Fitness. Once you have completed the 25 hours of exercise, all you have to do is turn in your log (no later than the Monday, April 6, 2020 deadline). Click here for the information and the fitness log.
All Saints Parents Association (ASPA)
Fundraising Corner
Scrip (counts toward FFO)
Never miss a bonus rebate on your favorite brands by checking every week. You can also stay up to date on bonuses by subscribing to emails. Log into > Dashboard > Profile > check the box. Or Like ShopWithScrip on Facebook to see bonus alerts, surprise 24-hour bonuses, and more.
You have until the end of February to reach this school year’s FFO. Please note that All Scrip purchases after February 29, 2020 will count towards the next school year’s 2020-2021 FFO.
Simply click here to enroll. Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information? Contact
No Cookin’ in the Kitchen – Noodles and Company – THIS COMING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19
Have you heard? The No Cookin' party is at Noodles and Company in downtown Naperville NEXT WEEK; and we hope to see you there. Help ASCA earn 25% of qualifying sales!!!
What you need to know:
- When: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 from 4 - 8 pm.
- Where: Noodles and Company, located at 207 S Washington in downtown Naperville.
- Why: Delicious food, fun with friends, AND, Noodles and Company will be donating 25% of qualifying sales back to ASCA. Includes dine in and drive through orders.
- How: Just mention that you are there for the All Saints Catholic Academy fundraiser at the register, or click here and show the flyer.
Last Word: Students who attend the event will receive a Pick a Day Out of Uniform pass. Simply send in your receipt, dated picture, etc. in an envelope marked ‘Noodles Night’ and your student’s name(s) and homeroom(s). OR, send your receipt, dated picture, etc. via email to with ‘Noodles’ and your student’s name(s) and homeroom(s)" in the subject line.
News from All Saints Athletic Association
From the Saints Sidelines . . . We are closing out the regular season with many of our teams still playing strong. Bringing home wins for last weekend were Boys 8A, 8B1 and 8B2 and Girls 5B, 6A, 6B and 7A. We are so proud of our teams’ performances this season, keep up the good work Saints!
To keep up with schedules and current standings check the league website at
BLUE OUT is BACK! Be sure to wear your BLUE and come out to the ASCA gym on Saturday, February 15th for a SPECIAL evening honoring our 8th grade players and their parents! We have some fun things planned as we host our 8th graders one last time on HOME court.
The schedule for the evening is as follows:
- 5:00 pm Girls 8A vs. St. Pius X
- 6:00 pm Boys 8B1 vs. St. Scholastica
- 7:00 pm Boys 8B2 vs. Ss. Peter & Paul
- 8:00 pm Boys 8A vs. Ss. Peter & Paul
Mark your calendars and be sure to come celebrate your team successes at the end of season banquet for basketball on Thursday, March 19th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. RSVPs and invites will be available soon!
There is still time to register for Track & Field. Students in grades 5-8 are welcome to join Track & Field! The 2020 T&F season will be underway soon with practices starting late March. Register your athlete now at:
ASAA Looking for Secretary/Communications Coordinator…Interested in getting involved in the Athletic Association? We are currently looking for a parent to join us on the Board. The primary responsibility of the secretary is to manage annual sports registrations and rosters and keep/publish meeting minutes. The secretary will also be responsible for communicating concession schedules, creating/updating the Athletic calendar, coordinating athletic team photo sessions and creating the weekly sports report for inclusion in the weekly school newsletter. Additionally, this position is responsible for communications via the sports website.
The person chosen for this position will shadow the current Secretary/Communications Coordinator for the next 9 months to learn the role before taking over. Individuals interested should contact Erika Baka ( or Keith Glab (
Did YOU know that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!! Click on the icons below to take a look.

A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of
Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019

For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above.
We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors.
Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.