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Saints Speak - August 17, 2016

Saints Speak

from Mrs. Santos

August 17, 2016

I pray that all of your children will have a great fresh start to this new school year, and come home with lots of stories to share.  If you have any first day of school photos that you care to share, please send them my way. I would love to see them.  Saints Speak will be a way in which I plan to reach out to our school families.  This communication will come to you on Wednesday to keep in touch, and include information of interest.  I also plan on using our new and improved official Facebook page to communicate and bring our All Saints community to life, so stay tuned for the launch.

Today, I met with all of our junior high students and staff for an orientation.  Our Junior High Academy staff has filmed a video to illustrate the ‘what to do and what not to do’ in junior high.  This video was a way to educate our students in an engaging and humorous way as to what our expectations are for this coming year.  Please ask your junior high student to fill you in on what they learned.  We are working to make this very creative video available for all to see. 

We have high expectations for the academics and behavior of all of our students – from preschool through grade 8 - because we know that our All Saints students are truly our ambassadors in our communities.  We are humbled to have your trust as we partner in the education and formation of each student.  Our staff is committed to creating a safe, well- disciplined environment where each student is known and a cherished part of our school community; where they will thrive and grow into the very best version of who they are becoming.  Excellence is not simply a noun, but something that we will strive for at All Saints Catholic Academy in our interactions with students, staff, and families. 

I encourage you to contact me or any one on my staff.  We would be happy to help you in any way that we can.  Welcome Back as we all look forward to an awesome school year together!

Our Cereal Box Collection Was a Huge Success!

A gracious Thank You from SHPP Community Outreach Committee and Loaves & Fishes for your generous donations at our Meet and Greet last weekend!  Loaves & Fishes serves many families in our community that receive regular assistance at this food pantry.  Their cereal aisle will now be well-stocked at back to school time.  We collected approximately 285 boxes, which is close to one box per family and a 40% increase from the previous year collection!

A special thank you to the Sullivan family for helping to load the boxes into the car on their way out of school. ASCA students can make a difference…our donations will assist in enhancing children’s health and educational outcomes.  To become involved in Community Outreach at our school this year, please contact Amy Drake at

Gift Wrap, Gifts and Greeting Cards from Charleston Wrap

Each year as the new school year begins, we offer All Saints families (and their families and friends) a chance to earn credits toward their Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) through the sale of gift wrap products and holiday gift items.  Once again this year, we are very excited to offer an expanded and very attractive array of gift wrap products, gifts and personalized greeting cards from our returning vendor, Charleston Wrap. Click here to view the Charleston Gift Wrap  for a colorful preview.

Please watch for your Charleston Gift Wrap sales catalogs which will come home in backpacks with each family’s oldest and only student next Wednesday.  Please note that, in order to have wrapping products, gifts and greeting cards delivered to school well ahead of the holidays, Paper Order Forms must be returned to the school by Monday, September 12th.  Online orders to be delivered directly to homes will be accepted through September 26th, but please note that some earned FFO credits are lower on online orders.   Full details are in the packets being sent home next Wednesday.

We hope you find the information helpful.  Questions can be referred to Theresa Cunningham at

Overview of Family Fundraising Obligation

Click here to view the current overview of the 2016 – 2017 Family Fundraising Obligation (FFO) Options (May, 2016) which describes the currently available options for offsetting your family’s FFO through Gift Wrap and Gift sales, Scrip cards and credits, and Dinner Dance Auction donations. Please review this summary and save it for future reference.

All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


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