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Monday, March 3, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak – 12/19/2019 – We Wish You the Merriest

As we approach the end of this calendar year, and almost half way through this school year, I have been reflecting on so many of the ‘lasts’ that I have been and will be sharing with all of you and the All Saints school community as your principal.


Sometimes, it is in the bigger things, like our Meet and Greet where we reconnect and nurture our newly formed school community before the start of the school year, or on Curriculum Night when we lay out the game plan of where we (the teacher, our students, and their families) plan to journey and grow throughout the coming months, or in our beautiful Christmas Concert where we showcase the gifts of our students, and celebrate them along with this season of love and light. 


Most often, though, it is in the smaller things.  Like visiting one of my teachers’ classrooms for an observation (part of the job of being a principal), and being blown away by their lesson plan, their creativity, how they engage their students, and most of all how much they care about and love the children and the profession of teaching.   Or receiving an email from a parent simply to tell me how happy their student is here at ASCA, and thanking me.  Or like today, when the kindergarten students came bursting into my office (I don't think I have ever had that many children in there) with pure joy and excitement, looking for a clue that would bring them ever closer to finding their missing gingerbread men.   These are the days that I hold dear.    


I would not be honest if I did not say that there are some days where being a principal can be challenging to say the least.  Even on those days, days where I think that I might not return the next day, I find the true joy and humility in leading such an amazing school like All Saints Catholic Academy.  We have accomplished so many things together over the past four years.  I will cherish every 'last' that comes my way with the same wonder, awe, and joy of the 'firsts' back in the 2016-2017 school year.   I sincerely and humbly hope that I will have made a positive contribution to All Saints.  All Saints, and the ASCA family - past, current and future – will always be a part of my heart.    


I wish you and your beloved family, a merry and joyous Christmas season, and a new year to come that is filled with happiness, good health, prosperity, and peace.


I would also like to express my appreciation and that of our staff for the generosity of our school families who contributed to the coordinated Teacher and Staff Christmas Gift from ASPA.  I have never been part of such a giving community as here at All Saints.  I am so very proud of the hard work of our ASCA faculty and staff.  Thank you so much for acknowledging them in such a lovely, heartfelt and generous way. 


I know that many of you may be wondering about my successor.  The search for the new principal of All Saints Catholic Academy is underway.  Mrs. Karen Udell, Assistant Superintendent of Leadership and Personnel for the Diocese of Joliet, has met with our faculty and staff, as well as our governing boards, to discuss the process, and to give them the opportunity to talk about what makes ASCA great, the future of All Saints, and what they are looking for in ASCA’s next principal. 


An electronic Principal Search Community Survey has been put together to give YOU the opportunity to offer your insight.  I strongly encourage you to take this survey so that your voice can be heard.  All responses will be used to assist in the selection of the best candidates for ASCA, and to assist the Search Committee in developing interview protocols for those candidates.


The survey will be open until midnight on Friday, January 10, and will only take a few minutes of your time.   The survey questions are in both English and Spanish. 


Click here to access the Principal Search Community Survey.      


As the principal search continues, information about the search will be shared with the community from Mrs. Bajek, who is serving as the Search Committee Liason. 


2019-2020 Annual Fund Appeal

Please look for the Annual Fund Appeal letter that is coming home today with your youngest and only child.  This year, the Weinewuth family is sharing their family story and All Saints Catholic Academy experience. 


The Weinewuth family has had four children graduate from ASCA; and in the appeal letter, so eloquently share their experience ‘on the other side’ after their children's graduation from ASCA, discussing the firm academic and spiritual foundation that each of their children built here at All Saints. 


I hope that you too see the value of the investment that you are making in your child with an All Saints Catholic Academy education; and that you will prayerfully consider a gift to this year’s Annual Fund Appeal, supporting the ongoing and future success of Catholic education, and of All Saints Catholic Academy.    No gift is too small; and all gifts will make an impact on this special place that we all call home.     


You are welcome to contribute by sending back the return envelope with your commitment card and payment, or click here to make an online donation.  


