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Principal's Newsletter - August 27, 2014

At the start of school your teachers had the opportunity to have a number of in-services and a retreat.  Our retreat was with Abbot Dismas Kalcic of St Procopius Abbey.  We had a peaceful reflective day with the staff, and our boards joined together to pray and reflect.  It was a very nice beginning.  We also had Ann Anzalone speak with us on Building a Culture of Respect by Fostering Student Achievement.  In addition, we enjoyed in-services on Everyday Math, small group reading instruction, and an in-service on building security.   This offers you insight to the different things that we are holding important this year. We are ready to have a great year!

Parking Lot Rules

After a week of school, it seems a few folks need some reminders about the AM drop-off and PM pick-up. The fast facts are:

  1. Speed limit is 5mph ….very slow because lives are at stake.

  2. Stay off your phone while you are on school grounds – the children need your careful attention.

  3. Please see the handbook for direction on how to form the double line and then merge to a single line as we approach the child safety zone.

  4. Once your child leaves your car, please move on out.Many cars are behind you and should not wait for you to watch your child walk up to their line.

  5. If you choose not to use the car line, please park at door 1 and walk your child up to the child safety zone.

  6. Use the west entrance to enter the grounds.

  7. In the AM and the PM, you may only turn right as you leave the grounds from the east driveway.This procedure was established at the recommendation of the Naperville Police Department.Please follow the signage that is posted at the exit.

  8. Remember....Safety first!


On behalf of the School, Home, Parish, Partnership, or SHPP, I would like to warmly welcome both new and returning families to the 2014/15 school year. To our new families, Welcome to the All Saints community- we are happy that you are here!  We hope that everyone had a relaxing summer and we invite you to join SHPP for another exciting and successful year!    Our first SHPP meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 10th at 9:15 am in Café 1.  Please join us for a cup of coffee and find out what we have planned for the year and how you can be involved. Your contribution, whether it is time, knowledge, or resources, is very appreciated, and can make a difference at our school.  I look forward to seeing you at our kick-off meeting. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.   Warmly, Paula DeRuntz,

Hot Lunch and Snack

Hot lunch begins on Tuesday, September 2nd.  For classroom snacks, only send snacks to school that are from the Approved Snack List in original packaging. We cannot allow your child to open or eat a snack in their class room that is not on that list. For lunch in the cafeteria, if you send peanut butter or peanut/tree nut products, you must send a wet wipe for your child to wipe their hands and face so they do not inadvertently touch a child with a peanut allergy. Even though the allergy children sit at a peanut-free table, residual from a child eating peanut butter could be dangerous as they play together on the playground. We are very grateful for your understanding on this life-threatening issue. If we all are careful, we will all be safe.

New Art at ASCA

Thanks to the generous donation from Dr. and Mrs. Turner, our students now enjoy a beautiful piece of public art which can be viewed as they return to the building from the playground.  The piece was created by Tod Schnowske. These are upholstered painted panels forming a colorful mosaic to greet us.  It is beautiful!   Please take a look.  We are very grateful to the Turner family.

RICH in CORe Values

I am sure you are familiar with the respect initiative entitled   RICH in CORe Values.  If you would like to be part of any of the four committees that are planning and exploring ways to make this happen, please contact via email at

Fall Fun Fair

Save the date…..Sunday, September 28th.  This is a “don’t miss event for a fun-filled afternoon.  You may also purchase a Fun Fair T-shirt that is your ticket for an out-of-uniform day Friday, October 3rd. The Fun Fair order form is going home with all oldest and only students today (look for the bright pink form).  It can also be found at the school website.

Attention 7th Grade Families - The 2014 Fall Fun Fair is Sunday, September 28th

The Fall Fun Fair is fast approaching; and many volunteers are needed!  A planning meeting for 7th grade parent volunteers will be held this Friday, August 29 in Café 1 following morning drop off. If you would like to be involved, but cannot attend the meeting, please contact Christi Kluzak at or Ruth Combs at

2014-2015 All School Panoramic Photo

Lifetouch will be taking our annual All School Panoramic Photo this Friday, August 29 at 1:30 pm.  We invite all of our preschool students to come to school on that afternoon to be a part of this photo.  The Panoramic order form for the photo went home last week with all oldest and only students, and is also available at the school website.  Photos may be purchased for $18/$24 per picture.  An order form must be turned in on or before the panoramic picture day for the photo to be produced.  These photos have proven to be a very popular keepsake in past years.  Don't wait until after you see the finished product to order yours!  Past photos are displayed in the hallway across from the gym. 

