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Thursday, September 26, 2024

March 9, 2017

Saints Speak - March 9, 2017

From Mrs. Santos 

Cooperation, Generosity and Compassion help grow our Saints


Our virtue focus this week is on cooperation.  Cooperation is working with others and with God's grace and the Holy Spirit to live as a community on mission.  In recent weeks, I have noticed that more and more of our 'saints' are being recognized with Saintly Acts by their teachers and our administrative staff.  The issuing of a Saintly Act is our way of affirming and commending our students for showing a Catholic attitude and outstanding behavior through honesty, kind and respectful behavior toward another, volunteering to help others, or showing positive changes in behavior.  When we can contribute in a way that creates a spirit of love, respect and kindness at All Saints, we are building up our school community, and the Body of Christ.  If your student has not yet received a Saintly Act, please let them know that their actions do not go unnoticed.   They should continue to cooperate, and be good and kind to others - not for reward, but simply because it is how Jesus would like us to treat each other.  Your student just might receive a Saintly Act when they least expect it.      


At our school mass yesterday, I was so pleased to see and hear each and every student praying together, singing, responding to Father Bill, and collectively cooperating and joining together as one in our liturgy.  As I reflected on which class would receive the out of uniform opportunity today, I couldn't pick just one or even two classes.  I had to recognize the entire student body.  While being out of uniform may be an incentive to motivate the students toward a desired behavior, I couldn't help but feel that the Holy Spirit was working through each class and student, and present in our actions, and in our hearts.  One of our school parents who was at mass yesterday commented to me that she felt as if she heard each student's individual voice, even the tiniest voices among us.  Cooperation in action; and giving life to the following verse:  "We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28          

Another area in which our 'saints' are on fire is in coming up with ideas to raise money to help the children of Hogar del Pobre orphanage in Celaya, Mexico.  Thank you to everyone who has already sent in a donation to help the orphanage.  A special thanks to our students who have planned service projects to help the children, as well.  The bake sale that was held in the safety zone this past Monday afternoon raised over $160 in just a few short minutes!!!  Please click here for the information flyer about our Lenten Service Project for the orphanage.  I would like to share some fun facts with you about Hogar del Pobre:


  • Hogar del Pobre is located in Celaya, Mexico, which is in the middle of Mexico in a beautiful, mountainous valley.
  • At any time, the orphanage has 100 or more children – most are wards of the state, but are not up for adoption. Some have special needs – for example, have spinal conditions, or are blind with no professional resources for them.  They are loved and taken good care of at the orphanage..
  • The orphanage is run by religious (nuns), who are Sisters of the Poor, and also several other adults.
  • One of the orphans from Hogar del Pobre used to attend All Saints.  A dozen or more children from the orphanage have been adopted here in the Chicago area.
  • The nuns help to deliver many babies of people who can’t afford hospitals.
  • The police bring “street children” to the orphanage who have been abandoned.



  • A former orphan, who grew up at the orphanage is a priest now in Texas.
  • They have daily mass at Hogar del Pobre, and pray for ASCA students and staff daily.  They are very faithful, dedicated and devoted Catholics.  They have a small chapel on their property.



  • The orphans wear uniforms to a public school. 
  • Ride to school in the back of a pickup truck. 
  • The children don’t learn English.



  • Breakfast is hot cereal.
  • Tortillas – they make their own at the orphanage, as well as cactus salsa.
  • Soups – they don’t waste any part of their resources!
  • Grow vegetables – peppers and chiles - in a garden. 
  • Farmers use horses and mules to plow,  manually plow fields.
  • Naughty children rise early to steal an egg from the hen house, and cook it before nuns awaken and catch them.


Living conditions

  • Children live in a large dorm room with bunk beds – they have no blankets or pillows.
  • Roof leaks, and is in great need of repair.
  • Sometimes their phone and running water doesn’t work.
  • The orphanage has working electricity, but no heat.  Can get down to 32 degrees in winter.  



  • Children have a soccer field
  • The playground has old rusted out equipment, and is very small.
  • There are some toys and books, but not many.
  • There is only one TV – kids who aren’t well-behaved lose their TV privilege.
  • Girls steal spoons to curl their hair.



  • Christmas is their only party of the year.
  • Many grown orphans return to the orphanage to help them in return for everything they did for them.  Some have attended college.    


Any and all donations, no matter how large or small, will make a difference to the children and staff of the orphanage.  The generosity and compassion that is being learned by each All Saints student are valuable virtues that we not only have studied; but which are now real and tangible lessons learned by our students.  


Saints at the Dinner Dance Auction (DDA) - A Night in Hollywood almost here!  

Attire: Cocktail attire is suggested for the event. 

Embassy Suites Room Reservations: If you would like to spend the night at the Embassy Suites, the hotel is offering a group rate. Please use the code ASC when booking. 

School Wide Basket Raffles: We are still accepting orders for raffle tickets! 1 for $5 or 5 for $20. Cash and checks are accepted via backpack mail. Please click here for the form for ordering.

