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Principal's Newsletter - March 19, 2014

With our theme of Following Matthew: Transforming the Kingdom, I want to explain why this theme is especially dear to my heart. Matthew is the single most celebrated Apostle here at All Saints Catholic Academy, and it leads back to the first day that I walked into the building.

You likely know that the building of the school started seven years before we ever enrolled our first student. We liked this property from the very beginning, and it was a true roller coaster trying to make it our home. When this property was sold to a builder, we eventually considered other locations at Book and Leverenz Roads, as well as Naper Boulevard and 75th Street, neither of which could work from an engineering standpoint.  We were in a deep low at that point. Then miraculously, the builder decided to split the property, keeping the undeveloped part and selling the half with the school.  The committee and the Diocese acted quickly, and suddenly our original vision was reality.  The Calvary Christian School was still functioning here at the time.  They invited us in for a quick tour to see what we had purchased, but it had to be before the staff and students arrived.  So very early, and very excited, we arrived.  Our ‘entourage’ included Sr. Helen Jean (our then superintendent), several Diocese of Joliet folks, Mike Hand, Jim McSherry, Fr Bill, and probably others I have forgotten.  It was quite emotional as we had worked so hard and so long for this moment to happen. We came in to the school through the door we now know as Door 7(our main entrance), and a few feet into the building, Fr Bill held out his hand to stop me.  He said, “Look”.  He was pointing at a bible passage that Calvary had above the door to the main office:   “With God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26.  He said, “Sandy, I want you to put that clearly up in our school. That is how we got here” 

Fr Bill was absolutely correct. We had done all we could, and it was simply not enough. No amount of human effort was enough to make this school a possibility. It was only possible with God.  Through the years we have faced a number of issues and challenges that I feared would be the end of us, but it has always worked out….because with God all things are possible. We do have that passage clearly visible here. It is on our cornerstone plaque, on the recess door, bookmarked on the bible by the office, and etched on my heart.  I thank St. Matthew for this touchstone.

ASCA Lenten Service Project – Hogar del Pobre

All throughout Lent, All Saints students and their families will continue to support the Hogar del Pobre orphanage in Celaya, Mexico with prayer and a clothing collection.  For most of the children at the orphanage, the clothing that they receive from All Saints students will be the only new outfit that they receive all year long.  In past years, All Saints families have generously been able to contribute over 700 pieces of clothing during the forty days of Lent, which is our current goal.  The ASCA Lenten Service Project flyer is available at the school website.  Thank you in advance for your generous contributions.

Please note that items must be new with tags attached, and can be purchased from any store and made in any country, including China.  The orphanage is located in an area of Mexico where it gets very cold at night without heat.  Warm clothing is their greatest need.  It is a very good time to check out the sale racks at the store for fall/winter clothing.  Consider shopping as a family for one of the children at the orphanage, and let your student pick out the clothing item(s) to donate.  Shoes, jackets, pajamas, socks and underwear are needed too.  Even though we have assigned each grade level a size, you are welcome to bring in any size.     

In this project, we continue to encourage our students to become ‘others centered’, learning and experiencing how it is to be Christ's loving hands and hearts when doing small things with great love!

The Spring Book Fair is Here!

  • today and tomorrow - March 19 and March 20

Tonight (Wednesday) is FAMILY NIGHT, from 3 pm – 5:30 pm.  Please join us in McSherry Hall to purchase books, which will help our school library to increase their book collection.  Your generous support is greatly appreciated

The last day of book sales will be tomorrow, Thursday, March 20 in the morning from 8 am – 11 am.      

ASCA Yard Signs

Now that we have had some thawing and we can all see our lawns again, we have yard signs announcing that ASCA is accepting registrations for the upcoming school year. If you are on a street with traffic, please consider placing a yard sign in your yard. The sign can only go on personal property and not on any easements. Signs may be picked up in the school office. Contact Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or with any questions. We thank you in advance for your help.

D203 Busing Change

Please make a note on your upcoming calendars.  There will be no busing all day (to and from school) on Thursday, March 20, Friday, March 21 and Friday, March 28 for District 203 bus riders.  You will need to arrange alternate transportation for your student on these particular days.  All other buses will be running.

Out of Uniform Days – Benefitting the ASCA Class of 2015

The next out of uniform day is scheduled for this Friday, March 21, and the theme will be blue and yellow, or ASCA spirit wearIf you did not prepay for all of the out of uniform days, you may pay as you go by bringing $5 (cash or check made out to ASCA) on Friday, March 21.  Please place your money in an envelope labeled with your student’s name, grade and ‘Out of Uniform’.

If you have any questions, please contact Mili Jain at or Dana Campbell at  The Class of 2015 thanks you in advance for your support.

