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Saints Speak - December 1, 2016

Saints Speak

From Mrs. Santos

December 1, 2016

Our virtue focus this week is on Hope.  Hope enables us to trust in God’s promise to share His life with us forever.  It makes us confident in God’s love and care for us.  We look to the prophet Isaiah for this beautiful scriptural reference and visual reminder of the power of hope:  “They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagles’ wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.” 

Imagine that you are in a little boat as a storm arises.  As the winds pick up intensity, you feel as if your boat could blow out to sea.  How frightening!

But if we cast an anchor into the water, its weight and strength will hold us steady and keep us from drifting away.  Hope is like an anchor.  Hope will hold us steady and keep us from drifting away from God’s loving presence.  This is why the anchor has neem a symbol of hope for hundreds of years.  So, if you find yourself in a lonely place or feeling lonely, let the image of an anchor remind you that, not matter what happens, you can always turn to God in prayer.           

Our Advent focus at All Saints this season draws from the Sunday readings in Cycle A that are centered on Jesus as the Promised One; He who is our bright promise of redemption.  Students will be preparing ‘Promise’ cards as they prepare their hearts and minds over the four weeks of Advent.  A ‘promise’ will be taught in the context of a convenant relationship, similar to God’s covenant and promise to Abraham. Our homerooms will be praying for strength of spirit throughout the Advent Season for each one of us to hold close our individual promises in prayer.  In these promises, we trust and hope.   

Saints News

All Saints Annual Appeal

Thank you to all who have returned their pledge card and contribution, or who have made an online contribution using Click and Pledge.  If you still wish to contribute, it is not too late!!!  Please know that no gift is too small.  Everyone’s help is needed at whatever level you are comfortable giving

If you wish to make an online contribution, which will only take a few minutes of your time, please go to the Click and Pledge link. 

Coffee with the Principal

We plan on having our next Coffee with the Principal in January, with an evening date to be announced, so stay tuned.  Childcare will be available on this evening. 

December Calendar Correction

The evening Christmas Pageant for Kindergarten through Grade 5 next Wednesday, December 7 will begin at 6:30 pm (not 7 pm as previously noted).  Please click here for the updated calendar.  

Parking Lot Update

A huge thank you to everyone for your understanding of and compliance with our drop off and pick up procedures as noted in the ASCA Parent Student Handbook.  In order to continue to build upon the success that we have realized to date, we ask that all school families pay particular attention to the following:

  1. If you have a relative or friend who will be dropping off or picking up your child who has never visited our campus before, please inform them of the parking lot procedures to follow.While we cannot fault them for not knowing what to do, their uninformed actions could create an unsafe situation.
  2. We have noted a number of parents who are still sitting in their cars in the parking lot outside Door 1 (stained glass window door), and allowing their unaccompanied student to walk through the lot to their car.The parking lot is very, very busy at dismissal, with many cars backing up and pulling out.These actions put your child and other parents who are behind the wheel at risk for a potentially unsafe and tragic outcome and is not handbook policyThis handbook policy rule pertains to all school families.

Uniform Reminder for Mass with Bishop Conlon

This Friday, December 2, all K-8 students should be in Perfect Uniform for our mass with Bishop Conlon. 

Rosary Prayer Reminder before Mass

Please plan to join us prior to mass as we gather for our weekly Rosary prayer which will take place during Advent in the school gym (not the chapel) prior to mass at 7:50 am. This Friday, however, we will meet in the gym around 1:30 pm prior to the 2 pm mass that we will be celebrating with Bishop Conlon. 

Please come to pray, even if you are running late.  Instruction sheets and extra rosaries are always available. Kids (even noisy ones) are welcome!  Please contact Christi Kluzak at with any questions.  We look forward to seeing you every week.

School Communications

Our school office makes a great effort to communicate with our school families in a variety of ways which include SchoolSpeak, Saints Speak and Constant Contact.  We understand that many of you are feeling inundated with information, and we have heard your concerns. 

Beginning next week, communications from the school office will include the following: 

  • a SchoolSpeak email to all school families each Monday that outlines all of the upcoming week’s activities, events and deadlines.If there is any information that is specific to a grade level, these emails will also be sent out on Mondays.We hope that receiving emails in this way will be helpful in making sure that you are informed and able to act in a timely manner.The only exception will be emails that pertain to health concerns which will be sent out from the health office when we receive them.

  • Saints Speak will continue to be published on Thursdays.If you wish to submit an item to be feature in Saints Speak, you will have to send your item by 4 pm on Tuesday afternoon.

