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Principal's Newsletter - May 11, 2016

Today is Ribbon Day for our graduating class. Each 8th grader is ceremoniously given a ribbon to wear on their uniforms for the remainder of the year. 

This is a sign of the beginning of their transition to high school students.   This weekend at church, Fr Paul spoke of how difficult the transition of life with Jesus was for his followers as he ascended into heaven because they didn’t have a perspective to spur their imagination.  He pointed out that the nativity feels real because we have had the experience of babies being born so we can imagine it. The crucifixion is real because we have seen cruelty all too often.  The ascension though does not have a comparable visual for them or us to see in our minds as Jesus goes to his heavenly father.  

For our 8th graders, their transition is to a new educational and social experience. They may be able to imagine it because they have a sibling who has made the transition already.  They may envision the experience based on TV shows or movies. The transition will be their own however, and it will be guided by what they take with them.  In many cases, they will be with friends from 8th grade; but that isn’t what I am talking about.  Will they take with them their reality of having Jesus in their life? Will they use prayerful reflective practice to make decisions? Will they be kind? Will they see the face of Jesus in others? Will they be the hands and face of Jesus to others themselves? It is our prayer that the lessons that we have shared with them all these years will give them the strength to make good decisions and have a joyful time in their next step into adulthood. I trust they will.

May God bless them always.


The All Saints Catholic Academy staff and I thank you with the deepest gratitude for the wonder Teacher Appreciation Week.  The flowers were lovely, the food was simply wonderful, and the gift cards were so very generous.  We are very grateful. Thank you.

Thank you note from SHPP

A heartfelt thank you from your SHPP president, Mili Jain for all of your support and help:  I really appreciate and have enjoyed these 2 years working and getting involved at All Saints. I must say I have learned so much being the president of SHPP. I can't believe the year is almost over, and this is our last SHPP meeting for 2015-2016. Once again thank you for your help, support and love that you all give to make each and every event so beautiful. I am looking forward to working with Darlene Newman who will be the president of SHPP in 2016-2017.

Our last SHPP meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, May 18. All are invited to join us on the 18th after mass at Egg Harbor Cafe in Downtown Naperville at 9:15 am.  Let's have a fun morning before school closes. Also, you will have the opportunity to meet our entire 2016-17 leadership team.  Everyone is invited, and younger siblings are more than welcome. We only ask for your RSVP by Monday, May 16 so we can make a reservation. Please contact either Mili Jain at or Darlene Newman at if you would like to attend.

2016-2017 Fees and Forms

Fees and Forms paperwork was sent home with all returning students on Wednesday, May 4.  The return of your paperwork completes your re-enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year.  All required paperwork should be returned on or before 4 pm this Friday, May 13 to be eligible for a Pick A Day Out of Uniform pass for the coming school year.  Please contact Patty Bajek at with questions. 

Last Day for D203 Busing

The last day of school for D203 is Wednesday, May 25.  There will be no busing home for All Saints students on May 25, and no busing to and home from May 26 through June 3.  Please make alternate transportation arrangements for your student(s) on these days.

Last Day for Uniforms

Students are in uniform through Friday, May 27.  Students may be in casual clothes May 31, June 1 and 2.  Good judgement is required.  No short shorts, strapless, or tube tops. No t-shirts with inappropriate wording or pictures.  On the last day of school, Friday, June 3rd, please wear church appropriate clothes. Again nothing strapless.

Used Uniform Resale

All Saints will be having a used uniform resale on Wednesday, May 25 in McSherry Hall.  Drop off will be on Tuesday, May 24.  All uniform items should be tagged with a resale ticket.  A resale information sheet as well as resale tickets are being sent home with all oldest and only students in K-8 today.  We hope you will support the used uniform sale.  

Last Date to Order SCRIP

There are only two weeks left to order scrip. The last day to place any orders other than reloads and ScripNows will be on Monday, May 23. There will not be any scrip processed over the summer months; however, you will still be able to place orders for reloads and ScripNow using your presto pay only.  It you have any questions, please contact Debbie Bibo at or Lauren Giroux at

Dreading Desk and Locker Leftovers? 

What about those worn-out gym shoes?  What do you with all the used school supplies the kids come home with as the year starts winding down?  Toss most of it out?  Wouldn’t it be great to spare our drawers and closets from overflowing, and instead donate these items to be reused and recycled?

