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Principal's Newsletter - November 13, 2013

Catastrophes such as the typhoon in the Philippines are too big to wrap my mind around. If the horrible predicted death toll is realized, they will have lost a population equivalent to the entire town I grew up in. This is a natural disaster of huge proportions. Like the earthquake in Haiti, and Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, somehow the world community will help and they will rebuild their lives and their buildings. We live in such grace. We have more than just our basic necessities; we are safe, we are loved, and but for the grace of God, we have not had the kind of devastation that our brothers and sisters have faced this past week.  In the face of this great gift, we must, at the very least, pray and pray hard for those who have felt this great pain and suffering. Please pray for the recovery of the victims and the souls of the departed.  If you are able to offer financial help, you may through Catholic Relief Services. They may be contacted online at, by phone at 1-877-435-7277, or by mail at Catholic Relief Services, P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 21297.  God bless you for your prayers and help. On Friday, schools in the diocese will join together in prayer for the people of Philippines as well. May the Lord send His mercy and grace to these suffering people.


Looking to the Future with our “Future Fund” Appeal

You recently received a letter announcing our Future Fund Appeal.  You might be interested in knowing where this concept came from. As much as ASCA needs to stay current with today’s expenses and obligations, we also need to look to the future and accumulate funds for longer term needs.  With this in mind in 2012, we renamed our annual appeal “ASCA Future Fund”, and began allocating a portion of expected Future Fund revenues to endowment, scholarship and other long-term needs.  Future Fund contributions are important for both today and tomorrow!


News on ASCA’s 9th Annual Dinner Dance Auction

“March Madness” – Saturday, March 15, 2014ASCA’s Dinner Dance Auction is our largest fundraiser of the year – and a fantastic and fun-filled night out!  Please mark your calendars now, and start making plans to attend with friends and family!

A very informative “ASCA DDA Family Letter” is being sent home with ASCA students today.  In it, you will find information about the importance of this event to all of us at All Saints, highlights of plans for this year’s “March Madness” event, and news on how school families can use the Dinner Dance Auction to help with their Family Fundraising Obligations through both auction item and cash donations.

For your convenience, both an Auction Item Donation Form and an Auction Cash Donation Form are being sent home with the letter.   Also, PDF images of the letter and forms are available at our DDA web site,


Saintly Spots in the Upcoming Dinner Dance Auction Catalog

Now that Fall Sports have ended, don't forget to celebrate your child's sports team or coach(es) by putting a Saintly Spots Ad in the Dinner Dance Auction catalog. Forms are available NOW on the DDA website at, so start thinking about all the people/events that you would like to recognize with your ad.  Multiple families may participate together.  Please contact Judy Kim at if you have any questions.


Fall Parent Teacher Conferences

We would like to thank all of our school parents who took the time to attend the recent Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.  We would especially like to acknowledge Student Voices, and all of the junior high students who volunteered to babysit during the November 7th conferences.  Over 125 children were cared for throughout the day.  The students truly gave of their time to serve our school community on this day off of school, and to share their gifts and talents.  Thank you Student Voices!


Christmas Gift 2013- Remembering the Teachers

It is hard to believe, but the Christmas season will soon be here.  Consider contributing to a coordinated gift from ASCA parents to ASCA teachers and staff. The Remembering the Teachers flyer with all of the details was sent home with all oldest and only students last week, and is also available as the school website. The deadline for your donation is Tuesday, November 26th. This date is a hard deadline, so if you wish to participate, please ensure that your contribution is turned in by November 26th.   Please contact Robin Gullborg at with any questions.


The True Meaning of the Rosary

Tomorrow, Thursday, November 14th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm in McSherry Hall

The rosary is one of the most widespread devotions in the Catholic faith.   Catholics are usually associated with the rosary and devotion to the Virgin Mary.   The origins of this common, yet controversial devotion are surprising.  Why have saints and visionaries throughout the centuries stressed the importance and power of these seemingly repetitious prayers?  What effect does the rosary possess for us today?  And, is the rosary one of the remedies of peace and calm amid so many social ills?  These and other questions will be examined as we delve into the true meaning and purpose of this devotion.  The evening will culminate with the praying of the Rosary.  Families are encouraged to attend, and ALL are welcome!  Please contact Anne-Marie Cronin at with any questions.