  • We will continue to publish the ASCA Weekend Sports Report on Thursday afternoon.

You are always encouraged to check the school website and the electronic sign outside the school for up to date information. 

Advent Reconciliation Services

Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are given the gift of inner peace and the ability to strengthen the light within us.   Please choose an Advent Reconciliation Service for you and your child(ren) to attend.  This sacrament can be most powerful when modeled by you.  Opportunities for Advent Reconciliation in our supporting/sponsoring parishes is as follows:

  Sunday, December 11 at 5 pm

  St. Margaret Mary


  Wednesday, December 14

  7 pm at Holy Spirit Catholic Community;                  7:30pm at St. Thomas the Apostle

  Tuesday, December 20 at 7 pm

  St. Elizabeth Seton

Dinner Dance Auction (DDA) News

DDA Cash Donation Deadline – Friday, December 2

Please consider a cash donation of up to $200. Your donation will help the DDA committee to supplement auction items and create more desirable packages. The cash amount donated (up to $200) directly offsets your Family Fundraising Obligation.   

The cash donation form is due this Friday, December 2nd.  

Saintly Spot Ad

Saintly Spots are “ads”, featuring your child that are placed in the Dinner Dance Auction Catalog.  These ads are a terrific way to celebrate your child’s Graduation, First Communion, Sports Team or Scouts Troop.  Is your child part of the ASCA band, choir or school musical?  Place a photo ad in the catalog! Multiple families can participate together.  The Saintly Spot ads will also be featured on the ASCA TV in the main floor hallway.  The students truly love seeing their accomplishments being recognized by the school!  The cost deadline for submission of the Saintly Spots is January 20, 2017.  Please see the Saintly Spot Ad Form for more information.  Thank you for your support of the Dinner Dance Auction!

ASCA Tuition Credit Raffle

Have you purchased your ASCA Tuition Credit Raffle Ticket yet?  Would you like to win a $5,000 ASCA tuition credit for the 2017-2018 school year?

Take a chance on a ticket for the All Saints Catholic Academy 2017 Tuition Credit Raffle, and you could win a $5,000 tuition credit for your family or the ASCA Scholarship Program.  Tickets are $100 and only 150 tickets will be sold. 

Tickets purchased before December 13th are also eligible to win a Fees and Forms credit for the 2017-2018 school year!  This credit is valued at $325!!!  Please contact Susan Glab ( if you have any questions, or wish to buy a ticket. 

Saints Helping Saints

Advent Project - Hesed House

Each Advent, All Saints sponsors a collection of needed things for Hesed House, a resource center in Aurora for the homeless.  We are asking, if you are able, for classes to collect the needed items below.  It is perfectly ok for several families to join together if the items are too expensive for an individual.  Any help will be appreciated.  We are looking for the following items:

  Preschool and Kindergarten

  Toothbrushes and Toothpaste (travel size)

 1 st Grade

  Baby Diapers (Sizes 4-5-6)

  2nd Grade

  New Adult Men’s T-shirts (XL and 2XL, but all sizes welcome)

  3rd Grade

  Packages of Wipes

  4th Grade

  New Adult Men’s Socks (white/athletic or heavy/warm/wool)

  5th Grade

   Disposable Men’s Razors

  6th Grade


  7th and 8th Grade

  Adult Gloves/Mittens or Hats/Stocking Caps

Lynch Creek Farms

We know that many of you are decorating your homes for the holidays.  Do not miss out on this opportunity to help raise funds that will go towards ASCA Scholarship and Programming with the purchase of gorgeous high quality seasonal wreaths, roping/garland, trees, and centerpieces from Lynch Creek Farms

It couldn’t be easier!  All you have to do is go to the Lynch Creek Farms website to place your order.

Items will be shipped directly to you in enough time to decorate your home for the holidays, or for gift giving.   You have until December 15 to place your order, so check out the website today.  If you have any questions, please contact Tara Brophy at   Thank you in advance for helping us to reach our goal!

No Cookin’ in the Kitchen – December

No Cookin’ in the Kitchen, benefitting the ASCA Class of 2018 and their 8th grade trip have two events planned for December at some of our very favorite restaurants so get ready to get hungry.

Please click on the restaurant above for the flyer that tells more about the event.  The flyer for Panera is going home today with oldest and only students (Buona Beef will go home next week). 

So, put a big No Cookin’ in the Kitchen note on your calendars, and plan on joining us for lunch or dinner. 

