Dinner Dance Auction - A Green Tie Affair
You will not want to miss this All Saints Catholic Academy's biggest social event and fundraiser of the year - the Dinner Dance Auction. This year's event - A Green Tie Affair - will be held on Saturday, March 17 (St. Patrick's Day) at the Chicago Marriott Naperville. All are welcome to attend!
We have many exciting things going on........
- Six different School Wide Raffle Baskets - winner need not be present. Click here for the raffle ticket order form.
- Under The Stars ($445 Value)
- Pink Power ($310 Value)
- Tech, Tech & More Tech ($430 Value)
- A Galaxy Far, Far Away……($225 Value)
- Calling All Gamers ($405 Value)
- A Road to Adventure ($355 Value)
Cost? - $5 Per Ticket Or 5 Tickets For $20
Here's what in the baskets:
Under The Stars
Croyale Video Projector 3200 Luminous
Camp Chef Portable Outdoor Movie Screen
The Emoji Movie Blu-Ray/DVD
Despicable Me 3 Blu-Ray/DVD
Dunkirk Blu-Ray/DVD
Hundred + Party Pack Glow Sticks
Two Glow in The Dark Silly Strings
WestBend Stir Crazy Popcorn Maker
WestBend Pop Crazy Seasoning Pack
Orville Redenbacher’s Popcorn
Movie Theater Butter
Kernel Seasons White Cheddar
Skinny Pop Popcorn
Raisinets, Skittles, Nerds, & Whoppers
Tech, Tech & More Tech
Amazon Echo Show – Black
Echo Show Glass Pro Screen
Amazon Echo Dot - Black
Fire TV Stick
Wemo Wi Fi Smart Plug
Two Starbucks Coffee Mugs
Two 1Lb. Starbucks Coffee
Junior Mints, Reese’s Pieces, Sour Patch Kids, & M&M’s
Calling All Gamers
Nintendo Switch
Orzly Nintendo Switch Carry Case
Super Mario Odyssey Game
$25.00 Game Stop Gift Card
Lemonheads, Milk Duds, Hot Tamales, & Mike and Ike
Pink Power
American Girl Kit Kittredge Doll
American Girl Dog
Two $25.00 American Girl Gift Cards
Ultimate Scrapbook and Memories Set
Ty Angel Bear
Magic Sequin Heart Pouch
Disney Tsum Tsum Coloring Book
Crayola Silly Scents Markers
Crayola Silly Scents Colored Pencils
Crayola Sparkle Party Crayons
Lace Hand Fan
Autographed Zar And the Broken Spaceship Book
Milk Duds, Whoppers, Sweet Tart Rope, & Sour Patch Watermelon
A Galaxy Far, Far Away…
Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon
Lego Star Wars Y-Wing Starfighter
Lego Star Wars Yoda’s Jedi Starfighter
Lego Star Wars Wookie Gunship
Lego Star Wars TIE Advanced Prototype
Star Wars BB-9E Bobble Head
Star Wars Journal
Autographed Zar and the Broken Spaceship
Junior Mints, Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish, & Reese’s Pieces
A Road to Adventure
Smart Balance Wheel Hover Board
Hover Board Waterproof Backpack
Sharper Image Live Streaming Video Drone
Eddie Bauer StowAway Backpack
$40.00 Amazon Gift Card (Helmet)
Swedish Fish, Whoppers, Junior Mints, & Sweet Tart Rope
2. $ 5,000 Tuition Credit Raffle - Limo Ride to the Auction Incentive Drawing
Deadline extended to Friday, March 9!!!! If we sell 140 total tickets by March 9 - we will have an incentive drawing to win a LIMO ride to and from Dinner Dance Auction on March 17, 2018. There are only 27 more tickets TOTAL available for purchase (only a few more tickets to sell for the chance to ride in style to the auction); so be sure to purchase yours TODAY!
Please click here for more details!
3. School Wide Wine Collection
The DDA committee will be collecting bottles of wine and/or monetary donations for the WINE PULL RAFFLE this year. Donated bottles can be dropped off in the school office. Last year the wine pull raffle sold out fast! Thank you for your help and support. The donation form is attached for your convenience.
4. New This Year - 50/50 Raffle
We are excited to announce that we will be having a 50/50 Raffle! Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. You could be the big winner!!!!! If you have any questions or would like to purchase tickets, please contact Lisa Hajek at Lisa.Hajek@gmail.com or Laura Blackwell at lcummings77@yahoo.com.
5. Blackhawks Ticket Raffle - Congratulations to Julie Storino! She won the Blackhawks Ticket Raffle at the Blue Out! Have a great time at the game!
6. Purchase Your Tickets to the Event
Ordering your tickets to the auction could not be easier. Simply click here to place your online order. Consider sponsoring one of our amazing teachers!
7. Book your Room at the Marriott
We have a block of rooms available if you would like to spend the night at the hotel. Book your room today (the rate is $106 a night) by clicking here.
Questions? Contact the DDA team at dda@ascacademy.org, and check out the DDA website at https://ascacademy.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/AGreenTieAffair/tabid/909641/Default.aspx .