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Principal's Newsletter - November 20, 2013

Your children reflect you. Those were words that I heard this past weekend at church, and I have been considering them all week. I have five children, all adults now. The things they say and do that drive me crazy probably irritate me so much because they are my traits too. The things that they do so well that make me very proud of them, hopefully, are a reflection of something from me, as well.  Since my husband passed away at age 46 when our youngest was just two, I really have to take responsibility for their foibles…..I raised them. I don’t think I realized that when I was living the experience, though.


Have a Blessed Thanksgiving

We will be on Thanksgiving break Wednesday through Friday of next week. I hope this is a peaceful and blessed time for you and your family. I always look forward to Thanksgiving with great appreciation; and pray that it is peaceful and fun for your family as well.  When we return we will be starting Advent.  The theme this year is Preparing to make Christ's Story Our Story.  We will have two advent  projects this year: Grades PS – 5 will be collecting gift cards for Hesed House, and the junior high will be collecting toys to be distributed through one of our parishes. The parish toy collection distribution will be rotated each year; this year the distribution will be through St Margaret Mary. The Hesed house collection request will be gift cards to Walmart or Target.  Thank you very much in advance for making someone’s holiday more blessed.  That will be how we truly make Christ’s story our story.


Helping Families, Students and ASCA Itself!

One of the many areas which ASCA Future Fund positively touches is scholarship and tuition support.  Over 20% of ASCA families are receiving direct or indirect financial assistance, including families from communities that are financially disadvantaged, local Naperville families with temporary financial challenges, and families receiving needs-based tuition discounts with parish support.  All of these families help to give All Saints the critical mass and the clarity of mission that enables us to survive and thrive!


Parking Lot Procedures

My friends, it is getting crazy out there again.  So many folks follow the rules and keep the parking lot safe; but some folks do not follow the rules and make life tough and potentially harmful for the rest of the community.  The rules are attached to this newsletter again, and I ask that you read them, even if you think you are doing it perfectly.  The children’s lives are what is at stake here.


Things You Might Be Curious About……………….

  • Our students in grades kindergarten through grade 8 will be seeing a performance of the Nutcracker at Pfeiffer Hall in December as part of our Advent and Christmas celebration.   The field trip is subsidized by SHPP, and includes a donation by the Horn family.  We are grateful for their support and look forward to sharing this Christmas tradition.  Please look for more information to come.


  • A new communication sign will be installed in the next week or so to replace our wind torn plastic banners.  This sign, which will be located near the car line outside Door 7, was a “Call to Cash” item at the Dinner Dance Auction last year, and includes contributions from SHPP and the All Saints Athletics Association (ASAA).  You will have the daily news you need to know as you drive through the car line!


  • The Diocese of Joliet will be making changes to the academic reporting system, meaning report cards. These changes are reflective of the most current research, best practices, and alignment with the common core philosophy. Currently, student achievement is reported in grades K-2 as the following:  meets expectations, exceeds expectations, or needs improvement.  Second semester of grade two, we then ask the teachers to start using letter grades to prepare students for third grade. The diocese is piloting the new system this year, and we will adopt the new system next year. The new reporting for kindergarten through grade three adds a category entitled Approaching Expectation.  These descriptors will be included on assignments throughout the quarter, as well.  Second semester of grade three, we will start using letter grades.


  • Our new chillers are in and working, but not complete. We still have some finishing work to do; and then we will fence in the new chillers and landscape.  We are warm and toasty, so all is well.


  • The Pre Kindergarten preschool class currently held at our St Elizabeth Seton satellite campus will be moving home to the main campus starting in the 2014-2015 school year. St Elizabeth Seton is in need of the space for their parish programs. We are looking for the best options to accommodate having this program at our main campus, and look forward to having them with us each day.


ASCA Christmas Caroling – Save the Date

It's time to tune up your holiday voices and join us in singing some Christmas cheer! We will be Christmas caroling at Spring Meadows Retirement Community, Friday, December 13th at 4 pm. All children are welcome to attend, but must be accompanied by their own parent. Space is limited, so sign up early by contacting Gretchen Muller at For questions, please contact Bridget Roe at


Santa Claus is Coming to Town!!!

Santa will stop at ASCA on Saturday, December 14th from 8 – 11 am.

