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Principal's Newsletter - September 24, 2014

I would like to have a conversation with you as parents about a difficult topic. I say this up front, because I would prefer that it isn't your child(ren) reading this.  

I am sad that in my entire lifetime, we have not made progress in the quest to change minds and hearts about abortion. From a political/legal standpoint, we have been governed by the national legalization of abortion since 1973.   The law says the person carrying the baby has the right to choose.   While others work to change the formal laws, it gives us an opportunity to work to create the mindset that the precious life created by God, no matter how conceived, has a destiny. 

As we prayed for years before the start of the opening of our school, the prayer ended with "The children that you send us, Lord, may someday be the instruments of world peace.  One of them might hold the cure for a crippling disease, and one might be destined to carry on the work of Mother Theresa. Most will grow into the next generation of our church as loving, caring, compassionate children of God. Let us do our very best work so that they can know you as we do...."     With that mindset we can change hearts and minds at a time.  

Where can we start?  In our conversations with our children, we can elevate and appreciate those who make the other-centered decision to have a baby that was not the answer their prayers.  The decision is difficult, but in the end a peaceful one. That leads to an appreciation for the families of the world who seek adoption that places together these beautiful babies with moms and dads who are seeing this baby as an answer to their prayers.  Think how wonderful it was to discover that you were having a baby.  Every infant child deserves that instant joyful love offered for them.  We need to be willing to share with our children who are school age, the story of beauty of that moment. We need to be open about our appreciation of the entire adoption process; both the other-centered mother willing to give the opportunity of life and destiny to a child; and the family that is waiting for the addition of the child that can't be conceived biologically. That is how we can create a next generation that can't imagine that abortion is the only convenient option.  In fact, we hope that they see that abortion should not be an option at all.

We are so lucky in our ASCA community because one of our school founders, Kelly Gorsky, is also the founder of the Waterleaf Women’s Center.  Waterleaf is a pro-life support center to help mothers follow the path to life for their unborn child and a lifetime of peace with their decision. We can help. As the adults of this ASCA family, I ask that you keep the conversation positive about these amazing women, and that you support Waterleaf in any way you that you can.   Call them at 630-701-6270 if you can help with diapers, blankets, financial support, etc.    Include them in your prayers as well.  I deeply believe in the power of prayer.

You are the primary educator of your children. You can form their core value on this issue long before the moment that you need to have the conversations with them as adolescents about their own path to parenthood. It is a seamless fabric that doesn't just begin as they reach adolescence.   I have a sign in my house given to me with the first of my five children. It says "parenthood is hard work ".   It is, but it is the best work you will ever do. God bless you and guide you as you cherish your child as a gift from God.

Academic Warnings for Grades 5-8

This is the warning week for our athletes to be sure their grades are a “C” or better.  Each parent of a grade 5-8 student needs to go to their SchoolSpeak academic account. Check each class, and look under the summary line for your student’s overall grade. That grade must be a C or better.  If it is a D or an F, you will need to email your child’s coach (VB, CC, FB, or Cheer) to let them know that your child is working on this, with the hope that their grade is a C or better before Monday, September 29th.  If they are unable to raise their grade, they will have a Midquarter that will restrict them from practicing or playing until the grade is improved.  We do not have the ability to generate the same kind of lists that we have been able to share with the coaches in the past, so we believe that this will work to alert the coach and encourage the coach to support you in your child’s improvement. 

AdvancEd Survey

Last February, parents, staff and students of all of the schools in the Joliet Diocese participated in an online survey. The AdvanceEd Survey results were not available to us until just after students left us in May.  I have shared the results with Fr. Dick Smith, our pastoral president, and with the school board; but, I wanted to give you a summary as well.  The quantitative data is attached. There were open ended responses, as well, that ranged from a few demanding my immediate resignation, to those who love the school and myself in particular.  The open responses did include comments about specific parents, students, and staff. These would not be appropriate to be made public; but please trust that they have been shared with Fr. Dick, and that we have addressed the specifics with the people involved.  From a Diocesan level, the assistant superintendent shared that this was true in many schools, and they were disappointed when the comments were voiced in this way.  Likely, the structure of the question invited this type of response, and the Diocese will be looking at this for future surveys.  The survey process will be done annually; and, hopefully, the results will be timelier.  For the people who are anxious for my departure, you need only to wait until the end of the next school year.  As many of you may already know, I will be retiring after the 2015-2016 school year.

