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Principal's Newsletter - February 13, 2013

With love and forgiveness, new beginnings are possible.

Today, Ash Wednesday, begins our Lenten journey. It is a journey of self-reflection; being honest with ourselves about what we need to change to be in a "right relationship" with God, being open to forgiving someone who has hurt us, and bringing prayer to a central part of our lives. This will allow that journey to be transformative. The mark on our forehead is an outward sign to the world that we want to change. Reflection can be our inward action to make that change possible. Our theme this year, With love and forgiveness, new beginnings are possible, we can see the hope of a new beginning. I hope you have a blessed Lent.

 Wednesday Rosary

During Lent, the Rosary is said every Wednesday morning just before Mass in the gym.  Besides being a great way to receive additional graces and to honor Mary, our spiritual mother, it is a wonderful way to share our faith with the students as they enter for Mass.  Please join us in the gym at 7:55 am (if you are running late – come anyway!).  Instruction sheets and extra Rosaries are available.  Kids (even noisy ones) are welcome!  For more info, contact Felicia Egan at (630) 357-6869, or

Thank You

The SHPP committee on traffic has made such a positive difference. The number of tardies is down, things seem to be flowing well, and I am hearing good things!  Thank you to all of our school families for your co-operation with the plan, and to the committee and volunteers for making it happen!

 Valentine’s Day Parties

Room Parents, please remember that the parties are on Thursday, February 14 from 2:15-3:15 pm. Parent volunteers need to sign in/out.

 Financial Aid for 2013-2014 School Year

The deadline for financial aid applications for the 2013-2014 school year is Friday, March 1. This is a firm deadline. All families who received any type of assistance, financial aid or scholarship for the 2012-2013 school year, and who wish to apply for monies for the 2013-2014 school year must reapply to be eligible for consideration. To apply, please log on to the FACTS Tuition Grant and Aid website at  Hard copies of the application paperwork are available in the school office. There is a $30 application fee for both the online or hard copy application.   Please do not wait.  The time to apply is NOW, as all related paperwork – W-2’s, tax returns, supporting schedules – need to be submitted by each applicant, and verified by FACTS by the March 1st deadline.  We will have very limited ability to help you if you do not fill out and submit the appropriate paperwork.  Please contact Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or with any questions.  

2013-2014 Re-enrollment

All current families who plan on returning for the 2013-2014 school year should have returned their re-enrollment paperwork by this time. 


Please join us at the next monthly SHPP meeting on Wednesday, February 20 at 9:15 am in the cafeteria directly following school mass. We will be discussing upcoming events such as the Book Fair, Lenten Fish Fry, and Daddy Daughter Dance. Parents are welcome to bring children along.  Please contact Amy Drake at

Dinner Dance Auction 2013 News

DDA Update

The “An Evening in Paris” Dinner Dance Auction is right around the corner.  March 9th will be here before we all know it!  We have fabulous donations for this year’s auction including:

Golf outing at Butterfield Country Club

A cruise to the Bahamas

43” Plasma TV

4 Pearl Jam Tickets

Please check out the auction website at for additional information.

Volunteers Needed!  We are looking for volunteers to sell raffle tickets at the beginning of the auction.  These are half-hour shifts from 6-6:30pm or 6:30-7pm.  The raffles are all in the ballroom this year, so grab a friend or spouse and work the table while visiting with all the guests.  We are also in need of live auction spotters!  Please email if you are able to volunteer in any capacity. 

Tuition Raffle Tickets are on sale.  Get them before they are gone! If you would like a chance to win a $5,000 ASCA tuition credit for the 2013-2014 school year just purchase a raffle ticket for $100.  To purchase, please contact Keith or Susan Glab:  Please note:  These raffle tickets WILL NOT be sold at the auction!  Don’t miss your chance, buy them now!

Invitation Information

Reservations and payment are due by Friday, February 22nd.  You can also register and pay online this year.  Visit: for information.

 Market Day

Our next Market Day is scheduled for Wednesday, February 20th.  The pick-up will be from 2:30-3:30 pm.  Internet orders are due by Saturday, February 16th at 11 pm.  Our school code is 27119.  As a reminder, 10% of your pre-tax order will be credited to the 2012-2013 fundraising obligation.

No Cookin’ In the Kitchen - Red Robin

February’s Red Robin No Cookin’ in the Kitchen fundraiser to benefit the Class of 2014 will be on Wednesday, February 20, at Red Robin located at 28260 Diehl Road, Warrenville, and 12646 South Route 59, Plainfield. Valid on dine in or carry out from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  A flyer will be sent home today with the oldest/only child, and also be available on the school website.  If you have any questions, please contact Alison Pechnik at, or Andrea Howard at 

Lenten Service Project – Hogar del Pobre

For the past several years, Hogar del Pobre orphanage in Celaya, Mexico has benefitted from our Lenten service project.  This year we will be collecting monies that will help the orphanage to locally purchase much needed clothing for the children.  They are a non-profit organization, so if you choose to write a check (made out to Hogar del Pobre), your canceled check will serve as your tax-deductible receipt for your donation. Please be sure that the check is made to Hogar del Pobre for your tax purposes.  We are unable to issue any receipts. As in years past, there will be pictures of the children posted in each classroom, and we will continue to pray for them by name during Lent. Perhaps your children might have the opportunity to earn money this Lent to donate so they can practice our meaningful Lenten tradition of almsgiving.  Any time during Lent, the children are welcome to bring a monetary contribution in an envelope marked “Lenten Project”, and turn it into their homeroom teacher.  Many thanks in advance for your participation in this worthwhile project!

