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Principal's Newsletter - October 15, 2014

The teachers and I had a very fruitful two days of in-service last week. The first day focused on the current best practices in their content area as well as a terrific keynote speech on teaching writing by Kristina Smekens. The second day was focused on the New Evangelization in our church as well as the Ignatius Spiritual Exercises for our own growth.  It was a truly fruitful time for us, and we are grateful for the opportunity to grow this way. 

At church this past weekend, the second reading said, “Brothers and sisters: I know how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance. In every circumstance and in all things, I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need.  I can do all things in him who strengthens me.”   After the serious reflection required by our in-services, these words had special meaning for me.  We have all had moments of adversity, and we have gone through the tunnel thanks to the helping hand of God.  We give our children the model of our own faith in how we handle adversity. Finally, I heard Fr. Robert Barron last night at SS Peter and Paul.  He reminded me that the Gospels require action from us.  The Gospels give us the nudge to go forth and do God’s work.  In fact, we are the only ones who can in this crazy world.  So think back to those moments of adversity when God was the leader through the tunnel for you; and then be open to sharing that.



Parent Conferences will be on Thursday and Friday, November 6 and 7.  Online registration will open at 10AM on Wednesday, October 22, and will remain open until Wednesday, October 29.  For parents of Kindergarten through 8th grade, you will register for a conference with the homeroom teacher of your child.  We will be publishing a link that will give you access to available conference slots.  

If you have a Kindergarten, Grade 1, or Grade 2 child who see Mrs. Carden or Mrs. Snyder, and you would like to have them attend your conference, you must contact Helen Kolar at BEFORE Wednesday, October 22nd.   For parents of Junior High students, teachers may request a group conference with parents and, prior to October 22nd, you will be contacted if that is the case. 

If you have a junior high student and you have a concern that requires that you meet with the teachers in a group conference, you must contact Helen Kolar at BEFORE Wednesday, October 22nd as well.   Please trust that if your student is doing well, it is not necessary to meet face to face with each junior high teacher.  The teachers will share notes prior to your conference, and the homeroom teacher will be prepared to share general impressions with you.  A group conference for each of our over 200 junior high students is physically impossible in two days.  We appreciate your understanding.


FYI: Scrip has a new form which needs to be filled out by anyone ordering Scrip, which is one of the ways that YOU can meet your fundraising obligation.  The Scrip Form is available at the school website, as well as available in hard copy in the office. 

The form indicates how you would like to have your orders delivered to you: either by picking them up in the office or given to your child to bring home via their backpack. This form must be filled out and sent back to school.  If we do not have a form on file, your order will be held in the office for you to pick up.  If you have ANY questions, please contact Debbie Bibo at or, or call her at 630-375-1090 (H) or 630-777-0425 (C).

Move Your Feet Campaign

The Catholic Education Foundation is sponsoring a campaign called “Move your feet to give a child a seat” to raise money for scholarships throughout the Diocese of Joliet.  ASCA is not able to participate directly because of our commitment not to ask students to be the active solicitors of money for our campaigns.  That said, this is a worthy cause and if you would like to help with the efforts of our Diocese to fund students in need, please contact Your consideration is appreciated.

Safety and Security Enhancements for Our Children

As you know, ASCA’s Board of Trustees and School Board have been reviewing the school’s facilities over the last few months, with a special emphasis on enhancing the safety of our children.  The Boards were advised by our school safety consultant to install a fence around the playground, and also to purchase and install Raptor, the nation’s leading K-12 visitor management software ( ).

Thanks to the generous support of our school families, we are now within reach of being able to fund both the fence and gates and the Raptor security software.  With large and small gifts from across our school community, we really can complete this project before winter sets in.

Our request:  Please help us achieve our objectives of installing the fence and the visitor management software by making a donation toward these improvements by October 17th.  You can make a donation by sending a check to the school office, payable to ASCA, with “Security Initiative” in the memo line and on the front of the envelope.  If you would like more information, please feel free to e-mail Terri Dieter at , David Dieter at, or Amy Kiesler at

As always, we appreciate your generous consideration.

Fall Pictures and Retake Day

Fall pictures packages were sent home last week with all students who ordered a portrait package.  Picture Retake Day is scheduled for this coming Monday, October 20.  Students who wish to have their portrait retaken should bring their portrait package with them on the 20th.  This package will need to be turned in to take a new picture.  Students who did not purchase a package on our original picture day but wish to at this time may pick up an Fall Picture Order Form in the school office or at the school website, and bring it with them to school on retake day.  All students who were absent during our original picture days will also be photographed on Monday, October 20.  Students should be in uniform to be photographed.