Avoid long lines at the mall.  Bring your family to ASCA to have a picture taken with Santa.  The 8th Grade Elves will be entertaining families with craft activities and storytelling while your picture is being processed.

The cost is $25 per family, which includes pictures, craft activities and light refreshments.  The Breakfast with Santa Form can be found at the ASCA website. Don’t miss out on a fun morning!  This event is sponsored by the Class of 2014, with proceeds benefitting the Class of 2014 Legacy Gift Project.  Contact Cheryl Allemand at or Dee Zeuthen at with any questions.


Christmas Gift 2013- Remembering the Teachers

It is hard to believe, but the Christmas season will soon be here. Consider contributing to a coordinated gift from ASCA parents to ASCA teachers and staff. The Christmas Gift 2013 flyer with all of the details is available at the school website. The deadline for your donation is next Tuesday, November 26th. This date is a hard deadline, so if you wish to participate, please ensure that your contribution is turned in by November 26th.   Please contact Robin Gullborg at with any questions.


Advent Rosary

As we return to school after Thanksgiving, we will begin praying the Rosary during the season of Advent on Wednesday mornings at 7:50 am in the school gym.  The lights will be low to enhance our prayer experience.    Please come, even if you are running late.  It is so wonderful for our students who are processing into the gym for mass to hear our school community joined in this beautiful and powerful prayer.  Instruction sheets and extra Rosaries are available.  Younger children are always welcome!  Please contact Darlene Newman at with any questions.


Visit The Run Away Pencil, our school supply store, every Monday and Thursday morning outside Café 1 from 7:30 to 7:50 am.


Strategies to Deal with Structured School Days and Homework

The SHPP Family Enrichment Committee invites ASCA parents to attend the Strategies to Deal with Structured School Days and Homework presentation to learn about strategies to help their children succeed in a structured school environment.  These strategies are important to learn and grow at all grade levels, but are especially important for students after the 2nd grade.  From that point forward, students are expected to be more responsible in terms of doing homework, preparing projects, studying for tests, etc.

Speaker: Meagan Hauser.

Meagan has a doctorate in clinical psychology and her training has been primarily focused in developmental psychology.

Location:  McSherry Hall following mass.

Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Time: 9:30 - 10:30 am

Please contact Maria Llamas at with any questions.



Father Rocky is Coming to ASCA - SAVE THE DATE

On Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 7 pm, Father Rocky from Relevant Radio will come to All Saints to discuss and sign his latest book, ‘Marriage Insurance’, in our very own McSherry Hall, courtesy of SHPP.  Please RSVP to this free event as soon as possible indicating your name and number of attendees to, as space is limited and invitations to this event will be promoted shortly among our supporting parishes and the Relevant Radio Community.


Attention 5th Grade and 4th Grade Families:  SAVE THE DATE

Puberty Presentations for Father/Son and Mother/Daughter will be held Thursday, February 6th from 7:00-9:00 pm

The SHPP Faith Formation Committee has invited Dr. Coleen Mast, a leader in the field of chastity education, to offer her popular “Puberty Presentations for Father/Son and Mother/Daughter” to Fifth Grade students and their parents.  This is an excellent opportunity for 5th grade families to prepare for their mandatory academic and ongoing puberty changes discussions. The talks consist of two simultaneous two hour presentations in two different rooms; the girls led by Dr. Mast, and the boys led by a pro-life man. The presentations will include videos and discussions on how to mature spiritually and emotionally while these physical changes are taking place. The presentation will include some theology and biology of the body, with practical advice for puberty and virtue challenges.

The Mother/Daughter session will be held in McSherry Hall, and the Father/Son presentation will take place in Café 1. Please note that, while this is a 5th grade specific program, 4th grade parents are welcome to attend and bringing their 4th grade child along will be up to parental discretion. This opportunity will not be offered next year, as it will only be offered every other academic year.

There is no cost to attend the event, and no food will be offered during these sessions. For more information about Dr. Mast, please visit    For questions or to RSVP, please contact indicating names of parent and student and grade level.


SHPP Family Enrichment Committee Recommendation

The Mighty Macs (G-rated) is a family-friendly sports movie based on the true story of Cathy Rush, who coached the basketball team of a tiny Catholic women's college near Philadelphia to national glory. This story of girls' practicing, becoming a cohesive team, and competing against area rivals should inspire kids to keep working hard to achieve their own athletic and personal goals, even if the odds don't seem in their favor. We have included below a link with trailer and the review of the movie by commonsense media, which rates movies based on language, values, age, role models and other areas.