Wednesday Morning Rosary Reminder

Please join us in praying the Rosary in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Reflection Chapel (located across from the school gym) at 7:50 am before Wednesday school mass. Instruction sheets and extra Rosaries are always available. Kids (even noisy ones) are welcome!  So, we look forward to you joining us each Wednesday morning. Please contact Darlene Newman at with any questions.


Montini Catholic Math Contest

On Saturday, November 9, 19 members of the Junior High Academy participated in the Montini Math Contest.  All Saints competes in the top division, which is the division that offers geometry to their 8th graders.

6th Grade:  Mia Chavez and Carter Bello tied for 8th in the individual competition.

7th Grade:  Jared Beltz placed 9th in the individual competition

                   Jack Smith placed 5th in the individual competition.

                   Joe Ward placed 2nd in the individual competition.

The 7th grade team took first place overall with a perfect score.  Congratulations to all!


Community Outreach

Hesed House and People’s Resource Center

On Wednesday, November 13 and 20, Community Outreach will be collecting gently used children and adult coats for Hesed House and the People's Resource Center. On Wednesday, November 13 and 20, donations will be collected from 7:40 to 8:00 am outside Door 9 just beyond the car pool lane for your drop off convenience, and then from 3:20 to 3:40 pm, again outside Door 9. If you have any questions please contact Ann Zediker at Start collecting those used coats now, and thank you in advance for your help!


Every Monday and Thursday morning, ASCA 8th grade students can be found outside Café 1 from 7:30 to 7:50 am at our school supply store, The Run Away Pencil.  See them to purchase a new pencil if you find that yours has ‘run away’.  They also stock many other school supplies.


December Hot Lunch Orders

December hot lunch orders may be placed online until this Friday, November 15.  Please visit  All Saints’ school password is allsaints136.


Santa Claus is Coming to Town!!!

Santa will stop at ASCA on Saturday, December 14th from 8 – 11 am.

Bring your family to have a picture taken with Santa.  The 8th Grade Elves will be entertaining families with craft activities and storytelling while your picture is being processed.

The cost is $25 per family, which includes pictures, activities and light refreshments.  Pictures with Santa Reservation forms are going home with all oldest and only students today, and can also be found at the ASCA website.

Don’t miss out on a fun morning!  This event is sponsored by the Class of 2014, and proceeds benefit the Class of 2014 Legacy Gift Project.  Contact Cheryl Allemand at or Dee Zeuthen at with any questions.


News from All Saints Athletic Association


Congratulations to all of our volleyball teams who won their championship matches this past weekend:

                        8A Girls                      Coach Stephanie VanEekeren

                        6B2 Girls                    Coach Russ Kalins

                        8B2 Girls                       Coach Mike Gard

It was a great season for all of our volleyball athletes as All Saints came in 3rd overall out of 20 schools in the Du Page Parochial League for Large Division schools. Special recognition goes to the following teams that were #1 in their respective grade level (with record):

                                      5A Boys (10-0)

                                     6B2 Girls (10-0)

                                     8A Girls (12-0)

                                     8B1 Girls (11-1)

Thank you to all parents and students who volunteered in any capacity during our home games. Our sports program cannot be successful without you, so MANY THANKS!!!



The basketball season is closely approaching with some teams playing as early as November 23rd.  Parents…keep an eye out for information from your coaches.



The All Saints Varsity team defeated St. Alphonsus to advance to the CGSC Championship for the second straight season.  The team will defend their CGSC Varsity title against St. Raphael this weekend.  The championship game will be held at St. Rita High School (7740 S. Western Ave, Chicago) on Sunday November 17.  Kick-off is at 2:00pm!  Come out and cheer on the blue and gold this Sunday!

Go Saints!

Benet Academy Winter Baseball Camp

Who:              Boys 1st through 4th grades

                       Boys 5th through 8th grades

When:            Sunday, Dec 8, 2013 and Sunday, Dec 15, 2013

Time:             1st – 4th grade is from 5:00 – 6:30 PM

                       5th – 8th grade is 7:00-9:00 PM

Cost:              $50   Please make checks payable to Redwing Baseball

Practice baseball skills year round!  The camp will be run by Benet Academy staff and players.  The camp will focus on all aspects of baseball.  The camp will be held at Benet inside the gymnasiums.  Please contact Scott Lawler at to reserve your spot in the clinic, or with any questions.

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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