“Let’s Go Wild” at the Annual Daddy Daughter Dance

“Let’s Go Wild” Invitations have been distributed, one per family, for the event which is Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 6:30 pm.  Please make sure you get your RSVP envelope returned to the office.  Volunteers: If you haven’t already signed up to help decorate the gym that day or work at the dance and would like to, please contact Amy Drake, or Regis Watson,

Wednesday Rosary

On all Wednesdays of Lent, the Rosary will be prayed just before Mass in the school gym.  Besides being a great way to receive additional graces and to honor Mary, our spiritual mother, it is a wonderful way to share our faith with the students as they enter for Mass.  Please join us in the gym at 7:55 am (if you are running late – come anyway!).  Instruction sheets and extra Rosaries will be available.  We ask that you honor those joined in prayer and jump right in as you enter the gym for mass.  If you wish to socialize, please remain in the narthex.    Please contact Darlene Newman at with any questions.

All Saints Moms Basketball League

Ladies, you've sat in the stands all winter long watching your kids play basketball and cheering them on.  Now that their season is finished, it is time to dust off your high tops and put your game face on!  Join your fellow All Saints moms in the gym for some fun on the following dates:

Thursday, April 10, from 7:30-9:30 pm

Saturday, April 19, from 9-11am

Thursday, April 24, from 7:30-9:30 pm

Friday, May 2, from 7:30-9:30 pm

Thursday, May 8, from 7:30-9:30 pm

Thursday, May 15, from 7:30-9:30 pm

Thursday, May 22, from 7:30-9:30 pm

The cost to participate will be $40.  To sign up and get additional information, please contact Chris Gambs at, Dana Menendez at, or Tina Gregus at

Community Outreach

Earth Hour

Earth hour is a world-wide event, bringing together 152 countries and a digital reach of over 200 million.  Join others around the world by turning off you lights, TV, computer and all electrical devices for one hour on Saturday, March 29 at 8:30 pm. 

Earth hour is bigger than just an hour of lights off.  It is continuous movement driving actions, big and small, that are changing the world we live in.  Check out to see what an impact this organization is making on our environment.   

Spring Into Volunteering

Show Earth some kindness and help clean up a popular preserve:

  • Saturday, April 5th from 9 am – 12 pm at Spring Creek Reservoir 

  • Saturday, April 12th from 9 am – 12 pm at Herrick Lake

All ages are welcome, the events are FREE!  Call (630) 933-7681 to register by Monday, March 24th.  More information can be found at

Panoramic Photos

We still have a very limited number of Panoramic Photos available on a first come, first served basis.  The cost for this lovely keepsake is only $15 per photo.  Please contact Helen Kolar at (630) 961-6125, or to secure your copy before they are all gone.  Be sure to take a look at all of the panoramic photos from our first nine years of school, which are displayed in the hallway across from the gym, and see how we have grown!  

The Runaway Pencil is open every Monday and Thursday morning outside CafĂ© 1 from 7:30 to 7:50 am for all of your school supply needs.  See you at the Pencil!


News from the All Saints Athletic Association

 Basketball Wrap Up

Congratulations to the 8B Girls Basketball team and their coach Mike Gard who won their championship game against St. Mary of Gostyn this past weekend.

All of our teams had a tremendous year and should be commended on their seasons. Our basketball banquet is this Friday March 21st at 6:30 pm, and will recognize all of our players and their respective coaches. We are looking forward to seeing all players, coaches and parents to celebrate in the gym.  Don’t forget to turn in your uniforms at the banquet!

If you have not already signed up to attend, please do so today. An email went out to all families this past weekend. If you did not receive it, please send an email to, and she will send the form to you. It is extremely important that we get a head count by the end of today, so please bring the form and payment to the ASCA school office today.

We will also be selling Spirit wear and will have some good deals, so come with checks or cash to stock up for the spring!

Volleyball Season is Around the Corner

Sign Up for Benet Academy’s 2014 Girls Volleyball Summer Camps, which are available for all ages and level of play. 

Basketball and Volleyball Skills Camps

Attention all 4th grade girls:  Are you interested in developing your skills in Basketball and Volleyball?

Then you are invited to sign up for Spring Skills Sessions.  The sessions will start after spring break, and are intended for all skill levels.  We will introduce and practice basic skills, as well as learn how the games are played.  The sessions will help start to prepare the girls for the 2014-2015 5th grade sports seasons at All Saints.  Athletes can sign up for basketball sessions only, volleyball sessions only, or both sessions.  A letter went home to all 4th grade parents.  The deadline to register is this Friday, March 21st. For a copy of the form, or for questions contact Dana Menendez at

Go Saints!

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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