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Principal's Newsletter - October 23, 2013

This past Sunday, we had a visiting priest who works with Food for the Poor in Honduras. As he was speaking of how they feed the children two meals a day on $43 a year, I was reminded of how different the world of the Honduran children is from the world of our children. I saw it first hand when I spent a summer in Peru, as well. The irony is that the children of the third world (since they have no other perspective) are happy and grateful children. My own children were often filled with what Fr Paul calls “useless anxiety” over being popular, having the “right” clothes, and getting into Benet. One culture is grateful that they have food and the other culture is in fear of not having something. It seems backward.

I do commend many of the parents here at All Saints for your generous hears that show that you appreciate our abundance rather than wallow in our scarcity. I see your model of philanthropy time and time again ……and so do your children.  When you make contributions to Waterleaf, when you help Ms. Stecher or Ms. Ford as they face their tribulations, when you help the orphanage in Mexico  - you are showing your children that you recognize that God has graced you so that you would be able to share with others. In the name of all those you help with your generosity, I thank you.


Saying Goodbye

This is a note from Ms. Ford that she asked me to share with you all. ”It is with extreme sadness that I am being forced to retire from teaching due to a severe problem with my heart and lungs. I have treasured each and every day with the All Saints community, and will miss you and the children terribly. I have been rushed to the hospital four times since June, so obviously things are at a critical mass. Please tell the children that I love and miss them, and will never forget them. I ask all of your prayers for a long time.  My intense gratitude goes out to the families who gifted me money toward my heart procedures, and to all who have prayed for me.  My heart is full of such love and happy memories for you all.”   Ms. Ford has been with All Saints Catholic Academy since we opened in 2005.    She will be missed, and we will hold her in our prayers.  Her wonderful service to our school and children is deeply appreciated.


Let There Be Heat

The heat has been turned on, just in time for the snow flurries that we had yesterday.  There is heat in the early childhood, primary and intermediate academies; and is working its way to the 5th grade and junior high classrooms.  Continued thanks go out to our students and staff for your patience, and for dressing in layers.  It has been worth the wait.  As the temperature continues to trend below normal temperatures for this time of year, please make sure that your student comes to school with the appropriate outerwear to be able to enjoy their recess opportunities.


Come out on Saturday, November 2nd, and join us for Trivia Night!!!

It takes place from 6 pm until 10 pm. This is a fun night of trivia!  Decorate your table and win a prize for best table. There will be prizes for top table scores.  Tables of 10 for $350 are available, or $40 per person. This is a BYOB event so you must be 21 years of age to attend. Appetizers will be provided. Proceeds from this night will help fund the expansion and painting of our gym floor so our teams will have extended practice times.  For tickets and/or questions, please contact Jim Juhas at, or Keith Glab at  The Trivia Night Order Form is also available at the school website.

Saintly Spots in the Upcoming Dinner Dance Auction Catalog

Celebrate your child's Sports Team, First Communion, Graduation, or any occasion with a Saintly Spots Ad in the Dinner Dance Auction catalog. Forms are available NOW on the DDA website at, so start thinking about all of the people/events that you would like to recognize with your ad.  Multiple families may participate together.  Please contact Judy Kim at if you have any questions.


Fall Parent Conferences - Thursday, November 7th and Friday, November 8th

Online registration for Parent Conferences began Thursday, October 17th at 10:00 am, and will continue through tomorrow, Thursday, October 24 at 4 pm.  Please schedule a conference for each of your children preschool through grade 8 online at www.signupgenius.comThe link to the conference scheduling website is also available on ASCA’s homepage, along with the conference instruction sheet.

For junior high parents, if there is a serious concern, you may request a group conference. These are held on Thursday during the day, and there are a limited number of slots available.  For the majority of the Junior High students, you will be meeting with the homeroom teacher who does have a summary from the balance of the teachers.

Please contact Helen Kolar at, or (630) 961-6125 with any questions, or if you need assistance in scheduling your conference.


Child Care During Conferences

Student Voices will be providing child care on Thursday, November 7 during parent conferences in Café 1 from 8 am until 9 pm.  Please contact Maria Kazlauskas at with any questions.  Please note that there will be no child care on Friday, November 8.


Safe Touch Preview

Safe Touch materials will be available for parent preview during parent conferences at the school office.


Don’t forget, the ASCA school store, The Run Away Pencil, is now open on Monday and Thursday mornings just outside Café 1 from 7:30 to 7:50 am for all of your school supply needs.


The True Meaning of the Rosary

Thursday, November 14th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm in McSherry Hall

The rosary is one of the most widespread devotions in the Catholic faith.   Catholics are usually associated with the rosary and devotion to the Virgin Mary.   The origins of this common, yet controversial devotion are surprising.  Why have saints and visionaries throughout the centuries stressed the importance and power of these seemingly repetitious prayers?  What effect does the rosary possess for us today?  And, is the rosary one of the remedies of peace and calm amid so many social ills?  These and other questions will be examined as we delve into the true meaning and purpose of this devotion.  The evening will culminate with the praying of the Rosary.  Families are encouraged to attend.  Please contact Anne-Marie Cronin at with any questions.