Fall Book Fair

The Book Fair is in full force this week at ASCA.  Scholastic book fair packets have been sent home with all oldest and only students.  Family nights will be this evening, Wednesday, October 15 and Thursday, October 16 from 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm.  New this year to the book fair will be the ability to purchase gift cards for your child's teacher that they can use to add to their classroom's library, as well as teacher book recommendations.  If you are interested in helping out please check out our website at to signup.  If you have any questions, please contact Darlene Newman at or Lisa Hajek at

ASCA Book Drive for October

Did you know the most successful way to improve the reading achievement of low income children is to increase their access to print?  ASCA is hosting a book drive to benefit Catholic Charities’ Foster Grandparent Program through Friday, October 31st.  This program allows seniors to volunteer in the Head Start Preschool and Kindergarten classrooms and read to children from very low income families.  There is a desperate need for new or gently used picture books, early readers, books in Spanish and other age appropriate books.  The greatest demand is for Spanish books.  There are over 800 kids in the program and it would be awesome if ASCA could provide each of these children with a book for Christmas as we did last year!  We can also accept adult paperback books which will be given to the low income senior volunteers.  Please bring in any donations to the ASCA office.  If you have a large donation, or any questions, please contact Erika Baka at

ASCA Feed My Starving Children Packing Session Friday, November 7th 

Conferences for teachers, service for us!  No school on November 7th – come serve instead.  To register your family for this 12:00–2:00 pm session, follow the instructions below: Visit  Select JOIN a Group.  Enter Join Code 504996 and click Search.  Agree to volunteer guidelines and click Confirm.  Log in or Create a New Account.  Once you have entered your information you can click Add Member Names to add your children. Feed My Starving Children packaging sessions are held at 555 Exchange Court, Aurora, IL 60504.  Children in grades 3 and up are welcome to participate.  Space is limited so register today!  Please contact Ann Zediker at with any questions.

Make a Difference Day – Saturday, October 25th

Millions of volunteers across the nation will go out into the community to improve the lives of others and the environment on Make a Difference Day!  It is the largest national day of community service.  You can help by planning or attending an event in your community.  Visit the Make a Difference day website ( to find a project near you or to register a project you are planning!

Pop Tabs

We will be collecting pull pop tabs from aluminum cans this year to support the Ronald McDonald House at Edward's Hospital.  Pop tab donations can be brought in through the school year to your student's classroom.

8th Grade Morphing Project

Yesterday, an email was sent to all school families via SchoolSpeak regarding a volunteer request for the 8th grade morphing project/DVD.  Volunteers are needed to assist with the project and learn the software for use this year and in future years. The 8th Grade Morphing Volunteer Request Letter is also available on the school website. Please respond by to Jackie Hand by Tuesday, October 28th by emailing or calling her at (630) 550-6638.  Thank you in advance for your consideration.

STEMfest – This Weekend

STEMfest is this weekend, Saturday, October 18 at NIU.  Please see the Stemfest Flyer with a attached Semfest Parking Pass at the school website for more information.

STEMfest celebrates innovations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Northern Illinois University STEM departments, student groups, regional corporations, museums, educators, and national labs are joining forces to present hundreds of activities that range in complexity to entertain people of all ages. STEMfest seeks to increase awareness of the critical role science and other STEM fields play in our world every day.

News from All Saints Athletic Association

 Volleyball News!!

There are only 2 weeks remaining for regular season.  Teams are really coming together, competing and making all of us at ASCA proud. Remember that all team standings and future games can be found at Please check the All Saints website for the volleyball home game schedule this weekend. C’mon, support our volleyball athletes!!

Cross Country Final News!

Congratulations to our Cross Country athletes who competed in their championship meet on Saturday, October 4th:

Overall combined 5-8th grade boys --- 5th place (out of 27 teams). Our best finish in the four years! A special shout out to Owen McGovern who placed 1st for the 5th grade boys!!!

Overall combined 5-8th grade girls   ---7th place (out of 27 teams). Our best finish in the four years!

Grade level team awards (ribbon winners):

  • 5th grade boys --- CHAMPIONS!!!!! Owen McGovern, Drew Donovan, Ben Snyder, Noah Bobofchak, Trey Klein, Ethan Affrunti, and Logan Bello. Absolutely brilliant running.

  • 5th grade girls --- 5th place. Sophie Scrima, Alyssaa Nowural, Ella Davis, Lauren Walsh, Ana Muller, Annie Watson, Meghan Cronin, Maddie Beck. A fantastic run by all!
  • 8th grade girls (including 7th graders running "up" so ASCA could score as a team) -4th place. Emma Kash, Kate Harvey, Lauren Harvey, Callie Juhas, Kate Scrima, Andrea Vivar. These girls were flying!!

A huge thanks to head coach Matt Munson, and assistant coaches, Susan Glab, Karen Snyder, Gabe De La Cruz, Adrianne Nowurul, and Jimmy Watson.  Also, many thanks to Jim Smith, the Garrity's, the Affrunti’s, and all the other parents who helped make the coaches job easier by handling assigned worker assignments.

Basketball Season is Around the Corner    

Please see below for the remaining schedule of basketball tryouts THIS weekend in the ASCA gym….

Saturday, October 18

8:00-9:30AM      8th grade girls

1:00-2:30PM      7th grade girls

Sunday, October 19

5:00-6:30PM   5th grade girls

6:30-8:00PM   6th grade girls


Back by popular demand, ASAA Boosters will host its annual Roller Skating outing on Wednesday, November 5th at Aurora Skate Center from 6 pm – 8 pm.  There is no school the next day, so plan an evening of fun with your friends and family!  Look for ticket information and the flier in next week's newsletter.


All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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