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Monday, March 3, 2025

Saints News

Keep up with all the happenings at All Saints

Patty Bajek
/ Categories: School Events

Saints Speak - 10/31/2019 - Happy Celebrations

There is such excitement in the building today it is Halloween, although you would not know it by the weather of the past couple of days.  It feels more like Christmas.   This morning, our youngest Growing Saints preschoolers came to school in costume, and the cuteness was in full force.  Spiderman was well represented, with Wonder Woman and the Power Rangers thrown in for good measure.  We probably had the most Disney princesses gathered in one place outside of Orlando.  We even had a hot dog (with mom in the relish shirt - way to go!), dragons, a hedgehog, an astronaut, and a cat.  I wish that I could name them all.  So much fun for all!


Upstairs in the Junior High, it feels more like we are at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, than at All Saints.  The junior high staff look amazing, costumed like they just walked out of a Harry Potter film.   Our junior high students (and staff) dressed up as literary characters, and the creativity level was quite high.  


I wish you all a Happy Halloween celebration.  Be warm and safe if you will be out trick or treating this afternoon/evening.


School Closing Communication

With the drastic turn of the weather so early this year, I wanted to let you know the ways in which we will communicate with school families in the event of a school closing due to inclement weather, polar vortex temperatures, mechanical issues, or any other reason which would necessitate a school closing or cancelling of classes. 


When a potential weather related situation presents itself, please know that we closely monitor both current and future weather conditions.  If and when a decision is made to cancel classes, All Saints Catholic Academy will notify school families in a number of different ways which I share below. 


All Saints uses the Nixle Everbridge notification system in the event of a school closing or other emergency.  School families will receive notification by email, phone AND text.  Nixle Everbridge provides a market-leading software platform for local, public safety and service communications. If you receive notifications from the City of Naperville, known as Naper Notify, or any other municipality, you are already familiar with this type of information delivery system.


All Saints will be doing a test of this emergency system on Monday, November 4 at 8:30 am.  This will only be a test.  When you receive the test message, there will be nothing further for you to do – you do not have to call the school.    


In the event that you

do not receive this test on Monday, November 4 at 8:30 am via the Nixle Everbridge platform,


wish to make a change in your contact information for emergency texts/emails/phone calls only, please contact Patty Bajek at or (630) 961-6125.    Do not make the change in SchoolSpeak. 


Other ways in which ASCA will notify school families of a school closing include the following:

  • Information about the closing will be posted on the home page of the ASCA website
  • Information about the closing will be posted at the Emergency Closing Center -
  • Information about the closing will be noted on school phones and the electronic sign    



All Saints Feast Day Celebration

Tomorrow, Friday, November 1, we will celebrate our very special feast, All Saints Day.  Our school mass will be celebrated that morning at 8:15 am.  All are invited to attend.   On this feast day, we celebrate all the saints, known and unknown. While most saints have a particular feast day on the Catholic calendar (usually, though not always, the date of their death), not all of those feast days are observed. And saints who have not been canonized—those who are in Heaven, but whose sainthood is known only to God—have no particular feast day. In a special way, All Saints Day is their feast. 





Volleyball Championship Celebration

This past weekend, four of our volleyball teams feasted on championship victories.  ASCA claimed the most championships of all DPL teams!   Congratulations to Girls 5A, 7A, 7B and Boys 7A!  We cannot wait to raise the banners in the gym.  I would also like to acknowledge our Girls 8A and Boys 8A teams on their 2nd place finishes; and ALL of our ASCA teams for a terrific season.  All Saints fielded 10 volleyball teams in total.  How wonderful is it to have a no cut sports program where all student athletes who would like to play a sport have an opportunity to be part of a team


Thank you also to our Athletic Director, Keith Glab, our Volleyball Coordinator, Kathy Kokkinos, ASAA Comunications Coordinator, Erika Baka and all of the ASAA board members, our volleyball coaches, and, in particular, to all of our parents who brought students to practices and games throughout the season, and sat in the bleachers cheering them on!   


Parent Teacher Conferences – Next Thursday, November 7

Conferences will take place on Thursday, November 7, from 11 am – 8 pm.   Preschool through Grade 5 online conference sign up will remain open through today, Thursday, October 31.  If you have not yet signed up for a time, please do so today.  If you need assistance with sign up, please contact your child’s teacher, or Mrs. Thomson at   Junior High (Grade 6 – 8) conferences take place in the school gym, and do not require an appointment.  Note that there will be no conferences during the 5 – 6 pm dinner break. 


Child care will be provided by our junior high Student Voices in Café 1 for parents who are attending a conference. 