Marketing Committee

Do you have talent in the areas of marketing, social media, or communications?  Or do you have strong ties with your Parish? Currently, we’re lacking representation from St. Thomas the Apostle, but all are welcome!  Can you or someone you know, help us get the word out about the benefits of an All Saint’s education? The School Board Marketing Committee is looking for members to help guide this important area. This committee meets every other month, and does not require a significant time commitment.  If you can help, please email Dr. Renehan at

Dinner Dance Auction  Save the Date  -  Saturday, March 14, 2015

Come Join the Team

The Dinner Dance Auction Committee Kick-Off Meeting will be Friday, October 3, 2014

at 8:15 am in the Teacher’s Lounge. Please consider being a part of planning our annual, premier social and fundraising event that this year will celebrate the 10th anniversary of our school. We need your talent!  In particular, we are looking for help with solicitations, corporate sponsorships, graphic design, invitations, marketing, decorations and technology. There are roles for those that have the flexibility to spend time at school as well as those who wish to contribute from home.

Join the team!  Whether you step up to a leadership position or simply want to be a member of the committee, we will truly value your involvement!  Hope to see you on October 3rd!.  Please contact Michelle Yacullo if you have any questions at or 630-416-6691.

2014-2015 ASCA School Directory

Each school family will receive a copy of the 2014-2015 ASCA School Directory, which will be coming home via backpack mail with all oldest and only students sometime this week, as we have been busy with the final edit and production of the document.  Please be on the lookout for your copy.  Additional copies may be purchased in the school office for $3.   

6th Annual ASCA Fall Fun Fair – This Sunday, September 28 from 12 – 3 PM


ASCA will be the ‘place to be’ this Sunday, September 28 from noon to 3 pm for “dooz” by Boozle B’s, bouncies, fun games, the cake walk! Sports zone!  And more!!

Bring your family, see all of your friends and plan on joining us for this event that brings the All Saints school community together for fun on what is looking to be a beautiful autumn afternoon.  

2014 Fall Fun Fair Cake Walk Donations

It is not too late to donate, so please help us to make this perennially fun game even more exciting with your contribution. 

WANTED: Bakery Goodies – pies, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, donuts, dipped pretzels, etc!

WHY: What’s a Fun Fair without a Cake Walk?  Please consider donating a baked item. 

HOW & WHEN: It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Complete the lower portion of the Cake Walk Donation Form, and return your form to the ASCA office as soon as possible.

  2. Purchase or bake a delicious goodie.Due to allergies we do ask the donation to be peanut free and tree nut free “in or on” the item.

  3. Bring your well packaged donation to ASCA this Saturday, September 27 from noon to 3 pm.

QUESTIONS:  Please contact Ann Zediker at


Spirit Wear

10th anniversary shirt orders are still being accepted.  The shirt is navy blue, with our anniversary logo, which can be found to can be found to the left. 


All Saints Catholic Academy’s Innisbrook Wrap and Gift Fundraiser

Good news!  We have extended the order cutoff for your Innisbrook orders to this coming Monday, September 29.  You can take advantage of this opportunity to offset up to $500 in Family Fundraising with Innisbrook credits.

Orders to be picked up here at All Saints must now be ordered online, with your receipt and check (but not the order form, which you need to save) returned to the office by the 29th.

Online credit card orders, and orders from out-of-town family and friends must also have order and payment completed by the 29th.

