5th Grade Parent Meeting - Family Life Curriculum
As your child moves into adolescence, it is the developmentally appropriate time to offer an opportunity for instruction in our wonderful Catholic perspective on human sexuality. It is also an opportunity for the school to partner with parents in an important curriculum that helps children move into young adulthood.
We are requesting that all parents of 5th graders attend a meeting at school on Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 6:30 pm in McSherry Hall. We will discuss the Family Life curriculum and your role in the process. Please note this is a parent-only meeting. We are asking that you do not bring your children.
Bishop Conlon has mandated that each elementary school present the Theological Basis of Family Life Education. Realizing that parents are the primary educators of their children, the faculty does not teach the “biology” portion of family life. Rather, we will use this as a time to teach the value of chastity, the sanctity of marriage and the role of parents as the primary educators of their children.
The All Saints Catholic Academy Family Life Program is offered through Benziger Publishers. All Saints acknowledges your primary role as parents in your child’s education. To that goal, we will be sharing the philosophy, process and content of the program. We hope to offer a comfortable and safe forum for you to discuss the topics using a scripture-based, abstinence- based, Catholic perspective. We hope that this will be a meaningful experience for you and your child and believe that you will receive many blessings from this program.
Please note that this is a mandatory meeting for all 5th grade parents to attend. It is required by the Diocese of Joliet.