This movie is also a Dove-family approved movie for all ages.


Healthy Tips from Mrs. Loscheider

Children mirror what they see.  How can we keep our children and ourselves safe while we are navigating the crowded roads in our ASCA parking lot, in Naperville and beyond?  Would you be convicted and found guilty of any of the following infractions:  Have you ever walked between cars that are still moving?  Have you ever jay walked because you did not want to walk to the corner to cross a street? Have you ever parked where you were not allowed?

Think about the following all too real everyday events.  Have you ever seen a parent jay walking in downtown Naperville, dragging children in tow across busy Washington Street?  Have you ever seen high school students crossing 4 lanes of moving traffic trying to get to Naperville Central every morning on West Street?  In these situations, who will win – the person or the car?  Please make safe choices – both behind the wheel and in front.


Out of Uniform Days – Benefitting the ASCA Class of 2015

The first out of uniform day is scheduled for this Friday, November 22. If you did not prepay for all of the out of uniform days, you may pay as you go by bringing $5 (cash or check made out to ASCA) on Friday.  Please place your money in an envelope labeled with your student’s name, grade and ‘Out of Uniform’.

If you have any questions, please contact Mili Jain at or Dana Campbell at  The Class of 2015 thanks you in advance for your support.


Community Outreach

Hesed House and People’s Resource Center

Today, Wednesday, November 20, Community Outreach will be collecting gently used children and adult coats for Hesed House and the People's Resource Center. Donations will be collected from 3:20 to 3:40 pm this afternoon again outside Door 9. If you have any questions please contact Ann Zediker at Thank you in advance for your help!


Holiday Lights Recycling

From November 1, 2013 through April 1, 2014, used holiday lights can be recycled at the Department of Public Works Recycling Drop-Off Center, located at 180 Fort Hill Drive. Residents may discard lights that no longer needed at the drop-off center during its normal hours of operation on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 8 am to 4 pm They may also be dropped off in the vestibule of the Public Works administrative offices during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 7 am to 4:30 pm.

Accepted lights include:

  • Mini light (Italian lights)
  • C7
  • C9
  • Rope
  • LED
  • Extension cords

This program is a partnership of the City of Naperville and Elgin Recycling Inc.


Parking Lot Procedures

Our parking lot procedures were developed with the safety of our students, staff and families being the primary concern and focus of our efforts.


When everyone that enters and exits the All Saints campus follows the established procedures, which can be found in the 2013-2014 Parent Student Handbook on pages 24-26, we will be able to accomplish the goal of successfully moving the hundreds of cars and students in the AM and PM car lines in the most safe and efficient way possible.


 At this time, we need our school families to pay particular attention to the following procedures:


  1. The parking lot speed limit is 5 MPH at all times.
  1. There is no cell phone use on ASCA property. Holding a conversation while driving results in 'distracted driving', even if you are using a hands free device. 
  1. Parking is allowed only in the designated parking lots. The staff parking lot is located on the east side of All Saints directly from Door 7. The volunteer parking lot is located on the east side of All Saints directly to the south of the staff lot. Families should never park on the east side of All Saints for pick up or drop off. Drop off/pick up in the Jefferson Estates subdivision directly to the north of All Saints is also not allowed.
  1. Families who wish to park and walk their child to Door 7 at drop off or pick up must park in the lot outside Door 1 (outside the gym entrance near the stained glass windows), and walk their student around the building to Door 7. Families should not be parking in the staff or volunteer lots to drop off or pick up children. This is for safety reasons, as well as to help expedite the car line process. Foot traffic crossing the car line to and from the unauthorized east lots slows down traffic.
  1. Unescorted children walking by themselves is not allowed. Students should always be accompanied by an adult.
  1. Parents and visitors attending mass on Wednesdays should park outside Door 1 and walk around the building to enter and sign in at Door 7.

For these procedures to be effective and work as they were designed to, all school families must adhere to the school policy regarding the parking lot. It is not fair to families who follow the rules to have their and their children's safety put at risk by those who do not follow the rules.

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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