Event date: 1/24/2020 Export event Patty Bajek / Friday, January 10, 2020 / Categories: School Events DDA DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF TEACHER, BUSINESS AND WINE DONATIONS, ADS/SPONSORS DONATIONS, CASH DONATIONS, SAINTLY SPOTS ADS! Today is the deadline for TEACHER, BUSINESS AND WINE DONATIONS, ADS/SPONSORS DONATIONS, CASH DONATIONS, SAINTLY SPOTS ADS! Item Donation Form https://ascacademy.ejoinme.org/Portals/829/Users/069/29/9029/DDA%202020%20-%20Auction%20Donation.pdf?ver=2019-10-16-115846-417 Cash Donation Form https://ascacademy.ejoinme.org/Portals/829/Users/069/29/9029/DDA%202020%20%20-%20%20Cash%20Donation%20Form%20Final.pdf?ver=2019-10-16-112137-100 Tuition Credit Raffle Form https://ascacademy.ejoinme.org/Portals/829/Users/069/29/9029/DDA%202020%20-%20Tuition%20Raffle%20Form.pdf?ver=2019-10-16-115846-600 Saintly Spot Advertising Form https://ascacademy.ejoinme.org/Portals/829/Users/069/29/9029/DDA%202020%20-%20Saintly%20Spot%20Form.pdf?ver=2019-10-16-115846-727 Wine & Champagne Form https://ascacademy.ejoinme.org/Portals/829/Users/069/29/9029/DDA%202020%20-%20Wine%20Donations%20Form.pdf?ver=2019-10-16-115846-797 Corporate Sponsorship Form https://ascacademy.ejoinme.org/Portals/829/Users/069/29/9029/DDA%202020%20-%20Corp%20Sponsor%20Form.pdf?ver=2019-10-16-115846-513 Advertising Form https://ascacademy.ejoinme.org/Portals/829/Users/069/29/9029/DDA%202020%20-%20Updated%20Advertising%20Form.pdf?ver=2019-12-20-122418-607 Print 590
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