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Principal's Newsletter - May 21, 2014

At Last!  This has been such a long build up to spring….I was starting to think that my lilacs would never bloom.   But the joy of the moment is here.

I want to share with you a positive story this week about our students. There are many positive stories but we often get wrapped up in the negative ones and focus on them.  That is natural because we so badly want the disrespect to be something that NEVER happens.  Realistically though, it will happen; and we have to use the moment to not be judgmental, but rather to bring the children back to a place of right judgment (a beautiful gift of the Holy Spirit).

For many weeks, our 6th graders have been preparing a unit on the different countries of the world who participate in the World Cup.  While the World Cup is eclipsed in America by the Super Bowl or the Stanley Cup, to the rest of the world, the World Cup is the big deal. This past week, the 6th graders began going into all the classes in the school to teach their brothers and sisters about the different countries and the meaning of the World Cup to the children in other parts of the world. They did a wonderful job, and here is the important part….the classes were so attentive and appreciative.  I was proud of the 6th graders and their audiences.

I have the honor of being the recipient of phone calls from places that we send our students to on field trips. I regularly get calls telling me how well-behaved our students are.  We often know that there were kinks that occurred at the event in that we had to discipline students and we ourselves were disappointed in some behaviors. But that is the point. We get the compliments because it is such a disrespectful culture in general; and we care enough to make the corrections. For students from preschool through eighth grade, this is a journey and students will be drawn off course. The united message and model of the adults in their lives will help the children stay on the true course and be respectful in a disrespectful world. This is after all, exactly what Jesus would see as a contemporary response of these followers.

Raising Respectful Children in a Disrespectful World

Our meeting to look at blending our handbook language to reflect this initiative is scheduled for Wednesday, June 11th at 7pm in McSherry Hall.  I hope you can join us.

The deadline to Purchase a Brick or to Select Another Naming Opportunity for the St. Therese, The Little Flower, Graduate Plaza is quickly approaching

  • For those who have not participated yet, there is still time!  The deadline is Friday, May 30.  We hope you will order now so that you can commemorate a special person or a special occasion, such as a recent 1st communion, a favorite teacher, a team effort, or an upcoming graduation. 
  • If you have not seen the beautiful St. Therese, The Little Flower, Graduate Plaza lately, please stop by to take a look.  It is located at Door 1 beneath the stained glass windows facing Aurora Avenue.  It is such a beautiful place, and it may inspire you to think about how you might like to add to it.   

With Brick sponsorships available for $175, $250 or $500, as well as other St. Therese naming opportunities, you can give a gift that will last a lifetime.  Please go to for an order form, or contact Tim Traynor at for more information.  All St. Therese order forms are due by Friday, May 30th.


The last day for required uniforms will be Wednesday, May 28th.  May 29 is Field Day, May 30th and June 2nd will be shorts and t-shirts (no short shorts, spaghetti straps or strapless), and June 3 is a dress up day for mass.  For 8th graders, their last day to wear uniforms is Tuesday, May 20th.  Today, May 21st is Bueller shirts, May 22nd is dress up, and May 23rd is casual (no short shorts, spaghetti straps or strapless).  Kindergarteners are out of uniform on May 22nd for their Field Day.

Summer Reading List

The summer reading lists (Gr. K-5 Summer Reading List and JH Summer Reading List) can be found at the school website.   Please note that there have been some changes in the junior high academy lists.  Each class has a reading expectation for the summer. Please have your child read regularly ….as opposed to waiting till the weekend before school starts!  And don’t limit yourself to the requirements. 

Current Family Fees and Forms Packets

Current family Fee and Forms Packets are due.  Please contact Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125 with any questions. 

Celebrate Memorial Day with Us!