If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Cunningham at , or Tim Traynor at

The Fall Book Fair is Coming – October 14 - 17

Our Fall book fair is coming soon!  Our fair will run from Tuesday, October 14 - Friday, October 17.  We are looking for volunteers that can help with setup/cleanup, chaperoning students to and from class, as well as checkout.  To see what positions and times are available please go to is the same site ASCA uses to schedule parent/teacher conferences, so you can use the same login information to volunteer.  If you are new to the school, please follow the directions to create a new account.  As always, if you have yet to volunteer in our school you must complete Protecting God's Children prior to the fair starting to help.  Any questions can be directed to Darlene Newman at or Lisa Hajek at

Faith Formation - Momnipotent

Faith Formation is reading Momnipotent by Danielle Bean.  If you missed our first meeting, we are going to do it again tomorrow, Thursday, September 25 from 8-10 AM in the cafeteria.  Come join us to discuss how to find peace, balance and joy in motherhood.  Our study includes reading one chapter a month, as well as completing an accompanying journal if desired.  For more information on the book, please check out , or contact Darlene Newman at or Molly Donovan at    

Upcoming Events at St. Thomas the Apostle

Please consider the following faith formation events at St. Thomas the Apostle.  All are invited to attend.

  1. Healing Oils of the Bible – Friday, October 3 from 6:30 – 9:30 pm.  This special women’s event will explore the holy healing, cleansing and anointing oils that are mentioned in the Bible over 500 times.

  2. The Creed – Tuesday, October 14 from 7 – 9 pm.  Come explore the re-translated Creed, the most basic statement of our beliefs.  Take the plunge and dig deeper into the meaning and richness of the text.

  3. How Well Do You Know Jesus?Wednesdays from October 8 through November 12 from 7 – 9 pm.  Come deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ through the study of Fr. Robert Barron’s new DVD-based study program, Priest, Prophet, King.

  4. A Day with Jack Shea – Wednesday, October 22 from 9 am – 3 pm.  This day will focus on our collective and individual spiritual practices, how we engage them, and what changes in consciousness and behavior we hope will emerge.

News from All Saints Athletic Association

 Volleyball Results and News

What a weekend!!! Almost every one of our teams (boys and girls) won at least 1 or both of their games, at home and away! Congratulations to the players and their coaches! Remember that all team standings and future games whether can be found at Please check the All Saints website for the volleyball home game schedule this weekend, as well as the ASCA Weekend Sports Report eblast that is sent every Thursday afternoon at 3 pm.  Come support our volleyball athletes!!

Cross Country  

Another strong performance as our runners entered the Marmion Academy meet this past Saturday!  A special shout out to those who came in 1st place: Owen McGovern and Ben Snyder (5th grade); Kate Scrima (7th grade), as well as the entire 7th grade team coming in 1st : Kate Scrima, Joey Censullo; Andrea Vivar, Callie Juhas and Noah Snyder.

This weekend’s meet is at 9 am on Saturday, September 27 at the Downers Grove Swim and Racquet Club in Downers Grove.  Runners should arrive by 8:15 am.

Basketball Tryouts - SAVE THE DATES

Sunday, October 5                     Saturday, October 18

  • 11:30 -1:00  5th grade boys                                                     8:00-9:30 8th grade boys

  • 1:00-2:30     6th grade girls                                                      1:00-2:30 8th grade girls

  • 2:30-4:00     5thgrade girls

  • 4:00-5:30     7thgrade girls

  • 5:30-7:00     6thgrade boys

  • 7-8:30    7th  grade boys

    Please note that every registered student will be placed on a team.

ASAA Trivia Night - Saturday, October 18

Please return your Trivia Night Ticket Order Form, which can be found at the school website, to be sure that you do not miss this fun evening of game playing and school community.

  • Doors open at 6 pm to decorate your table

  • Trivia starts at 7 pm

  • Music from 9 to 11 pm

  • Prizes awarded for best table decorations and highest trivia score

  • Food will be provided, and BYOB

  • Cost is $40 per person or $350 for table of 10

  • To check out pictures from last year, go to

  • To order tickets, please contact

  • Jim Juhas @ or

  • Keith Glab @

All Saints Football

This past week, the varsity Gold team was victorious with a score of 8-0 over the SRF Wildcats.

This coming week is homecoming, with play scheduled on Sunday, September 28 at St. Francis in Wheaton.  The JV Blue plays at 1 pm, and Varsity Blue plays at 2:45 pm.  There is a gold game scheduled on Monday evening, September 29 at 6 pm under the lights at Commissioner’s Park West Field in Naperville.


All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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