Looking for a Lunchroom Aide

All Saints is looking for a lunchroom aide.  This is a paid position – four days a week, from 10 am – 1 pm.  If you are interested in the position, or have any questions, please contact Mrs. Santos as


Christmas Parties and Junior High Dance – Tomorrow, Friday, December 20

On Friday, K – 5 students are required to be in uniform (out of uniform passes cannot be used on this day).  Students may add something ‘Christmasy’ to their uniform, and may even wear a red or green top with their uniform bottoms.    


Junior high students may be out of uniform and dressed up for their dance.  As always, please make good choices. 



Please click here for the final ASCA NOW News of this decade – the December 18, 2019 edition, produced in house by our very own Junior High Academy students. 


All Saints Parents Association (ASPA)

Saints in Service - ASPA’s Community Outreach


Advent Service Project for Hesed House

Last week, we wrapped up our Advent Collection for Hesed House.  A special thank you to our ASCA families for your very generous donations to Hesed House! We are always so proud of our collective efforts. Community Outreach collected, sorted, and will be delivering the donations to Hesed House this weekend. Thanks to Mrs. Bajek for each and every effort she makes to support our Community Outreach Team! Her tireless efforts and follow-up never go unnoticed. We even had an All Saints Alumni (Benet Freshman- Roberto) help load! Hesed House will be thrilled to receive our donations to GIFT to their clientele this Christmas!


Martin Luther King Day of Service – Monday, January 20, 2020

Martin Luther King, Jr. was deeply committed to serving others.  Each year on MLK Day, the students of ASCA honor Dr. King through acts of service. School is not in session on MLK day.  Instead, students are asked to perform an act of service. 


The ASCA Day of Service is about giving of yourself for the benefit of others. It is incredibly important to reflect on how the activity impacts you; therefore, each student is asked to fill out a reflection form on the service they completed.   Each student must complete and submit this form to their classroom teacher by Friday, February 7, 2020.   


Click here for the MLK Day Reflection Form


SHPP’s Community Outreach Committee has scheduled multiple service activities for your convenience.  These activities and the related signup links can be found in the list below.  


Have fun, help others and get to know members of our ASCA family!


However, you are not limited to this list, as you can feel free to create and complete your own act of service in your home or neighborhood.  For example, you may choose to help a neighbor with chores, write a letter to a senior citizen, and/or volunteer with your family at an organization close to your heart.  Not considered an act of service?  Cleaning your room (this is something that you should always do).    


The community service activity can be completed any time from now throughout the month of January.  This, hopefully, allows each family adequate time to complete a community service opportunity in a way that works for them. We encourage you to find an activity that matches your passion and to participate wholeheartedly.


If you have specific questions regarding a planned activity, please contact Robin Beck at  Thank you!


**Requirement** Each student must complete and return the reflection form their classroom teacher by Friday, February 7, 2020 to receive attendance credit for MLK Day (Monday, January 20, 2020).


MLK Day Volunteer Opportunities


1.  Feed My Starving Children

Location: 555 Exchange Court Aurora, IL 60504

Description:  Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s hungry children in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and the meals are shipped to distribution partners.  While at FMSC, you will pack food for those in need in a fun, music-filled, interactive environment.  You can enjoy the company of other ASCA families while helping others around the world!   


FOUR SESSIONS are available:

Session 1:  Saturday, January 18, 2020:  9:00AM - 10:30AM


Session 2:  Saturday, January 18, 2020:  11:30AM - 1:00PM


Session 3:  Monday, January 20, 2020:  9:30AM - 11:30AM


Session 4:  Monday, January 20, 2020:  12:00PM - 2:00PM


Age guidelines are as follows:

This activity is for children ages 5 and up.  For Grades K-2 there must be one adult volunteer per child volunteer.  For Grades 3 and up, we ask for one parent volunteer to participate per family.

Sign up directly through the link next to your preferred session.  Agree to the volunteer guidelines/requirements and click “confirm”.  “Log in” or “Create a New Account” and once you have entered your information, you can click “Add Member Names” to add your children.  It is highly recommended that you do not wait to reserve your spot as these reservations fill quickly.  Also, one week before the session, FMSC may release any of our empty spots to other volunteer groups, in order to fill their sessions.