All Saints needs your participation as we celebrate Memorial Day and honor our veterans by walking in the annual Naperville Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 26th!  This has become an annual event to showcase our school to our friends and neighbors in our community!  We are looking for all ages of our students to come and join us and walk in the parade.  Simply wear your spirit wear, school colors or anything patriotic, and some comfortable shoes!  This year our placement is directly in front of St. Raphael.  We would LOVE to have a huge turnout to represent All Saints!  We are looking for any and ALL students, Athletic Teams, Girl Scout Troops, the Cast from the School Play, etc.  Grab your friends and family, and come join us for a great morning.  The parade kicks off at 10:30 am.  Our staging area is in the Centennial Beach Parking Lot.  We will start lining up at 9:15 am.  Memorial Day Parade Details can be found at the school website, and is also going home with oldest/only students.  Questions regarding All Saints in the Memorial Day parade can be directed to Debbie Kosmach at

SCRIP Update

Next week will be the last week to order SCRIP gift cards until school resumes in the fall. Plan on stocking up for the summer.  Monies being earned currently will apply to your 2014-2015 fundraising obligation. We will be processing scrip on Tuesday morning, May 27.  All orders and payments must be to the office by 8:15 am on Tuesday. If you are set up with presto pay, you can still order scripnow, and reload your cards throughout the summer. If you are not set up with presto pay and would like to be, just go to the scrip website ( and sign up. When you sign up, you will receive a 4 digit code which you will need to email to Debbie Bibo, ASCA’s SCRIP Coordinator, so she can activate your presto pay. Don't miss out on earning money toward your fundraising obligation throughout the summer.  Please contact Debbie Bibo at 630-777-0425 (C), 630-375-1090 (H), or with any SCRIP related questions.

Summer Spanish Enrichment Academy

All Saints Catholic Academy is excited to offer a Spanish enrichment program designed to prepare junior high students for the start of the school year. Small group instruction and enrichment activities will be presented by Mrs. Maria Kazlauskas.

Who: Junior High Academy - Incoming 6th graders through graduating 8th graders

What: The focus will be on Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Grammar, Verb Conjugations and Conversational Phrases

When: Monday, July 28th through Thursday, July 31st, and

Monday, August 4th through Thursday, August 7th

Time: 9:00—10:15 am

(15 minute outdoor break)

10:30—11:45 am

Where: All Saints Catholic Academy

Cost: ASCA students: $170.00 (Non-ASCA students: $195.00)

The Spanish Summer Enrichment registration form can be found at the school website.  Please direct any questions or concerns about the Spanish Summer Enrichment Academy to Mrs. Kazlauskas at

You can now order your school supplies for coming 2014-2015 school year

Order on line at, and use the school's account number which is 33770.  Orders will be accepted until Friday, June 13. This is a firm date and no exceptions can be made.  So, if you wish to avoid the crowded aisles come July/August in Target and Walmart, do not delay, sit down today to order your school supplies!  The school supply lists can be found at the school website.  Ordering instructions and cost are being sent home with students today. 

For all orders completed by June 13, supplies will be shipped to the school and distributed to each student’s classroom later this summer.  When you arrive at the Meet and Greet event prior to the first day of school, you will find the supply box with your child's name in their homeroom.  You may choose to either leave the box there for the first day of school, or bring the box home with you.

Special School Supply Information for Jr. High Students

There is a required TI-30X IIS calculator for 6, 7 and 8th graders.  If you need to purchase one, it is listed as a separate item from the grade level school supply kits.  Scroll down the page until you find it and add it to your order. 

2014 G.L.O.W. 5k Run for Reading

Have you seen the colorful 2014 G.L.O.W. 5k signs along the Naperville streets lately?  Have you wondered how you could be part of this fun run? We want YOU to join our Shining Saints ASCA team for the 2014 G.L.O.W. 5K Run/Walk for Reading!    We are looking for runners and walkers of all ages and abilities to join us for a fun-filled evening of exercise and community sprit! (We hear that there are many walkers at this event.) All proceeds from this event go to the Jeanine Nicarico Memorial Fund for Literacy, which enhances literacy programs throughout District 203, District 204 and area private schools.  Over the past few years, ASCA has received approximately $7,000 in grants from this Fund!   We recently found out that we have been awarded a grant of $2,000 for the 2014-2015 school year for professional development and to purchase sets of fiction and non-fiction books to use in guided reading groups.  We would love to see you support this wonderful organization that has been so generous with ASCA!

Please consider registering with your family and friends (the flyer is on the school website).  If we are the school with the highest percentage of participation, Anderson’s Bookshop will award an author visit to All Saints!  Come on Saints!  A prize will be given for Best “GLOWING” Individual. Go to for more information.

