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Principal's Newsletter - January 7, 2014

Welcome back!  I hope that you had a truly wonderful Christmas with your family. It is hard to believe, but the school year is half over.  The second semester started Monday.  Report cards will be handed out next Wednesday, January 14th.  We had originally planned to distribute them today but there were many students who were ill just before our break so we will give them an opportunity to make up their tests, etc.

The second half of our year continues to focus on our commitment to encourage the children to express respectful and kind behavior to each other. We also continue our work on both the AdvancEd work (diocesan initiative) and our second year of work on the Standards for Success plan.  

Our value of service to others as Jesus asks of us continues on Martin Luther King Day (January 19, 2015). On that day we do not meet in our classrooms, but rather out in the community helping others.  The details are included with this newsletter.   We also continue the exploration of our World Culture Study.  As you know, we are studying the Philippines.  The goal of our World Culture Studies is to see how it is alike or different to be a child growing up in the Philippines. We were very grateful to the Simbang Gabi choir members from St Elizabeth Seton for sharing that tradition with us in December at our school mass. 

Still ahead, we have Catholic Schools Week (January 25-30) and our extra special 10th Anniversary Dinner Dance Auction on March 14th. This DDA will be so much fun; and I hope that everyone will mark the date and be there to celebrate all that our school has accomplished in our first decade. It will not be complete unless you are there with us! Then May Crowning / Grandparents Day on May 1st will signal the climax of the year. It is my hope that we can all truly appreciate and enjoy the second half of this school year that we have together. May God bless you and our students as they work so hard finishing this year.


The kindness of the families who contributed to the gift cards for the staff was deeply appreciated.  You are very thoughtful. 

Market Day, Wednesday, January 21st

Our next Market Day will be held Wednesday January 21st, with product pick-up from 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the gym (enter through Door 9).    As a reminder, at least 10% of your pre-tax order will be credited to your annual Family Fundraising Commitment. Please note that Market Day and GFS purchases at local GFS stores are not a practical option for Family Fundraising purposes.   You are encouraged to place your order at and pay by credit card. Please note that the deadline for internet orders has been moved one day earlier, for this and future Market Days.  This month's deadline is Friday, January 16th at 11:00 pm.  All Saints Catholic Academy's school code is 27119.  

Also please note that if you plan to pay for your order by check rather than with a credit card, you must pick up your order at the above scheduled time.  Late pick-ups will be allowed only for orders paid by credit card.  Volunteers are needed to help sort and stack the food. Please contact Tracy Coleman at if you are able to help.

Greeting Card Collection

During the month of January, we will be collecting your used greeting cards - Christmas or any other occasion. We cannot accept Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards, and 5″ x 7″ size or smaller is preferred. The cards collected will be turned into recycled cards and sold to support the programs and services of St. Jude's Ranch for Children. All donations can be brought into the ASCA office.  Please contact Ann Zediker at with any questions.

Martin Luther King Day…A Day of Service - 1/19/2015

All Saints Catholic Academy has built a tradition of service. As in previous years, we are going to ask that you serve within our community on Martin Luther King Day. We will not come to school on Monday, January 19th, but rather our attendance will be out in the community serving others.    It is our hope that you will make a decision to serve others on this holiday as a family. For working parents, no worries, we have alternative options on the weekend before MLK Day.    You may choose to offer time at Feed My Starving Children or sort crayons and buttons at SCARCE. You may spend time making candy grams for Little Friends clients or you may choose to go to your neighbor’s house and shovel their driveway. The point is to help others…and no, cleaning your room for your mom doesn’t count!  Here is the link to the arranged service opportunities: MLK Day Sign-Up.

To receive credit for attendance on January 19th, students will be asked to identify their act(s) of service, and to write a paragraph of reflection on how this service has helped others in the community and what it felt like to contribute in this way. If you are able to offer service as a family, take time together to talk about the experience and write a paragraph of reflection together. The MLK Service Project Form is due on Monday, January 26th, 2015. This will give your children a week to complete this form after their day of service.  We have many service opportunities available to you. Please see the attached listing of MLK service options with registration instructions.  If you have any questions please contact    

“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve” 

 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr


 All Dinner Dance Auction donations are due by the end of January! 

Reduce your Family Fundraising Obligation by donating an interesting item, unique experience or cash to the Anniversary Benefit. Cash will be used to supplement auction and raffle items as needed. You will receive a credit to your Family Fundraising Obligation for any cash donation up to $200, or the amount your donated item sells for at the Benefit up to $500.

Attractive auction items include:

  • Vacation get-always (lend house, condo, timeshare for beach, ski, golf);

  • Sporting event, concert or theatre tickets; hotel points; airline miles;

  • Fine dining; golf at exclusive club; high-end sports memorabilia;

  • Other unique experiences: behind-the-scenes tours; celebrity outings.

    Remember, “A good auction item is one that two or more people want to fight over!” Deadline for DDA cash donations is January 9, 2015.  Deadline for DDA auction item donations is January 30, 2015.

    It pays to advertise!  If you or your family has a business that could benefit from the visibility and positive image available through advertising in, or sponsorship of the Dinner Dance Auction, we have opportunities at a number of price points that offer visibility in the catalog and on our website leading up to the event, signage at the event, and more! Deadline for Advertising Forms and Sponsorship Forms is January 30, 2015.

    Auction Donation Forms, Advertising Forms and Sponsorship Forms are available on the DDA website at .  If you have questions on any of these opportunities, please e-mail Michelle Yacullo at or Tim Traynor in the School Office at

    The next DDA Committee Meeting is Friday, January 9th at 8:15 am in the Staff Lounge.  We welcome your involvement!

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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