Innisbrook Wrap and Gift Fundraiser September 3rd - September 22nd

Innisbrook is back at All Saints, with more great wrap, gift and food selections than ever!  Catalogs and instruction sheets will go home with “oldest and only” students today, beginning the sale period that will run to Monday, September 22nd. This is a great opportunity for your family, friends and relatives to stock up on wrap, gift and specialty food items, and receive hefty credits toward your 2014-2015 Family Fundraising Obligation - 50% of the cost of wrapping paper, 40% on chocolates and 45% on all other items for EZ Orders picked up at school!  Watch for your catalog, think about all the giving occasions coming up, and get family and friends involved!  Happy Innisbrook! 

Year Book Team

Would you like to have a great time helping create the ASCA Yearbook?  We are looking for people to take over leadership for this project.  We have a leader this year who would like to mentor someone or a team in the process so that it would be yours in 2015-2016. Interested?  Please email Thank you!

All Saints Mum Sale!!!

It’s the time of year to switch to fall flowers! We are offering an opportunity for you to obtain gorgeous mums from Lizzie's Garden, a high quality local grower, at prices better than quality retail.  You can enjoy the convenience of being able to pick up your flowers right at school, and benefit All Saints at the same time! 

Please click here to see the flyer for details on how to order your yellow, bronze, maroon or purple mums to beautify your home.  The order form is also being sent home today with all “oldest and only” students and is available on the ASCA website.  Jumbo pots (2 gallon) of garden mums are being offered for only $20, and medium pots (6.5") for $10. 

Return forms and checks are due Friday, September 5th.  Plants will be available for pick up at school on Thursday, September 11th.  Please contact Michelle Yacullo at (630) 416-6691 or with any questions.  

A great many of us decorate our homes with mums for the fall.  Please consider buying yours through our school - over 40% of your purchase price will directly benefit All Saints!

Wednesday Morning Rosary Prayer before Mass

Beginning this week (and every Wednesday morning prior to mass), the Rosary will be prayed in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Reflection Chapel (located across from the school gym) at 7:50 am. Please come, even if you are running late.  Instruction sheets and extra Rosaries are always available. Kids (even noisy ones) are welcome!  Remember to enter through Door 7, and be sure to sign in.  Please contact Darlene Newman at with any questions.

Faith Formation Bible Study

Is being a mother what you thought it would be?  Momnipotent is coming to ASCA!  Author Danielle Bean is a mother of eight and editor-in-chief to Catholic Digest and she has written a book that validates the dignity and importance of motherhood.

In Momnipotent you will:

  • Rediscover and reconnect with your unique, beautiful, and powerful feminine gifts.

  • Learn ways to encourage and support other women in their vocation to motherhood.

  • Find out how to make time to take care of yourself.

  • Understand what it means to be called to motherhood – biologically and spiritually.

  • Learn how to become Momnipotent by using your feminine gifts in your home, family, and community.

Please come and join us on Thursday, September 4 at 8 am in Café 1 to learn more about this book and study guide.  If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Darlene Newman at or Molly Donovan at


As we noted last spring, the diocese of Joliet has changed the report card system.  I have a power point that I can email to you if you would like a fuller understanding (email me at, and I am including here a few “frequently asked questions”.  I hope this helps.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Report Card Changes

  • Why did the Catholic Schools Office Report Card Committee revise the report card?

It is our goal to continually review how to improve the education we provide for the students in our schools.  Additionally, we want to report in a clear manner the strengths and needs of the child’s academic achievement and behaviors that support learning.  The revised report card and marking system allows the parent to see where in the process their child is with the various skills and concepts. 

  • What grades have revised report cards?

All schools will be using the revised K-3 report card, and some schools will be piloting the 4-5 and 6-8 revised report cards.  Ask if your school is piloting the 4-5 and 6-8 revised report card.

  • Why are we no longer using letter grades at Grade 3?

Children through Grade 3 are still learning how to learn and developing their skills.   By using rubrics, work samples, and assessments, the teacher has the ability to continually reteach and support a student until he/she has met the expectations for that specific concept or skill.

  • When do we use letter grades and percentages?

Beginning in 4th grade, the traditional grading scale is used and continues through Grade 8.

