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Principal's Newsletter - February 12, 2014


The Olympics are in full force and so are we. Our World Culture Study this year is of Russia. The students are looking at the Russian culture to discover how it is different and how it is the same to grow up in Russia vs. the Naperville area. It was beautiful that the opening ceremony festivities took the form of a Russian child’s dream.  The future of the world is honestly a reflection of what the children can dream of. For you and me, it is important that the dream be grounded in the love of Jesus.


Diocesan Parent Survey

This past week, the students and staff of ASCA completed a survey for the Diocese of Joliet school accreditation process that I have previously spoken of.  Please go to the link below and complete the parent survey. We ask that you complete the survey by March 1st.  The Diocesan Parent letter outlining the improvement process is included with this newsletter.


Fr Belmonte’s note:



In an effort to improve our school system practices, the Diocese of Joliet Catholic Schools Office is conducting a Parent Survey. We value your opinion and ask that you take the time to complete this survey.


In order to complete the survey, please go to: Parent Survey, or


Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciated.  Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Fr. John Belmonte, S.J., Ph.D.


Tuition Credit Raffle

Please read the flyer coming home with all oldest and only students today regarding our Tuition Credit Raffle.  These raffle tickets will NOT be sold the night of the auction, so buy your ticket today.  Also, we would like to send a huge thank you to our 2014 Tuition Credit Raffle sponsor, Mrs. Patty Graham.  Mrs. Graham’s support of Catholic Education and ASCA is truly amazing.  


Market Day

Our next Market Day will be held Wednesday, February 19th with product pick-up from 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the gym (enter through Door 9).  As a reminder, at least 10% of your pre-tax order will be credited to your 2013-2014 fundraising commitment.  This is the last Market Day of this school year for fundraising credit; starting in March, proceeds will be credited to the 2014-20015 school year.

You are encouraged to place your order at and pay by credit card.  The deadline for internet orders is this Saturday, February 15th, at 11:00 pm.  All Saints Catholic Academy's school code is 27119.


Volunteers are needed to help sort and stack the food. Please contact Tracy Coleman at if you are able to help.


2014-2015 Re-enrollment Packets

Packets were sent out to all returning current families a couple of weeks ago, and are now past due. If you have not yet returned your re-enrollment paperwork and fee, please do so as soon as possible. Please contact Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or with any questions.


Financial Aid for 2014-2015 School Year

The deadline for financial aid application for the 2014-2015 school year is Friday, March 1. This is a firm deadline, and all paperwork must be submitted and verified by this date.


All families who received any type of assistance, financial aid or scholarship for the current school year must reapply to be considered for the 2014-2015 school year.


To apply, please go to the following link at the school website:, and click on the FACTS icon on the top of the page.  You can also go directly to the financial aid application screen by going to the following link:  Hard copies of the application paperwork are available in the school office. There is a $30 application fee for both the online or hard copy application. Please contact Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125 with any questions.


Family Life Parent Meeting Grade 5 & 6 Parents

On Tuesday, February 18th at 7:00 pm, there will be a required parent meeting for the parents of all 5th graders and the parents of all 6th graders new to the school this year. At this meeting, we will outline our family life curriculum.  Our Bishop asks that school administrators have a personal conversation with parents prior to the introduction of this curriculum for our students.  In preparation, I ask that you preview a powerpoint presentation from the Bishop prior to our meeting on the 18th.  If you are not able to attend, you will need to arrange an individual meeting with Dr. Renehan after February 18th.  Information about the powerpoint presentation will be included in an upcoming grade level newsletter.  


D203 Busing Change

There will be no busing home from school for District 203 bus riders this Friday, February 14.  Please note this change on your calendar, and make alternative transportation arrangements home for your D203 bus rider this Friday, February 14.  All other buses will be running on that day.


Valentine’s Day….one more time

Please note that SHPP will have a universal snack for the Valentine’s Day Parties, which will be held this Friday, February 14 from 2:15-3:15 pm.  The Junior High will have service parties while they learn about Valentine the man, and how this holiday began.   They will not exchange valentines in school (they will do that out of school).  Grade 6 will learn about St Valentine and Agape.  Grade 7 will create flower vases and paper flowers for residents at the Independence Village Retirement Community while hearing how the holiday has grown and changed over the years.  Grade 8 will decorate tissue cube boxes for the residents of St Patrick’s Residence while listening to the music that represents Valentine’s Day. The universal snack that will be served will be Skinny Pop popcorn (it is on the acceptable snack list), and grades K-5 will have their traditional parties where room parents have crafts and games for the kids.  No other food is to be brought in, and students are not to bring valentines with candy included.  SHPP will purchase and sort the popcorn bags for distribution.