Please join ASCA in supporting the School and Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education (SCARCE) – Tools for Schools Program (TFS)

SCARCE is dedicated to educating students, teachers, residents, businesses, and the general public to conserve natural resources and energy, prevent pollution, reduce waste, recycle, and compost organic materials, so that together we can make a difference; we can protect the environment and work toward a sustainable future for our community.

What:  Fill out the school supply donation form for SCARCE.  The form designates what items your child should bring home vs. keep at ASCA for donation to SCARCE.  Send this form to your child’s teacher.  Each classroom will have a collection box.  Or if you have a simple request of either sending all the items home or ASCA keeping all of them for donation feel free to e-mail your teacher instead and recycle the checklist.

Once collected, these items will be taken to SCARCE.  Then what…

75% of the donated items are distributed to low income schools, alternative schools, and special education programs in Illinois.  The remaining 25% of items are sent to schools, orphanages, hospitals, libraries and youth centers around the world. – including Ghana, Kenya, China, India, Ethiopia, Lithuania, Columbia, Honduras, Costa Rica, Rwanda, Uganda and many more.  Since its inception in 2002, SCARCE’s Tools for Schools Program has diverted over 1,000,000 supplies from the landfill.

Even crayons have a special purpose!  SCARCE will peel, sort and melt the broken and used crayons in a crock pot.  They will then be poured into special molds to form large crayons to be used by children with special needs.  Any whole crayons received will be sorted into sets for underprivileged children. 

Nike Reuse-a-Shoe

If your child would like to donate their worn-out gym shoes as well, Girl Scout Troop # 51102 will have a collection box available. Shoes will be delivered to a Nike drop box where Nike will take those worn-out gym shoes and recycle them in order to make new play surfaces.  Instead of filling up landfills, they are made into something to help you wear- out your next pair of gym shoes!  Simply add shoes to the checklist and they will be delivered to a Nike drop box.

If you have any questions please contact Kristin Scrima at (630) 219-3350 or

G.L.O.W. 5K Run for Reading

Join the team captain Margaret Bergquist (2B teacher) and the All Saints team for this fun event on Saturday, June 4.  Give Literacy an Opportunity to Win through your participation.  See the G.L.O.W. event flyer for more details on how to sign up. 

SHPP Community Outreach – Pop Tab Collection

Saturday, May 14, is the Pop it and Drop It pop tab collection at Edward Hospital.  Please bring your pop tabs into school by this Friday, May 13. Or bring them to Edward Hospital Parking Lot C (corner of Osler Drive & Brom Drive in Naperville) on 5/14 between 9 and 11 am.  Enjoy family-friendly activities, delicious treats from DeEtta's Bakery and a special visit from Ronald McDonald!  Tabs and other recyclables will be recycled to benefit Ronald McDonald Family Room in Edward Hospital.  Thank you to everyone that has donated pop tabs this year.

News from All Saints Athletic Association

Registration for 2016-2017 Sports Season is Going on NOW!  Registration period ends on May 14th.  Parents can register student athletes and pay sports fees via credit card online for the 2016/17 school year! (Check payments will still be accepted). Please read the FAQ document BEFORE you register to get all details.  Registration ends on May 14 and there will be no written forms to complete so please register today!  The link to the site is: 

You will find the site extremely easy to navigate and you will get instant confirmation of your registrations.  If you had an account set up previously with SportsSignup, the user information (username & password) remained the same; however, please be sure to access your account and update your information (i.e. email contacts, sports physical information, PGC, etc). If you are new to the athletic program or haven’t established an account previously, you will need to create an account simply by clicking on the “Login” link and follow the steps for first time users. For questions, please email Erika Baka at

ATTENTION new families and parents of current 4th graders!!  Please plan on attending an informational meeting on the All Saints Sports program, date to be determined.  It is strongly encouraged that at least one parent attend this meeting if you plan on registering your 4th grader (or new ASCA student) in any sports next year.  This meeting will give you an opportunity to have any questions answered by the All Saints Athletic Association Board.  An email will be sent soon with further details.

Track and Field News

We are still awaiting final results from this past weekend’s Divisional Meet and will post as soon as we are made aware.  Our athletes will need your support as they compete in the League Championships held on May 21st. Stay tuned to see who will be representing All Saints!

REMINDER!  The Track & Field Banquet will be held on Wednesday, June 1st from 6:30-8:30pm. RSVPs are no longer being accepted.  If you have questions, please contact Erika Baka directly at 



All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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