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Saints Speak - January 5, 2017

From Mrs. Santos 

New Year Resolutions

Each year, we make resolutions in order to, prayerfully, make changes in our lives.  I hope you all have had a chance to reflect on this past year and decide what was working for you and what you want to change—whether it be personally or professionally.  I have chosen some resolutions for both my personal and professional life.  Personally—as usual—I am hoping to eat better, exercise more and hopefully lose a few pounds along the way.  Professionally, I am hoping to be more organized and keep my desk a little cleaner…….

Our ASCA staff has experienced some changes over the Christmas break, as well.  Our school secretary, Helen Kolar, and school custodian, Brian Stepien, announced that they would not be returning to All Saints in the new year.  This news was unexpected and caught us all by surprise.    They have left us to take new positions elsewhere; however, their sudden exit left us no time to transition.  We would appreciate and be grateful for your patience as we move through this time of change.  Also, when reporting absences, please send an email to your child’s teacher as well as  If you have any questions relating to attendance, please contact Pat Ann Rotko at (630) 961-6125, X129.  

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about the Approved Snack List changes for 2017.  The new and updated snack list was sent to all school families via SchoolSpeak on 12/15/16.  Parents now have more choices AND you may use your own containers and bags to pack your snack in.  Purchasing prepackaged items are no longer part of the requirement.  Please go to to see a copy of the updated list,    

It is hard to believe that our annual Dinner Dance Auction – ASCA Presents A Night in Hollywood - is just a few months away on Saturday, March 18.  In order to keep everyone up to date on the event, we will begin sending out a Tuesday DDA email with information on all of the exciting happenings with the DDA.  Please stay tuned and in the know.  We will continue to send out our Monday Reminder Email in addition to Saints Speak and the ASCA Weekend Sports (both sent on Thursday).


Saints News

January Busing Changes

Please note the following D203 busing changes in January:

  • January 6:  no busing to or from school
  • January 13:   no busing home

Please find alternate means of transportation for your student on these days.  

Parking Lot Reminders

Sometimes old habits are hard to break.  Let’s revisit some of our important parking lot procedures as we begin 2017:

  • When you see an orange traffic cone in place, it is not to be moved for any reason except by a school staff member.  A traffic cone indicates that access to a particular parking area is not allowed at that time.  Currently, this would be the parking lot on the east side of All Saints between 7:30 – 8:00 am and 3:00 – 3:45 pm.  
  • The after school car line begins at Door 7.  Cars should not be pulling up beside the school outside Door 9 or 10.   
  • Cars should not be parking in or driving through the bus line up area outside Door 1 while buses are present.   

Catholic Schools Week

This is the most fun week of the year for those who attend a Catholic school.  Wait until you see what we have planned for January 30- February 3.  We have created a really fun All Saints CSW T-shirt which can be ordered by going to the following link -  This cool t-shirt is available in both blue and gold; so read the form carefully and choose your favorite (or both).  The shirt will also be terrific for Spiritwear Fridays too!  

But remember, the ordering link will only be open until Sunday, January 15, so place your orders now!  Please click here for more information on the shirt!!!

Fat Tuesday Spiritual Celebration 

Please join us for a Fat Tuesday Spiritual Celebration in preparation for Lent!  On Tuesday, February 28, SHPP and ASCA’s Faith Formation will be taking a special pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Therese in Darien, IL, only 25 minutes from ASCA’s school campus.   Enjoy a tour of the shrine, Mass, lunch, and a special talk on how to imitate St. Therese’s little ways in our own daily life.  Tour is from 10:00-2:30 pm, and the cost is $25.00/person.  Transportation is not provided.  Must book at least 20 participants to reserve the date at the Shrine.  Please RSVP to Molly Donovan at with payment by Tuesday, January 31 at the latest.   For more information on St. Therese and the shrine, please visit  

Martin Luther King Day of Service is Coming - January, 2017

All Saints Catholic Academy has built a tradition of service in the belief that this is a key component in the formation of our students.  As in previous years, we are going to ask that you serve within our community on Martin Luther King Day.  We will not come to school on Monday, January 16th, but rather our attendance will be out in the community serving others.  It is our hope that you will make a decision to serve others on this holiday as a family.  You may choose to offer time at Feed My Starving Children or go to your neighbor’s house and shovel their driveway, or you may decide to visit the elderly at your local nursing home.  The point is to help others…and no, cleaning your room for your mom doesn’t count!  

We are sending out hard copy details about the pre-arranged service opportunities offered with ALL STUDENTS today.  They will also be on our website with copies available in the school office.  