Out of Uniform Days – Benefitting the ASCA Class of 2015

The next out of uniform day is scheduled this Friday, February 14, and the theme will be pink and red.  If you did not prepay for all of the out of uniform days, you may pay as you go by bringing $5 (cash or check made out to ASCA) on Friday, February 14.  Please place your money in an envelope labeled with your student’s name, grade and ‘Out of Uniform’.


If you have any questions, please contact Mili Jain at or Dana Campbell at  The Class of 2015 thanks you in advance for your support.


March Lunches

Online orders for March hot lunches may be placed on line until this Saturday, February 15.  Please visit  All Saints’ school password is allsaints136.


Lenten Fish Fry & Stations of the Cross – Save the Date – Friday, March 7th

Save the Date for the annual ASCA Lenten Fish Fry scheduled for Friday, March 7th in the ASCA gym.  The Stations of the Cross will take place in McSherry Hall at 5:30 pm prior to the Fish Fry, which will be from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.  Also, please bring a can of food that will be donated to Loaves and Fishes.  The meal will be catered by Belgio’s, and the cost for Adults and Teens is $12, Kids (ages 5-12) is $8 and Kids under 5 eat for free.  Look for an Lenten Fish Fry RSVP flyer to be sent home soon.


Every Monday and Thursday morning, The Runaway Pencil is open outside Café 1 from 7:30 to 7:50 am for all of your school supply needs. 


Plunge into Fitness Challenge – Raging Waves

ASCA, along with many other schools in the area, will be teaming up with Raging Waves Waterpark in Yorkville, Illinois for their Plunge into Fitness challenge. All students at ASCA in K- 8th grade are invited to Plunge into Fitness this spring as Raging Waves Waterpark joins the battle against childhood obesity. The fitness initiative will run from February 17th through April 11th, and each child completing the program requirements during this seven-week period will receive a free Raging Waves full day admission pass valued at $28.  All K-8th grade students will receive a fitness log from Mrs. Abrams the week of February 10th.  Starting February 17th students will color in one item on the fitness log for every 30 minutes of exercise.  After 25 hours have been logged, students can turn in their log sheet to Mrs. Abrams the week of April 11th.  Soon after, students will receive their free waterpark pass to be used this summer.  If you have any questions, please contact Carla Griffin at   


Wednesday Morning Rosary Prayer before Mass

Just a reminder – each Wednesday morning prior to mass, the Rosary is prayed in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Reflection Chapel (located across from the school gym) at 7:50 am. Please come, even if you are running late.  Instruction sheets and extra Rosaries are always available. Kids (even noisy ones) are welcome!  Please contact Darlene Newman at with any questions.


Schoolbelles Sale

Schoolbelles, ASCA’s official uniform company is having an accessories blowout sale with up to 30% off select items.  They also have 25% off first communion items.  The sale begins today through Saturday, February 22.  To place an order, go to  ASCA’s school code is S2105.


Community Outreach

ASCA Prom Dress Collection for PRC

The People's Resource Center provides formal wear to girls who could not otherwise afford to attend their prom. Through donations of new and gently used formal dresses, shoes, purses, and accessories they are able to "Turn Dresses Into Dreams" for junior and senior girls. This provides an unforgettable and amazing experience as they are greeted with an environment of grace, love and respect. Girls leave knowing they are cherished!  Clean out your closets and drop off any donations at ASCA next Wednesday, February 19.  The Community Outreach fairy godmothers will be waiting at drop-off and pick-up on these days only (by door 9) to collect your donations.  If you have any questions, please contact Ann Zediker at


Yearbook is Looking for Photos

Here is a chance to help your school. The yearbook is looking for photos. It's easy. We are looking for photos taken during the Martin Luther King service day, sporting events, every day at school, and what your student did on the polar vortex/cold days. Please do not alter the photos. You can drop off a drive to the school office with the photos on it addressed to Mr. Tuttle or Donna Casey (please include your student’s name so we can return the drive to you).  You may also put your photos on a disk.  If you have any questions, please contact Donna Casey at  Thank you in advance for your help.


News from the All Saints Athletic Association

This Saturday, February 15, will be the last games that two of our 8th grade teams will play for All Saints on their home court. Please come to the ASCA gym, show your spirit and cheer them on!

  8A Girls play St Raphael at 1PM 8A Boys play SS Peter & Paul at 2PM   Go Saints!


St. Raphael Football

This August, the St. Raphael Football Program will begin its 51st year serving the Naperville Area.  Our league is open to all Naperville Area children from age 6 to 12. We are currently accepting registration.  Player check-in is July 25, 28.  For more information and to download the Football Registration Form, check out our website, at  Or you can contact Jim Brown at (630) 632-9244.   We invite you to become a part of our program and bring a friend. 


Passion and Purpose for Marriage

This event will be presented by Dynamic Catholic at St. Margaret Mary this Saturday, February 15 from 9:30 am – 2 pm.  For more event and ticket information, see the Passion and Purpose for Marriage flyer on the school website. 

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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