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Principal's Newsletter - May 18, 2016

Today is our farewell to Fr Dick Smith.  I am so glad that we have had the opportunity to have him with us!  All Saints has had the wisdom of quite a number of priests over the years; but I need to say that no other priest shared so personally with us as Fr Dick.  His homilies gave us glimpses into his own growing up, his family, and his wonderful mother.  It was easy to think about his messages all week because they were real and they were personal.  Fr Dick is a reserved man; but when he was speaking of how his family had lived the Gospel, he was open and inspirational.  He has meant a great deal to our school and to me as well.  We wish him a life of happiness and peace as he moves to his next assignment. St Anthony's in Frankfort is a fortunate parish to be welcoming Fr Dick.  We will miss him!


This past week has been touching and special for me.  If you have not had a chance to see it, there is a bench dedicated to me that is installed on the playground.  This is simply perfect as spending time with the kids at recess has been one of my favorite times as a principal.  And then we have last Thursday.  Mili Jain, our SHPP president, and a committee of such hard working folks had a simply lovely reception last Thursday.  It we so wonderful to see founders, parents, former and present teachers.  I couldn’t have been more touched.  Then, the gift of a painting was also unveiled of my favorite picture with the children.   And when I finished speaking, Dr. Brophy played me off the stage with the Theme from Peanuts (Linus and Lucy). What fun!  

The lovely painting of my favorite picture with children was commissioned from Mrs. Elisa Hill, a school parent and talented artist.  It has been hung by the office.  This is very touching, and I am grateful. 

There were a few gifts without names. As I get time to write thank you notes, if you don’t receive a note, this is why.  I do treasure them all.  

To everyone who was there, and to those who were not able to be but held me in their hearts - I thank you from the deepest part of me.  I have loved being part of this wonderful school with you.  I have and will always love your children. You will always be with me in my prayers. Thank you.

Thank You for a Wonderful Grandparents Day!

Our great thanks go out to all the Committee chairs and volunteers, parents and grandparents who helped make this year’s Grandparents Day a wonderful success!  And a special thank you to our faculty for being so creative and accommodating in arranging classroom activities!

Approximately 300 grandparents and other special guests from 180 of our school families joined us for the morning and enjoyed visits to classrooms to see the students and teachers in action, with most staying on for May Crowning and Living Rosary.  Many grandparents took the opportunity to contribute to the school via the Library Book Sale, and others displayed interest in the commemorative paver bricks in our St. Therese Plaza and the hand-sewn Bosh Bosh garments and accessories.  Thank you to all of our grandparents for their generosity.

Most importantly, grandparents and other guests communicated their love of our students and their shared commitment to the value of Catholic elementary education for their families.  Our students were cordial, bright, polite and welcoming.  Our faculty took pains to ensure that all students were involved in welcoming and appreciating our guests and showcasing all that our school has to offer.  Congratulations on another wonderful All Saints experience, and please extend our thanks to your extended families for all their involvement and support.

Create a Family Legacy at ASCA - Sponsor a Paver Brick for the St. Therese, The Little Flower, Graduate Plaza!

Buy a Paver Brick to commemorate your child’s years at ASCA, or honor a special student, First Communion, graduation, teacher or coach!  This is also a great way to memorialize a loved one, or to celebrate a birthday or anniversary with a gift that will last a lifetime.

The sponsorship of a Brick costs $175 for 6” x 6”, $250 for 6” x 12”, or $500 for 12” x 12”.  Also, there are many religious and other icons available to enrich the message and appearance of paver bricks.

For an order form and to see available icons, go to the St. Therese Plaza page on the ASCA website (

For your convenience, the brochure and icon pictures are also available as attachments to this Newsletter, and the brochure can be requested at the School Office.  Please contact Tim Traynor at for more information.  All St. Therese Plaza order forms are due by Friday, May 29th.

2016-2017 Fees and Forms

If you have not turned in your Fees and Forms paperwork yet, please do so at this time.  Please contact Patty Bajek at with questions or concerns. 

Last Day for D203 Busing

The last day of school for D203 bus riders is Wednesday, May 25.  There will be no PM busing home for All Saints students on May 25, and no AM or PM busing from May 26 through June 3.  Please make alternate transportation arrangements for your student(s) on these days.