Tuition Credit Raffle:  Buy a raffle ticket soon for your chance to win the $5,000 tuition credit. Tickets are $100 each and can be purchased via the website: or with a check made out to ASCA. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Glab:  Only 150 tickets will be sold!  Take a chance on winning; the odds are much better than Powerball.  


Saints News

8th Grade Bake Sale - Tuesday, March 14

The 8th grade Class of 2017 will be having a Bake Sale in the safety zone on Tuesday, March 14th. They are raising money for the Legacy Gift of sport banners for the gym. They will be selling homemade goods for $1.00. They will also have gluten free items available!  Don't forget to bring your money!  Thank you in advance for all of your support.  We can not wait to 'Raise the Banners' in our gym.


Happy Camper Book Fair Starts this Week

Happy Camper Book Fair......s'more fun with books! The book fair is quickly approaching! Come camp out at the book fair March 13th through March 16th. Plan to join us in McSherry Hall on the following days and times:  

  • Monday, March 13 - 10 am - 3:15 pm (student preview with classes)
  • Tuesday, March 14 - 8 am - 6 pm
  • Wednesday, March 15 - 8 am - 6 pm
  • Thursday, March 16 - 8 am - 10 am


In order to make this event a success, we are looking for volunteers to set-up, cashier, tear-down, and assist students with the preview and shopping. Any assistance would greatly be appreciated. The book fair is a great place to be involved, help out the school, and to make new friends.  We have made sign-up easy, just click on the link below......

Volunteer Sign-Up


Lenten Rosary Prayer

All are invited to join us each Wednesday throughout the Lenten season for our Rosary prayer, which will be recited at 7:50 am prior to our school masses IN THE GYM.  We pray for the intentions of Pope Francis, our school, our schools intentions and any you may wish to offer. You do not need to know the rosary.  We offer cheat sheets and rosaries for any who need them.  We are also very child and baby friendly! Please bring your younger children, visiting grandparents or friends for 15 minutes of prayer for our Pope, our children, teachers, administrators and loved ones.  Please feel free to contact Christi Kluzak at with any questions or suggestions.  


Second Annual STEM Fest at ASCA

Save the date and plan to attend our 2nd Annual STEM Fest on Monday, May 8 from 6:30 - 8 pm.  ASCA's STEM enrichment program needs a few good parent scientists, chemists, mathematicians, bankers, nutritionists, orthopedists, chemical engineers, marine biologists, astronomers, computer scientists, etc.


We need enthusiastic and upbeat parents (or work colleagues) to present their STEM field to children through hands on activities. Adults will lead a 5-10 minute demo, and then allow for child interaction.  If you are interested or know of an eager volunteer, please contact Dr. Deborah DeRosa at


Saints Having Fun


ASCA All School Family Fun Night at Players - Sunday, April 30

We are excited to announce an opportunity for our school families to come together for an afternoon of fun at Players Indoor Sports Center in Naperville from Noon to 3 pm on Sunday, April 30.  The cost is only $14 for one child, with a $25 max for 2 or more children.   So, save the date, tell all of your friends, and stay tuned for online registration information coming soon!

All Saints Women's Basketball League

Ladies, you've sat in the stands all winter long watching your kids play basketball and cheering them on.  Now that their season is finished, it is time to dust off your high tops and put your game face on!  Join your fellow All Saints moms, teachers and friends in the gym for some fun on the following dates:

Thursday, March 16:  7-9
Tuesday, March 21:  6:30-8:30
Thursday, April 6:  7-9
Thursday, April 20: 7-9
Tuesday, May 2:  6:30-8:30
Thursday, May 11:  7-9
Thursday, May 18:  7-9

Cost to participate will be $50 for new players (includes a jersey).  To sign up or get additional information, please contact Chris Gambs ( or Dana Menendez (


Night at the Lab/Meet an Astronaut at Lewis University


The Lewis University Physics and Chemistry Departments will be hosting Night at the Lab / Meet an Astronaut on Monday March 20, 2017. There will be hands-on STEM activities and demos, the opportunity to meet astronaut Dr. Linda Godwin, a presentation by Dr. Godwin, and stargazing (weather permitting). Please click here for the information flyer.  The event is free and open to the public.  The activities will be geared toward students in 4-8th grade and high school though there will also be some activities for families with younger children.   


Saints Helping Saints

No Cookin’ in the Kitchen - March 

No Cookin’ in the Kitchen, benefitting the ASCA Class of 2018 has two great events this month!      

  • TOMORROW, Friday, March 10 - Chili's.    Please click here for more information.  
  • Tuesday, March 21 - Aurelio's.  Please click here for more information.  


Out of Uniform Fundraiser


Thursday, March 16 will be the next Out of Uniform Day Fundraiser benefitting the Class of 2018.  If you did not purchase the prepaid package earlier in the school year, you may elect to participate by bringing $10 to school on the 16th to be out of uniform. Thank you for supporting the Class of 2018!