Out of Uniform Reminder

Just a reminder that Thursday, February 14 is an out of uniform day (the theme is Pink and Red in honor of Valentine’s Day) for students who prepaid to participate in the Class of 2014 fundraiser.  If you did not prepay in the beginning of the school year and wish to be out of uniform, your child should bring in $5 on Thursday.  The Class of 2014 thanks you, and wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day.

Preschool Hearing and Vision Screening

We are looking for volunteer parents to assist us with our preschool hearing and vision screening, which will be held on Monday, March 4, Tuesday, March 5 and Tuesday, March 19.  Times will be from 8:15 until approximately 10:00 am.  All volunteers will need to have completed Protecting God’s Children.  Please contact ASCA Health Attendant, Susie Loscheider at (630) 961-6125, or if you can help.

Lenten Fish Fry & Stations of the Cross – Save the Date –

Friday, March 15th

Save the Date for the ASCA annual Lenten Fish Fry scheduled for Friday, March 15th in the ASCA gym.  As a new addition, we will be hosting the Stations of the Cross in McSherry Hall at 5:30 pm prior to the Fish Fry, which will begin at 6:00 pm, and continue till 7:30 pm.  The meal will be catered by Belgio’s, and the menu will feature Fried Cod, Potatoes, Penne Pasta w/ Marinara Sauce, Salad, Bread, Soft Drinks and Dessert.  Music will be provided by school parent, Colleen Turner.  Cost for Adults and Teens is $12, Kids (ages 5-12) is $8 and Kids under 5 eat for free.  Look for a ticket order form being sent home with oldest/only students today, and also at the school website.  Ticket orders should be returned by Friday, March 8.

Raging Waters

ASCA along with many other schools in the area are teaming up with Raging Waves Waterpark in Yorkville, Illinois for their Plunge into Fitness challenge. All students at ASCA in K- 8th grade are invited to Plunge into Fitness this spring as Raging Waves Waterpark joins the battle against childhood obesity. The fitness initiative runs from February 18th through April 15th, and each child completing the program requirements during this seven-week period will receive a free Raging Waves full day admission pass valued at $28.  All K-8th grade students will receive a fitness log from Mrs. Abrams during the week of February 11th.  Starting February 18th, students will color in one item on the fitness log for every 30 minutes of exercise.  After 25 hours have been logged, students can turn in their log sheet to Mrs. Abrams during the week of April 15th.  Soon after, students will receive their free waterpark pass to be used this summer.  If you have any questions, please contact Carla Griffin at

Box Tops for Education / Labels for Education Programs

Please send in all Box Tops and/or Labels for Education with your student by Friday, February 22.  There are collection boxes in the classrooms; students get a kick out of filling the collection boxes!   Do you have Box Tops or Labels receipts from Meijer or another supermarket? Send them in and they will be credited to the school. You can win 1,000 Box Tops for ASCA.   Simply go to, and enter the “Love My School” Sweepstakes. You can enter every day until February 28.

February Men's Tie Collection
ASCA is collecting men's ties through the month of February to benefit our Earth and others. SCARCE will be creating Christmas tree skirts as an example of reuse. The ties will also benefit a Men's Closet in which men will be able to find professional clothes to wear for interviews and jobs. Help us help others and the Earth by sending in your unused ties with your child to be put in our drop box in the office. Direct any questions to Thank you!

Hot Lunch Ordering Deadline

The deadline to place your March hot lunch order online is this Friday, February 15.  Please visit  All Saints’ school password is allsaints136.

D203 Busing Change

There will be no busing home from school for District 203 bus riders this Friday, February 15.  Please note this change on your calendar.  All other buses will be running on that day.

All Saints Athletic Association (ASAA) Meeting

The All Saints Athletic Association (ASAA) will be holding its monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 13 in the staff lounge at All Saints.  If you have an issue that you would like to present to the committee please plan to attend the meeting at 6:45 pm.  We will open the meeting to guests from 6:45 - 7:15 pm.  We ask that a brief summary of your issue be sent to Andy VanEekeren at prior to the meeting.

All Saints Football

If you are going to be in 5th through 8th grade in the 2013-2014 school year, and you are interested in playing on the All Saints travel football team, please plan on attending the upcoming open house for more information. The open house will be held on Saturday, February 23 from 12:30 – 3 pm at All Saints Catholic Academy.  Please contact Frank Ribaudo at (630) 853-5397, or with any questions. Also, visit the website.

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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