First Wednesday Adoration – Wednesday, November 6

Our All Saints school community will celebrate Eucharistic Adoration immediately following our school Mass, this coming Wednesday, November 6.   We will process to the Chapel following mass.  Adoration in the Chapel will continue until 3 pm.  All ASCA families, students, staff, and friends of ASCA are welcome to join us.  For parents and families, a sign-up sheet will be located at the Welcome Desk.  We would appreciate people signing up to be certain that we have the entire day covered.  Times will be one hour slots from 9-3.    Even if you cannot commit to an entire hour or only spend a short time with our Lord, please come. Please enter through Door #1 and get a badge prior to Adoration.  Thank you, and God bless. If you have any questions, please contact Christi Kluzak at



This week’s edition of the ASCA NOW News, produced by our Junior High students is now available for viewing.  Click here for the October 30, 2019 news

All Saints Parents Association (ASPA)


Next ASPA Meeting – Tuesday, November 12

The next meeting of the All Saints Parents Association will be on Tuesday, November 12 at 7 pm in Café 1.  Please plan to join us to catch up on the many happenings at All Saints.  All Are Welcome!


Tuesday, November 19 Event REMINDER – 6 – 8:30 PM

Sergeant Tim Erdman will be at All Saints Catholic Academy to speak to our ASCA parents on Tuesday, November 19th from 6:00 - 6:30 pm about our upcoming Active Shooter Drill at All Saints.  Sergeant Erdman’s presentation will take place just before Detective Wistocki’s presentation on Cyber Safety which will take place from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.


Thank you to our All Saints Parents Association (ASPA) for sponsoring this important event.  Naperville Police Department employee and child crime expert, Detective Richard Wistocki has dedicated his career to helping children by tirelessly pursuing, apprehending and prosecuting child predators; and he will be at All Saints on Tuesday, November 19 to help us!   As an active Cyber Crimes Detective, he educates Law Enforcement using cutting edge investigative techniques, and parents and students on responsible digital activity.


We are living in a different age with our children than the world that we grew up in.  Our children and young people have access to powerful technology and information as close as the palms of their hands.  We must be informed, vigilant, and engaged with our children and students to keep them safe in the cyber world that extends far beyond our home, school, and neighborhoods.


We need all school parents who are able to come, to be present to hear our speakers in the ASCA School gym on Tuesday, November 19 from 6 - 8:30 PM.


Please note that students will NOT be allowed to attend either presentation or be in the building on the evening of November 19.  This is a parent only presentation


Saints in Service - ASPA’s Community Outreach

Upcoming Events:

We have a number of collections coming up.  It you are able to support these efforts, we thank you in advance

  • November 4-6: Post Halloween Candy Collection for Operation Support Our Troops – more information to come in the Weekly Reminders
  • November 18-22: Shoe Drive for Cradles to Crayons
  • November 18-22: Coat Drive for Button and Zipper
  • December 2-20: School-wide Advent Collection for Hesed House
  • January 20, 2020: MLK Day of Service - Many philanthropic opportunities will be made available on this day of service.  More information will follow!


Questions? Please email Anne Soto at or Robin Beck at for more information. Thank you!


Fundraising Corner

What is this FFO?

Remember that all families are responsible for their Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO - $250 for preschool only families; $500 for K-8 families)


Charleston Wrap Pick Up – Thursday and Friday, October 31 and November 1

Charleston Wrap orders will be available for pick up this week in McSherry Hall as follows:  

  • On Halloween, Thursday, October 31st - pick up will take place in the afternoon from 1:15 - 3:45 pm.
  • On Friday, November 1, pick up will also be available before and after our All Saints Day mass celebration on Friday, November 1st in McSherry Hall.


If your children go to aftercare and you would like your order left in aftercare for pickup, please email


 NEW!!! Optional Christmas Poinsettia Sale (counts toward FFO)

Order beautiful high-quality Poinsettias for the Christmas season. The Poinsettias will be available to order beginning today, Thursday, October 31st through Sunday, November 17th.  Poinsettias are available in red or white (only 20 white available) and will arrive in a 6” pot, with 4+ blooms.  The cost is $20 each and you will earn $10 towards your Family Fundraising Obligation. So you earn 50% FFO!  The poinsettias will be to ASCA delivered for pick up the week of December 3rd.


To order, click here. Questions? Contact


Scrip (counts toward FFO)

Please see the following testimonial from a current school parent who has earned her FFO (AND BEYOND) with the purchase of Scrip:


Scrip is such an easy way to meet your fundraising goals. As a family, we have already met our goal; and now we are getting tuition credit and giving back to the school. One purchase at the right time can really help. Recently, Home Depot was on SCRIP special, and went to 8%. We were in desperate need of new carpeting and decided that this was the time.  So we got the measurements and cost from the store.  Although, we had missed the deadline to purchase a physical card for this purchase; e cards were available.  We ordered the e cards online while we were at the store.  We then went into the Scrip wallet, walked up to the register, and paid. That one order gave us $350 in fundraising (FFO) credit.   So just think about upcoming remodeling, parties, and trips; and maybe, Scrip can also help you to not only make your fundraising goal, but maybe even earn some tuition credit.   