Last Day for Uniforms

Students are in uniform through Friday, May 27.  Students may be in casual clothes May 30, June 1 and 2.  Good judgement is required.  No short shorts, strapless, or tube tops. No t-shirts with inappropriate wording or pictures.  On the last day of school, Friday, June 3rd, please wear church appropriate clothes. Again nothing strapless.

Used Uniform Resale

All Saints will be having a used uniform resale on Wednesday, May 25 in McSherry Hall.  Drop off will be on Tuesday, May 24.  All uniform items should be tagged with a resale ticket.  A resale information sheet as well as resale tickets were sent home with oldest and only students last week. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the resale.  Please note that volunteers will have an opportunity to shop the resale before it opens to the rest of the school.  If you are able to help, please sign up to volunteer via this link  We hope you will support the used uniform sale.  

Last Date to Order SCRIP

There are only two weeks left to order scrip. The last day to place any orders other than reloads and ScripNows will be on Monday, May 23. There will not be any scrip processed over the summer months; however, you will still be able to place orders for reloads and ScripNow using your presto pay only.  Take this time to think about all of the places you will be eating, shopping and visiting this summer – and how SCRIP can help you to work away your 2016-2017 Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO). 

It you have any questions, please contact Debbie Bibo at or Lauren Giroux at

PE Spirit Summer Camp

Mr. Justin Busche will be running a PE Spirit Summer Camp this summer at All Saints.   This will be an opportunity to continue the fun from PE combined with a touch of grace for incoming K-5 students the week of June 6 - 10. The K-2nd grade camp will be held from 8:45 - 10:15 AM, and the 3rd - 5th grade camp will be held from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. Students will have the opportunity to enhance their learning of popular sports, fun activities and increased fitness with a focus on a Biblical theme each day. Think of it as one part Vacation Bible School, one part Fitness, one part Sports, and ten parts Awesome, all mixed in a blender for a week’s worth of FUN!!!

The cost of each camp is $80 for ASCA students and $100 for non-ASCA students (there is a multiple family member discount available).  PE Spirit Summer Camp registration forms were sent home last week, and may be dropped off in the school office.  If you have any additional questions about the PE Spirit Camp, please email Mr. Busche at

VBS 2016 Student / Youth Leader Registration

This is My Father’s World  June 13-17, 2016

This summer, St. Elizabeth Seton Religious Education is presenting the Vacation Bible School (VBS) program This is My Father’s World.  Children entering K-5th Grade will rotate to different rooms to learn about various Bible Stories and collect a bouquet of stories.  All are Welcome! 

Each day, the children will all meet in the Great Hall from 9:00 - 9:50 am, and will be participating in music and a group activity under the direction of the Coordinators and Youth Leaders. They will then visit one of the rooms for two hours.  At 11:50 am, the Youth Leaders will walk them back to the Great Hall for a summary of the day’s activities and dismissal by the Coordinators. On Friday, the children will be presenting a small program to their parents.   Please see the SES VBS registration information.  St. Elizabeth Seton is located at 2220 Lisson Road, Naperville.  Any questions? Contact Peggy Idstein in the RE Office at 630/416-1992 or

Dreading Desk and Locker Leftovers? 

What about those worn-out gym shoes?  What do you with all the used school supplies the kids come home with as the year starts winding down?  Toss most of it out?  Wouldn’t it be great to spare our drawers and closets from overflowing, and instead donate these items to be reused and recycled?

Please join ASCA in supporting the School and Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education (SCARCE) – Tools for Schools Program (TFS)

SCARCE is dedicated to educating students, teachers, residents, businesses, and the general public to conserve natural resources and energy, prevent pollution, reduce waste, recycle, and compost organic materials, so that together we can make a difference; we can protect the environment and work toward a sustainable future for our community.

What:  Fill out the school supply donation form for SCARCE.  The form designates what items your child should bring home vs. keep at ASCA for donation to SCARCE.  Send this form to your child’s teacher.  Each classroom will have a collection box.  Or if you have a simple request of either sending all the items home or ASCA keeping all of them for donation feel free to e-mail your teacher instead and recycle the checklist.

Once collected, these items will be taken to SCARCE.  Then what…

75% of the donated items are distributed to low income schools, alternative schools, and special education programs in Illinois.  The remaining 25% of items are sent to schools, orphanages, hospitals, libraries and youth centers around the world. – including Ghana, Kenya, China, India, Ethiopia, Lithuania, Columbia, Honduras, Costa Rica, Rwanda, Uganda and many more.  Since its inception in 2002, SCARCE’s Tools for Schools Program has diverted over 1,000,000 supplies from the landfill.