To receive credit for attendance on January 16th, students will be asked to identify their act(s) of service, and to write a paragraph of reflection on how this service has helped others in the community and what it felt like to contribute in this way.  A copy of the form is going home today with ALL students attached to the service opportunities.  Copies will also be available in the school office and on the school website.  If you are able to offer service as a family, take time together to talk about the experience and write the reflection together.  To qualify the service can be performed any time during the month of January, 2017.  Forms will be due on or before Monday, February 5.  

*To reserve your spots at Feed My Starving Children sessions: 
For Jan. 16 from 2:30-4:30 pm go to

Or to register for Jan. 16 from 6-7:30 pm go to


Saints Having Fun

Save the Date for the 8th Annual Fun Fair – Friday, February 3

A Fun Fair Save the Date flyer has been sent home with all oldest and only students prior to break.  We hope that you plan on attending!!!  Stay tuned for more information including order forms which will be coming your way very soon.  New this year:

  • No more tickets!  Flat fee pricing for games, with family max pricing.
  • Preschool and Kindergarten students get early bird admissions.
  • New Junior High Only Fun Zone
  • Dinner and other concessions.

The fun fair is sponsored by the Class of 2018 to support their 8th grade class trip.

Fun Fair T-Shirts Available for Order

The Class of 2018 is bringing the fun to the 8th Annual Fun Fair, which is scheduled for Friday evening, February 3, 2017.  Now is the time to order your Fun Fair T-shirt for students to wear at the Out of Uniform day on Friday, February 3rd and at the event.  The t-shirt order form was sent home prior to break with all oldest and only students today. Please go to for a copy of the form.  Please return your order form along with a check by tomorrow, Friday, January 6th.  T-shirt orders will NOT go through FACTS.  Only checks or cash will be accepted.  Contact Anne-Marie Cronin at if you have any questions. 


Dinner Dance Auction (DDA) News 

Saintly Spot Ad

Saintly Spots are “ads”, featuring your child that are placed in the Dinner Dance Auction Catalog.  These ads are a terrific way to celebrate your child’s Graduation, First Communion, Sports Team or Scout Troop.  Right now is the perfect time to submit your child’s volleyball team or basketball team photos for a Saintly Spot!  Or send in your child’s class picture from the Christmas program or classroom party!  Multiple families can participate together.  The cost is $50, and the deadline for submission of the Saintly Spots is Friday, January 20, 2017.  Please see for a copy of the form and more information.  Thank you for your support of the Dinner Dance Auction!

ASCA Tuition Credit Raffle 

If you haven’t purchased your ASCA Tuition Credit Raffle Ticket yet, it is not too late to be in the running for a $5,000 ASCA tuition credit for the 2017-2018 school year.  Please contact Susan Glab ( if you have any questions, or wish to buy a ticket.  


Saints Helping Saints

No Cookin’ in the Kitchen - January 

No Cookin’ in the Kitchen, benefitting the ASCA Class of 2018 and their 8th grade trip, has one event currently planned for January.  Plan on joining us on January 16 at Culver’s.  More information to come.    

Change in SCRIP Procedures as of January 1, 2017

Beginning 1/1/17, there is a change in processing any SCRIP orders that are placed and paid for with a personal check.  As always, the preferred payment method for SCRIP orders is via Presto Pay.  

Personal checks will continue to be accepted as a form of payment, however all checks will need to be received by ASCA on the Friday before the regular Monday order deadline. Checks received after the Friday deadline will be processed in the next SCRIP cycle, delaying the order by one week. 

Additionally, any orders paid by personal check of $250 or more will not be processed until ASCA receives confirmation from the bank that the checks have cleared bank processing. Please note that this could take up to 10 banking days.  Once confirmation is received the SCRIP orders will be processed in the next SCRIP cycle, likely delaying the order by one to two weeks. 


Saints In Our Parishes

St. Thomas the Apostle will be presenting the following events in January and February.  Please contact Marge Coronado for more information or to register at (630) 355-8980 X118, or  

  • Sunday, January 22 from 3 – 6 pm:  In-Sight presents The Help, an award winning movie from 2011 based on the best selling novel by Kathryn Stockett.  
  • Friday, February 3 from 6:30 – 9 pm:  The Soul of a Creature Is Its Name.  Have you ever wondered about how you were given your name?  Learn more about your name and the story it tell. 


Saints In Competition 

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition – Save the Date

The competition will be held at ASCA on Sunday, January 29.  The event will be taking place during our Open House, so plan on joining in the fun on this day!!!  Stay tuned for more information to come.  


All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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