Wednesday Morning Rosary Reminder

Please join us in praying the Rosary in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Reflection Chapel (located across from the school gym) at 7:50 am before Wednesday school mass.

Instruction sheets and extra Rosaries are always available. Kids (even noisy ones) are welcome!  So, we look forward to you joining us each Wednesday morning. Please contact Darlene Newman at with any questions.


Community Outreach

October Shoe/Boot Collection

Our gently used shoe/boot collection for children and adults is almost over. Don’t delay- donate today. You can bring in any donations to ASCA office through the end of next week.


ASCA Feed My Starving Children Packing Session on Friday, November 8

Conferences for teachers, service for us! There is no school on Friday, November 8 – come serve instead. To register your family for this 2:30–4:30 pm session, please follow the below instructions:


Visit  Select JOIN a Group. Enter Join Code 341686 and click Search.  Agree to volunteer guidelines and click Confirm. Log in or Create a New Account. Once you have entered your information you can click Add Member Names to add your children.  Please note that Feed My Starving Children packaging sessions are held at 555 Exchange Court, Aurora, IL 60504.  Children in grades 3 and up are welcome to participate. Space is limited so register today!  If you have any questions, please contact Ann Zediker at


Please note this packing session will be for MannaPack Potato W. This is a different meal than you may be used to packing. It consists of three ingredients. It is a more powdery substance, so be aware; if you wear contacts, some may want to wear glasses for this. You may experience dryness as a result. Also there is milk in this product, so if you have a milk allergy you may want to sit this one out.


Book Collection

Community Outreach and Girl Scout Troop 455 ask for your assistance in collecting books for Hesed House's after school reading program for children. Please bring or send in any new or gently used books that you would like to donate to the collection box located in the school office. If you have any questions please contact Debbie Kosmach at


Affy Tapples

Thanks to all who have ordered Affy Tapples.  Pickup will be tomorrow outside of Door 9.



Skate in to some Fun with the Annual Booster’s Roller Skating Party!

Roll in to some fun and let your child show off what they learned in their skating gym classes at the upcoming ASAA Boosters Club annual roller skating party on Wednesday, November 6th.  The event will be held from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at Aurora Skate CenterAs usual there is no school the next day, so don’t worry about being up too late!   All are welcome – so bring your friends, family and neighbors for a great evening of skating fun!  To get your discounted tickets please return the Roller Skating Flier with your payment no later than Wednesday, October 30th.  Contact Debbie Kosmach with questions at


Do you enjoy Baking?

Well, Booster's is looking for you! We need your help to make the upcoming Bake Sale at the Roller Skating outing on November 6th a success! You do not have to attend the event to donate!  If you are interested in donating some baked goods, please contact Debbie Kosmach at


ASCA Sock Sale
ASCA Boosters is once again offering school socks that can be worn with your uniform. Check out the sales flier on the school website for these great socks. They come in a variety of styles appropriate for girls or boys. All socks are personalized with our ASCA logo. No more sock mismatches! No more searching the stores for socks that meet the dress code! These ‘Made in the USA’ socks are just what every student needs to complement their uniform. They are available in "quarter crew" style in white or navy for both boys and girls. We also offer a girl’s knee high option in navy and a boy’s standard crew sock also in navy. The ASCA Sock Sales Form will be fulfilled upon receipt, so do not delay and order today!  Please contact Debbie Kosmach at with any questions.


News from the All Saints Athletic Association

All Saints Volleyball

Regular season play ends this coming weekend, and all home games can be found at the following link:

Please come out and cheer our 8th grade teams who will have their final home volleyball games this Friday night, October 25th starting at 5PM!  See the following schedule:

Game Time


Opposing Team

  5:00:00 PM

Girls 8B2

St. Michael

  6:00:00 PM

Girls 8B1

St. Petronille

 7:00:00 PM

Girls 8A

St. Mary DG

  8:00:00 PM

Boys 8A

St. Alexander


ASCA Basketball

Remaining basketball evaluations continue this Saturday, October 26 as follows:

8:30-10:30AM                       8th grade boys

10:30AM -12:30PM              7th grade boys


Feast of Life at St. Thomas the Apostle – this Friday at St. Thomas

Looking for something to do this Friday night?  Renowned Catholic composer Marty Haugen’s oratorio-style musical The Feast of Life – Stories from the Gospel of Luke will be performed at St. Thomas the Apostle this Friday, October 25 at 7:30 pm.  The concert is free; however, a free-will offering will be accepted.  St. Thomas is located at 1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, 60563.

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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