Saints in the Classroom and Beyond

Congratulations to Jacob Buss, Christian Novy and Aaron Munson! These 8th-grade classmates, friends and Huskies Hockey Club teammates advanced through 32 teams to clinch their bracket at the AHAI Blackhawk Cup Elite 8 Round Robin this past weekend. They will play for the 2017 Illinois State Hockey Bantam Championship when they go up against the Bruins this Friday night at 9 pm at The Edge Ice Arena in Bensenville. Good luck, boys!


ASCA Graduates Coming Home

For graduates of ASCA in the Classes of 2009 through 2016:  We are in the early stages of planning for an event to bring all of you back together at All Saints.  Would you like to be involved in the planning?  If so, please contact Mrs. Santos at  For our graduates who have moved on to college, who have graduated from college, or who will be attending college this fall:  Please send us a pennant from your college!  We have already received a a handful, and can not wait to hang them in our halls for all to see!  We are proud of all of our ASCA grads.  More information will be coming in the next week!    


We would love to hear about what our students and graduates are doing!!!  Please contact us so we can share the good news with our All Saints school community.


Saints in the Summer

Physical Education Spirit Camp at ASCA

All Saints Catholic Academy is excited to offer an opportunity to continue the fun from PE combined with a touch of grace for K-5 students. Under the instruction of Mr. Justin Busche, students will get the opportunity to enhance their learning of popular sports, fun activities and increased fitness with a focus on a Biblical theme each day.  Think of it as one part Vacation Bible School, one part Fitness, one part Sports, and ten parts cool, all mixed in a blender for a week’s worth of FUN!!!  

Who:      Incoming Kindergarten – 5th grade students  

What:     Focus will be on a different activity each day 

When:    Monday, June 5th – Friday, June 9th                 and/or             Monday, June 26th – Friday, June 30th 

Time:     K-2:  8:45 AM – 10:15 AM             3-5:  10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Where:    All Saints Catholic Academy

Please click here for more information.  


St. Francis Summer Camps

  • Wide variety of camps and clinics available for students entering 1-12th grade
  • Register at


STAGE203 Summer Fair 2017

Parents and their children are invited to attend STAGE203 Summer Fair Monday, March 13, 6-8 pm at Kennedy Junior High School in Naperville.  Camp and volunteer opportunities for K-12 students.  Questions?  Contact Theresa Mueller (630-715-9999 or


Saints In the Parishes

Fish Fry at St. Elizabeth Seton

All are welcome to attend St. Elizabeth Seton's Annual Fish Fry on Friday, March 17th.   Dinner will be served from 5 pm - 7:30 pm. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 10 and under.  Children that are 2 years and younger are free.  The menu will consist of Beer Battered Cod, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Cheese Pizza, Soda Bread, Beverages and Dessert.  The McNulty Irish Dancers will also be on performing.  Tickets are available in advance by contacting, after all SES masses this weekend or at the door. Join us for a St. Patrick's evening filled with food, fun and friends!


Tatiana Is Coming to Holy Family 

Tatiana “Tajci’ Cameron is performing her inspirational and faith-filled Passion narrative “I THIRST” here at Holy Family Parish in Shorewood on Sunday, March 12 at 6 pm. If you’ve seen her in the past, we pray you are as excited as we are. If you’ve not experienced her love and inspiration, treat yourself to a wonderful evening. .
 There will be a reception with Tajci following the 6 pm performance. All are welcome!  Thank you to all for your consideration.  For those who can’t join us on Sunday, March 12, St Mary’s Plano will also be hosting the I THIRST concert on Saturday, March 11!
Together let us walk the Passion of our Lord with Tajci’s “I THIRST – Lent as a Turning Point”, a reflection on the Crucifixion Story with a Focus on Renewal of Life. Please join together at this free event and stay for a lovely reception with the artist, Tatiana, afterwards. Treat Yourselves, Bring a Friend.


Saints in Competition 

From the Saints Sidelines . . . Congratulations to our All Saints teams who will continue their playoff journey.  Our Boys 5A, 5B2, 7B1 & 7B2 and Girls 6A & 7B teams will be playing again this weekend.  Be sure to check the league website at for playoff game schedules. 


Be sure to come out to the ASCA gym this Friday, March 10 @ 6:30pm for BLUE OUT!  What a great night for a pep rally to honor our 8th grade players and show our Saints pride as we continue to cheer on our remaining playoff teams.  FREE ADMISSION for all who attend!


Basketball Banquet is Thursday, March 23 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.  RSVPs are due on/before Friday, March 17th.  Contact Erika Baka at if you did not receive your invite.  If you will not be attending the banquet, you may return your cleaned uniform to the school office in a ziplock bag with your name on it.

Practice and meet schedules for Track & Field will be released and communicated to all registrants soon.

Parents of track & field athletes…. information will be coming soon on meet job assignments. 

Stay Calm and Dribble On!!!

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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