Community Outreach

Run for the Animals 5K/10K Plus Kids Run June 7th

Don’t miss this community run that supports Cosley Zoo! The first 2,500 runners receive a long sleeve Tech T-shirt; and all are invited to stay for post-race refreshments and awards ceremony. Be sure and stick around and enjoy the festivities of Taste of Wheaton. The ½ mile Zippity Zoo Run steps off at 8:45 am for children ages 6-12. All Zippity Zoo participants receive a shirt and medal.

Dreading Desk and Locker Leftovers – Donate to SCARCE 

What do you with all the used school supplies the kids come home with as the year starts winding down?  Toss most of it out?  Wouldn’t it be great to spare our drawers and closets from overflowing, and instead donate these items to be reused and recycled? 

Please join ASCA in supporting the School and Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education (SCARCE) – Tools for Schools Program (TFS).  SCARCE is dedicated to educating students, teachers, residents, businesses, and the general public to conserve natural resources and energy, prevent pollution, reduce waste, recycle, and compost organic materials, so that together we can make a difference; we can protect the environment and work toward a sustainable future for our community.  

What do I need to do?:  Fill out the school supply donation form for SCARCE (a copy of the SCARE school donation form is attached to this newsletter, and is also available at the school website).  The form designates what items your child should bring home vs. keep at ASCA for donation to SCARCE.  Send this form to your child’s teacher.  Each classroom will have a collection box.  Or if you have a simple request of either sending all the items home or ASCA keeping all of them for donation feel free to e-mail your teacher.

Once collected, these items will be taken to SCARCE.  Then what… 75% of the donated items are distributed to low income schools, alternative schools, and special education programs in Illinois.  The remaining 25% of items are sent to schools, orphanages, hospitals, libraries and youth centers around the world. – including Ghana, Kenya, China, India, Ethiopia, Lithuania, Columbia, Honduras, Costa Rica, Rwanda, Uganda and many more.  Since its inception in 2002, SCARCE’s Tools for Schools Program has diverted over 1,000,000 supplies from the landfill. Even crayons have a special purpose!  SCARCE will peel, sort and melt the broken and used crayons in a crock pot.  They will then be poured into special molds to form large crayons to be used by children with special needs.  Any whole crayons received will be sorted into sets for underprivileged children.   If you have any questions please contact Ann Zediker at (630) 544-1767, or  

Benet Cheer Camp

All incoming 5th through 8th grade students, as well as entire cheer squads, are invited to attend.  The camp will be held on Thursday, June 19 from 1-4 pm in the Benet Gym.  The cost is $40 per participant, and includes a t-shirt.  The Benet Cheer registration form can be found at the school website.

News from the All Saints Athletic Association

Track and Field Results of 2014 Season

Congratulations to our Junior Varsity Boys Team (5th and 6th grade) for coming in 1st among 30 schools this past Saturday, May 17 at the Suburban Parochial League Championship Meet!!!! To Head Coaches John Zediker, Mo Chavez, all assistant coaches and, of course, athletes: OUTSTANDING JOB!!!

Please check the ASCA website on the ASCA Sports link home page to see who placed 1st in the various events. What a fantastic effort by our athletes who qualified to be in the championship, and all of our Track and Field athletes who had a great season!!

Track and Field Banquet

SAVE THE DATE for our Track & Field Banquet to be held on Friday, May 30th at 6:30 pm in our gym.  More information will be following from Head Coach John Zediker!  We will also need volunteers that day and evening to help make the banquet a success. Vicki Perry will be contacting all T&F parents before the end of the week. Please think about volunteering!!!         

LAST CALL to get tickets for the Annual Kane County Cougars Game – Friday, June 6 at 6:30 pm

Join us for the ASCA Kane County Cougars family fun night!  This is a family favorite that includes the baseball game, fireworks and running the bases. In addition, there is a Stress Ball giveaway to the first 1,500 fans.  Reserved seats are $10 per tickets. Food vouchers for a hot dog and soft drink may also be purchased in advance for $5.00 per voucher. Please fill out the Kane County Cougars order form, and return it to the office before Thursday, May 22. One lucky family will be drawn from the forms to throw out the first pitch!  So, fill out your order form today!  Please contact Karen Hughes,  with any questions.

Go Saints!!  

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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