Class of 2017 Pie/Bakers Square Fundraiser

The Class of 2017 is looking for your help in fundraising towards their 8th Grade Legacy Gift of sports banners which will hang in the ASCA gym. And what better way to raise money than with delicious pies from Bakers Square.  Come on, admit that you have a weakness for the French Silk (see delicious photo)

By purchasing a Sweet Returns Red Card which can be used to purchase fruit pies, or a Sweet Returns Green Card which can be used to purchase whipped cream pies, ASCA will receive about 30% of our total Bakers Square Sweet Returns card sales to use towards the gift! 

The Sweet Returns cards can be used for pies for the holidays and family gatherings, teacher or holiday gifts. You can purchase the cards now and save them for future use. The Sweet Returns cards have NO expiration date and can be used at any Bakers Square location. 

Hard copies of the Bakers Square order form have been sent home with oldest and only students already.  You can also stop by the table after our Immaculate Conception mass celebration on Thursday, December 8 to pick up a card or two.   

Calling New Lunchroom and Recess Volunteers

Christmas is a time to give and our shared faith tells us to serve.  Please consider volunteering your time to help in the lunch room or outside at recess.  The students are excited to see their parents/grandparents and the more volunteers we have, the better our students are served.  We need more volunteers, so please consider coming in if not once a week, then commit to once every second week on a day that suits you.  All volunteers are required to have completed the Protecting God’s Children’s Workshop.

For outside recess:  Please contact Terri Deiter at  For the lunchroom:  Please contact Jackie Budd at or Theresa Cunningham at  Thank you in advance for stepping forward. 

Saints Having Fun

Parents Night Out – Friday, December 9

We are SO excited about this upcoming event.  We have a lot of students who will be joining us, so don’t miss out on the fun!  Reservations will continue to be taken through Monday, December 5 at 8 AM. 

Fun activities will include a pizza dinner and cookie decorating (please let us know if your child has any dietary concerns), holiday movies and popcorn, crafts, Letters to Santa, a sing-a-long, a Christmas story and more!  We are even expecting a visit from a very special guest – Ho, Ho, Ho!!!

So, don’t miss out on the fun on Friday, December 9 from 6 – 9 pm.  Click here for the Parents' Night Out reservation form.  If your child can not be here for the entire evening, it is ok.  Wearing pajamas – totally optional. 

If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Giroux at  

First Annual “Ugly Christmas Sweater” Competition

Our first annual "Ugly Christmas Sweater" competition will take place on Thursday, December 15th. All students may add an ugly Christmas sweater to their uniform on that day. Students are encouraged to wear the ugliest sweater they can find or even better--one they make!  So, get busy now - prizes will be awarded!

Junior High Student Voices Candy Cane Sale

All ASCA students are invited to purchase a candy cane for a friend, a sibling, a teacher, a staff member or even you whole class!  Wish them a blessed Christmas, or simply let them know that you are thinking of them.

Candy canes are $1 each.  Look for the Candy Cane Table outside the school office during your recess time December 5-9.  Our elves will deliver the candy canes and messages to individuals on December 15.  Click on the Candy Cane Gram flyer to find out more!

Saints Making the Grade

The Hour of Code

We live in a world that is surrounded by technology. And we know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works.  But only a tiny fraction of us are learning how technology works.

Did you know that fewer than half of all schools teach computer science?  At All Saints, our grade 1-8 classes will be joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (December 5-11). More than 100 million students worldwide have already tried an Hour of Code.

Our Hour of Code is making a statement that All Saints Catholic Academy is ready to teach these foundational 21st century skills. We want to continue bringing programming activities to your students.  We want to make our Hour of Code event huge. This is a chance to change the future of education.  See  for details, and help spread the word.

Saints in Our Parishes

Craft Fair at St. Elizabeth Seton

A craft fair will be held in the Great Hall (Lower Level) at St. Elizabeth Seton this weekend: 

  • Saturday, December 3 from 6 – 8 pm

  • Sunday, December 4 from 9:30 am – 3 pm

Advent Lessons and Carols at St. Thomas the Apostle

Tomorrow evening, Friday, December 2, St. Thomas will celebrate their annual Advent Lessons and Carols at 7:30 pm in the church.  Guest artists Jeanne Cotter, John Angotti and Tony Alonso will be joining the St. Thomas Music Makers for an evening of Advent scriptures and music combined in a prayerful setting that is sure to be an inspiring, faith-filled way to prepare the way for Christmas.    

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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