If you were not aware, once you have reached your FFO goal of $250 or $500; half of all Scrip earnings after that will become a tuition credit for the 2020-2021 school year.  


THANK YOU to this parent for sharing her family’s Scrip success with all of us!!! 


Important Scrip Dates Coming Up:


  • Think about purchasing gift cards via Scrip for upcoming holiday gifts instead of purchasing them in the checkout line at the store. 
  • ThanksScriping Day – Thursday, November 21 -  This huge event only happens 3 times a year.  Earn the biggest bonus rebates of the season on dozens of eGift cards and reloads for one day only. 
  • Holiday Bonuses – November 30 – December 13 – Earn even more on holiday shopping with two weeks of bonuses on top brands. 
  • Two Days of Gifting – December 5 and 6 – Stock up on physical gifts cards to use as gifts during two days of bonuses on physical cards only. 


Scrip is a great fundraiser to take advantage of, as orders are placed most EVERY WEEK!   Simply click here to enroll.  Please contact the scrip team for our school's enrollment code.   Need more information or have questions? Contact   Please note that Scrip orders placed through the end of February 2020 will count toward this year's FFO (2019-2020 school year).  Orders placed from March 2020 forward will count toward the 2020-2021 school year.  


No Cookin’ in the Kitchen Night (does not count toward FFO)

Save the Date – November’s No Cookin’ Night will be at Chipotle on Wednesday, November 20.


A Message from the All Saints Health Office

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Cold and flu season has arrived!  To prevent widespread flu in the school, we recommend that your child stay home from school if experiencing flu or cold symptoms. 

To decide whether or not to send your child to school, please consider the following guidelines; and keep your child home and consider seeking medical attention if he or she has any of these symptoms:

  • Fever (greater than 100 degrees by mouth.  Your child may return to school only after his or her temperature has been consistently below 100 degrees, by mouth, for a minimum of 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications
  • Vomiting (even once) or Diarrhea
  • Chills, general malaise or feelings of fatigue, discomfort, weakness or muscle aches
  • Frequent congested (wet) or croupy cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose


Consider keeping your child home for an extra day of rest and observation if he or she has any of the following symptoms:

  • Very stuffy or runny nose and/or cough
  • Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to strep)
  • Headache
  • Stomach ache


To help prevent the flu and other colds, teach your children good hygiene habits:

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water.  Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, use a paper tissue, throw it away and then wash hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth.


The flu shot is one of the best ways to prevent illness from the seasonal influenza virus.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends adults and children receive the flu vaccine each year. 


Colds are most contagious during the first 48 hours.  A child who has a fever should remain at home until “fever free” for a minimum of 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.  Often a child awakens with vague complaints (the way colds and flu begin), it is wise to observe your child at home for an hour or two before deciding whether or not to bring to school.  Your child should be physically able to participate in all school activities on return to school.  Keeping a sick child at home will minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom. 


Please also take the time to click on the links below for flu guides for parents from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):




Thank you in advance for helping make this year at school as healthy as possible.


Susan Fuller RN, BSN

ASCA School Nurse


News from All Saints Athletic Association

Volleyball News

CONGRATULATIONS to our Championship teams . . . Girls 5A, 7A, 7B and Boys 7A!!!  All Saints was well represented with 6 teams making it to the Championship!  Congratulations also goes out to our Girls 8A and Boys 8A teams for their 2nd place finishes! 


REMINDER . . . Please return your washed volleyball uniform ASAP!  Uniforms should be place in a bag with the player’s name and team and returned to the front desk.


Basketball News

Our Basketball Coordinator is currently finalizing team assignments and practice schedules.  Team assignments will be released early next week.  Players should expect to begin practice the week of Monday, November 11th.  Game schedules have not yet been released by the DPL.


Sports Physicals for Basketball Players

All players must have a valid sports or health physical on file that will carry them through the entire season.  If you have not yet turned in your physical, please do so ASAP.   Questions?  Contact Susan Fuller at  


Go Saints!



Check Us Out on Social Media - We welcome all of our new followers!!!




A Tremendous Thank You to the Cornerstone Sponsors of 

Coming Home, ASCA Dinner Dance Auction 2019 








For more information, please click on the Cornerstone Sponsor logos above. 


We encourage you to patronize these generous sponsors. 


Please share with them that you are an ASCA family, and thank them for their support of All Saints Catholic Academy.

Previous Article Saints Speak – 10/24/19 – Ideas Into Action
Next Article News for November 6, 2019

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All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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