  • How are we helping students in Grade K-3 to understand that 3 is an acceptable and expected mark?

Teachers have been sharing the rubric with the students as well as parents since the beginning of the school year. Rubrics have been attached to assignments to reinforce classroom explanations.   Students have had the marking system explained to them to ensure that they understand that a 3 Meets Expectations is the expected level of achievement.

  • Why does the report card have a 4 Exceeds Expectations, if a 3 Meets Expectations is the true goal for our child?

A 3 Meets Expectations is the expected goal for all students which shows that the student has a complete understanding of the skills presented on an assignment or assessment.  However, a child may exceed the mark of 3 Meets Expectations by applying his/her understanding to new and advanced situations beyond the grade level curriculum.  The 4 Exceeds Expectations allows teachers to report this advanced understanding to the parent.  We are always trying to challenge our students to do more and reporting the mark of 4 Exceeds Expectations conveys this to the parent.

  • What does a 3 Meets Expectations really mean?

A 3 Meets Expectations means that a student has a complete understanding of the skills/concepts presented on an assignment, assessment or class work.  The student is meeting the expectation for understanding of the curriculum at the grade level.  When the mark is given on the report card, it means that the student demonstrates an understanding to the skills/concepts presented during that marking period.    The student is able to accomplish these skills/concepts independently.

  • What does a 2 Approaching Expectations mean?

Getting a 2 Approaching Expectations means that a student is progressing toward meeting expectations, but he/she may need additional support on occasion and additional practice to demonstrate expected understanding of the concept/skill.  Sometimes, it is a matter of time before certain skills/concepts “click” in with students.  Other times it is a matter of reteaching opportunities for the student.  Please remember, that the first time a skill/concept is introduced or assigned some students may need some assistance to understand it.

  • What are the criteria for a 4 Exceeds Expectations, 3 Meets Expectations, 2 Approaching Expectations, 1 Needs Improvement?

Principals and teachers have been discussing and working collaboratively to establish criteria for the various grades and rubrics.  Some of the assessments being used are: running records to determine reading level and fluency, writing prompts, diocesan assessments.

  • Are the criteria for a 4 Exceeds Expectations, 3 Meets Expectations, 2 Approaching Expectations, 1 Needs Improvement the same at each grade level?

The criteria may not be the same from grade level to grade level.  Due to the level of subject difficulty and variables at each grade level, it is not possible to have exactly the same criteria from one grade to the next.  However, teachers from the same grade level have worked with their principal to establish criteria among the teachers within that grade level.

  • Will the same marking code and report card be used for a student who receives accommodations or has an ISP?

Yes, an explanation of accommodations or adjustments that were made will be included on a separate sheet.

  • Why is my child’s fluency reported on the 1st and 2nd grade report card?

The report card is shared with students and parents to communicate as much information as possible to help you understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses.  By reporting fluency, you can help at home to improve your child’s speed and accuracy.  Specific suggestions may be provided by the teacher to strengthen your child’s reading, such as reading together, asking questions about what was read to check understanding, having the child retell what he/she has read, search for word meaning if stuck on a word, use context clues to help with unknown words, etc.

We hope this helps!

Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) meetings coming up next month……………….


It is a DuPage Parochial League requirement that at least 1 parent of EVERY student athlete attend a Positive Coaching Alliance meeting in order for students to play sports. ASAA will host PCA meetings next month in McSherry Hall. This in-person meeting (usually lasting 1 hour) is FREE to students, parents and coaches. Parents must attend this meeting if any of the following apply:

  • you are new to ASCA, 

  • you have a student in 5th grade and have not attended in the past, OR

  • you have never attended the meeting.  

    (Parents who have attended in the past are not required to attend)

If at least 1 parent cannot attend the PCA meeting, those parents will be REQUIRED to take a PCA online course at the parent's expense which can cost up to $50 per course. So please mark your calendar for the PCA meeting date and make arrangements to attend. Student athletes of parents who have not attended the PCA course will not be permitted to play sports until their parents have attended the meeting or completed the online course.

Thursday, September 11, 2014:  New 5th Grade Parents, New Parents to ASCA, and Parents missing last year's presentation.   7-8PM Mc Sherry Hall.

Thursday, September 18, 2014:  All ASAA Coaches, ASAA Board, and Gym Responsible Team Members   7-8PM Mc Sherry Hall.

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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