2.  St. Elizabeth Seton Parish Caring Cards Ministry

Location: ASCA Cafeteria

Session: Monday, January 20, 2020, 10:00AM – 11:30AM

For the safety of all students, parents/caregivers are required to stay with their children during the session.  All ages are welcome!

Description: ASCA volunteers make uplifting and prayerful Valentine’s Day cards for parishioners and/or their loved ones who are chronically ill, elderly/lonely, or recently widowed. Be creative and have fun while helping others in our community!  The parishioners of St. Elizabeth Seton LOVE receiving cards from our students! 

If you are able to bring materials to make cards (such as paper, pens/pencils, markers, scissors, stickers, glue etc.) that would be wonderful!  Also, if you would like to bring any items to contribute to the Loaves and Fishes birthday bags, this activity will also be going on in the cafeteria.  (See the information below.)  Thank you!


Registration Link:


3.  Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry Birthday Bag Bonanza!

Location:  ASCA Cafeteria

Session:  Monday, January 20, 2020, 9:30AM – 11:00AM

For the safety of all students, parents/caregivers are required to stay with their students during the session.  All ages are welcome!

Description:  Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry serves our community by providing fresh, healthy food to those in need.  Loaves and Fishes presents birthday bags to families with children ages 2-12 to help them celebrate their special day.  You can make birthdays brighter by creating birthday bags for their clients!  If you would like to volunteer for this event, we ask that you bring items to place into birthday bags, which we will assemble together. 

Here are some suggestions: 

  • A birthday gift bag (The bags and items inside can be generic or oriented towards a boy or girl.)
  • Small Toys (Books, coloring books, small stuffed animals, action figures, activity books, puzzles, small games)
  • Birthday plates, napkins, cups
  • Candles
  • Party Favors
  • Balloons or other decorations

Please indicate in the sign up, the items you would like to bring.  Thank you, in advance, for your donations!


Registration Link:


4.  St. Patrick’s Residence

Location: St. Patrick’s Residence 1400 Brookdale Rd. Naperville

Session:  Monday, January 20, 2020: 2:00PM – 3:00PM for 14 student volunteers (not including parents)


Description: Students will play games with residents of St. Patrick’s.  Students are encouraged to bring games such as cards, UNO, checkers or other board games, if possible.  This is a fun way to brighten someone’s day!


Registration Link:


5. West Suburban Community Pantry

Location: 6809 Hobson Valley Drive Woodridge, IL 60517

Session: Monday, January 20, 2020.  We are waiting to hear back from West Suburban Food Pantry regarding the timing of this event.  We will post this sign up, when it becomes available.

Description: The West Suburban Community Pantry offers food for the hungry and resources to empower persons to improve the quality of life. Our vision is a community without hunger. Volunteers will organize and pack meals for families while learning about the vital importance of access to balanced meals and healthy food.  This wonderful organization will inspire you.  Come and learn more about helping others in our community!


6.  St. Margaret Mary Parish Clean-up

Location: St. Margaret Mary Parish 1450 Green Trails Dr. Naperville

Session: We will be scheduling this opportunity with the parish in the upcoming weeks.

Facilitator: Terri Dieter

Description: ASCA volunteers assist the parish by cleaning pews and vacuuming the church.


*Please note that Benedictine University will not be offering their Day of Service to the community, as they have in previous years.  We know that many of you chose to participate in this annual event, and we wanted to make you aware of their schedule change.  Their Day of Service on 1/20/20 is for their students only.


Questions? Please email Anne Soto at or Robin Beck at for more information or questions. Thank you!


Fundraising Corner

Scrip (counts toward FFO)

Merry Christmas everyone.  The next processing of physical cards will be on Monday, January 6th.   Over Christmas break, you can continue to use Scrip for virtual ECards.  If you have a scrip Order you haven’t picked up yet, you can pick them up at the school office during office hours. 


Scrip is a GREAT way to earn toward your FFO!!!!  Simply click here to enroll.  Please contact the Scrip coordinators for the school’s enrollment code. Need more information? Contact





Were you aware that All Saints is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!  Click on the icons below to take a look.




A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of 

Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019 








For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. 


We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors. 


Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.

Previous Article Saints Speak – 12/12/2019 – Making Memories
Next Article Blooper Reel

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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