Even crayons have a special purpose!  SCARCE will peel, sort and melt the broken and used crayons in a crock pot.  They will then be poured into special molds to form large crayons to be used by children with special needs.  Any whole crayons received will be sorted into sets for underprivileged children. 

Nike Reuse-a-Shoe

If your child would like to donate their worn-out gym shoes as well, Girl Scout Troop # 51102 will have a collection box available. Shoes will be delivered to a Nike drop box where Nike will take those worn-out gym shoes and recycle them in order to make new play surfaces.  Instead of filling up landfills, they are made into something to help you wear- out your next pair of gym shoes!  Simply add shoes to the checklist and they will be delivered to a Nike drop box.

If you have any questions please contact Kristin Scrima at (630) 219-3350 or

G.L.O.W. 5K Run for Reading

Join the team captain Margaret Bergquist (2B teacher) and the All Saints team for this fun event on Saturday, June 4.  Give Literacy an Opportunity to Win through your participation.  See the G.L.O.W. event flyer for more details on how to sign up. 

News from All Saints Athletic Association

Registration for 2016/17 Sports Season EXTENDED thru Thursday, May 19th!  Parents, this will be your last chance to register your student athlete(s) for the 2016/17 sports season.  The link to the site is: 

Show your school spirit and become part of the athletics program at All Saints by signing up today! 

New families and parents of current 4th graders can direct questions regarding participation or the registration process, to Erika Baka at

Track and Field News

The All Saints Athletic Association would like to congratulate the following athletes who will be participating in the League Championships held this Saturday, May 21st at Bolingbrook High School (JV @ 8am / Varsity @ 12pm).  All Saints will be well represented by the following athletes:

Junior Varsity - Boys

Peter Hepburn - High jump / 4x200 Relay

Alex Horn – Shot put

Ethan Horn – 4x200 Relay

Danny McMahon – 4x200 Relay

Nico Posada – 100m / 4x200 Relay

Logan Bello - 75m / 4x200 Relay / 4x100 Major Relay / Medley Relay

Noah Bobofchak – 400m / 4x200 Relay / Medley Relay

Andrew Donovan – 600m / 800m

Brendan Forsythe – 200m / 600m / 4x200 Relay / 4x100 Major Relay

Colin Kiesler – Medley Relay

Trey Klein – 800m

John Kolb – 4x100 Major Relay / Medley Relay

Ben Snyder – 200m / 4x200 Relay / 4x100 Major Relay

Junior Varsity - Girls

Ellie Glab – 75m / 4x200 Relay / Long jump

Sophie Scrima – 600m / 800m / 4x200 Relay

Eliana Arnold – 200m / 4x200 Relay / Long jump

Bella Mendoza – 100m

Millicent Ghapson – 100m

Alyssa Noworul – 4x200 Relay / Long jump

Emma Schwartz – Javelin

Jovanna Cordero – Shot put

Ana Mueller – High jump

Varsity - Boys

Jake Mlsna – 75m / 4x100 Relay

Evan Senall – 100m / 4x100 Relay

Jackson Gerard – 100m / 4x100 Relay / Long jump / Triple jump

Alex Urbanski – 200m / 4x200 Relay / Triple jump

Aaron Munson – 800m / Triple jump

KJ Glab – High Jump

Aiden dela Cruz – 4x100 Relay

Joshua Park – 4x200 Relay

Jack Kaindl – 4x200 Relay

Carter Bello – 75m / 75m Hurdles / 100m / 4x100 Relay

Will Monroe – 400m / 4x100 Relay / Long jump

Noah Snyder – 4x100 Relay

Bo Turner – 100m / 4x100 Relay / Long jump

Mark Weinewuth – Shot put

Varsity – Girls

Katherine Coleman – 800m / 1600m

Caroline Hughes – 75m Hurdles / Long jump

Katherine Kaindl – 100m

Sophie Kash – 800m / 1600m

Jaqueline McMahon – High jump

Jaclyn Mehring – 75m / Triple jump

Claudia Chavarin – 75m

Mia Chavez – Discus

Callie Juhas – Triple jump

Kate Scrima – 800m / 1600m



All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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