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Principal's Newsletter - April 9, 2014

One of the byproducts of spring break without travel is daytime TV. Most of it is just background noise, but once in a while something catches my attention and resonates. Windy City Live had a rerun of a show on death by suicide in families. When I heard the promo, I stopped what I was doing and listened.  It was so heartbreaking to hear the stories. The doctor/counselor was very good.  She said something that is sticking with me ... Feed the truth and starve the lie. She was of course speaking about the things that we feel that are irrational but so real to us. She was saying that is what we have to let go and "starve" so that it can have no place in our lives. The truths that we have to feed are the real things...the positive pieces that should live on forever.

The doctor’s advice is strong and can be applied to so much of our lives. Feed the truth and starve the lie.  I can relate. I look at the negative side of things more often than I would like, and all I have to do is stop. Simply stop.  Dwelling there is just keeping it alive.  I have a situation that I have been praying about for over 10 years. I recently realized how upset I was; and how disgusted I was that 10 years of prayer had not changed anything.  The truth is that the situation had changed. It is better; just not eliminated. This realization allows me to starve the lie that my prayers were abandoned and feed the truth that, while it wasn't all that I had asked for, the situation has improved, and is worth further prayer - probably another 10 years’ worth!

St. Matthew was a man with a strong prayer life who believed that with God all things are possible. I just need to feed that truth more.

National Volunteer Week

This is National Volunteer Week…..and we have the most faithful, dedicated Servant Leader Volunteers of any school in the Nation!  May God bless you for all that you do for All Saints Catholic Academy and for our beloved students.

Family Fundraising Obligation - Payment Is Due

Fundraising payments were due on Monday, April 7th, but the vacation schedule may have delayed some payments.  The deadline has been extended to 8:30 am this Friday morning, April 11th. 

Fundraising payments not received in the school office by Friday morning will convert to tuition at this time.  Unpaid amounts will be divided in two, and added to FACTS tuition account balances, where available, to be paid on Monday, April 21st and Monday, May 19th. 

Fees and Form packets for the 2014-2015 school year will not be distributed to current families who have outstanding fundraising balances, or who have not established a method of payment for balances due.

Market Day April 16th

Our next Market Day will be held Wednesday April 16th with product pick-up from 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the gym (enter through Door 9). As a reminder, at least 10% of your pre-tax order will be credited to your annual fundraising commitment, and this is the second Market Day of the 2014-2015 school year. You are encouraged to place your order at and pay by credit card.  The deadline for internet orders is this coming Saturday, April 12th, at 11:00 pm.  All Saints Catholic Academy's school code is 27119. Volunteers are needed to help sort and stack the food. Please contact Tracy Coleman at tracytroy@aol.comif you are able to help.

Grandparents' Day - May 2nd

All Saints' Grandparents' Day will be celebrated this year on the morning of Friday, May 2nd.   The day will begin with Registration at Door 1, and move quickly into classroom visits followed by our May Crowning and Living Rosary.  This day is a wonderful opportunity for grandparents to see the school while their grandchildren are in class, and to appreciate the many ways in which All Saints Catholic Academy is so extraordinary. A highlight bulletin called "Ten Things You Need to Know", as well as a Registration Form will go home in "oldest and only" students' backpacks today.  Your staff and parent volunteer committee is hard at work to make this event a smoothly-run, enjoyable, and memorable day for our students and grandparents. Please review our material, and submit your Registration Form to the school office by Wednesday, April 23rd.

2014-2015 School Referral Program

We recognize that current school families that are happy at All Saints are one of the strongest and most successful avenues to pursue in marketing the school to potential new families.  We want to continue to reward current school families for their passion in being an All Saints family, and for bringing new happy families to ASCA.  In order to accomplish our goal of increasing our enrollment and growth in the coming school year, we have taken a new look at our referral incentive program.  Information about the 2014-2015 School Referral Program Form is going home via hard copy with all oldest and only students today.  Please contact Patty Bajek at (630) 961-6125, or with any questions.

March Madness Bracket Winners 

Despite the crazy odds, we had one ASCA family choose U Conn as the winner of the NCAA tournament, and subsequently took first place in our very own ASCA March Madness competition.  Congratulations to the Burns Family on their first place win.  Susan Glab took second place and Patrick Coleman finished third.  Thanks to everyone who participated, and for joining in the fun.

ASCA Grade Pictures 

If you ordered ASCA Grade pictures, they will be available for pick up starting next Tuesday, April 15th in the school office.  Please see Tim Traynor.  They will be available at the Spring Fling on Tuesday night (4/15), after Mass on Wednesday (4/16), and at Market Day pick up on Wednesday (4/16).  Please stop in to pick up your pictures, as they will not be sent home with your students.

Junior High Musical - Kilroy Was Here - Ticket Order Forms

Tickets are now on sale for Kilroy Was Here, this year's Junior High Musical. Advance ticket sale deadline is Thursday, April 17th.  The performances will be held on Friday, April 25th at 7 pm and Saturday, April 26th at 7 pm.  In past years, students had an opportunity to attend the full play during school hours. This year, only a snippet of the full musical will be presented to the student body.  Please come out and support the hard-work of these student thespians. 

Adult tickets are $8 with advance purchase - ($10 at the door)

Child/Senior tickets are $5.

Family Ticket (available through advance purchase only) is $25.  The family ticket is your ‘best value’, and will admit 2 parents and their children. 

Kilroy Was Here Ticket order forms will be sent home with all oldest/only students today, and will also be available at the ASCA website.  Please contact Robin Sutton at with any questions. 

Junior High Musical - Kilroy Was Here – Program Ad Form

Ads are being accepted for the theatre program for this year’s Junior High Academy, Kilroy Was Here, ASCA’s 6th annual musical. 

Do you have a business that might benefit from advertising in our Theater Program? Take advantage of this opportunity to advertise your business or service in our professionally designed program. Three hundred programs will be distributed and will be a souvenir keeper for many, so the value of your advertising will increase with the number of views.  The theatre program is also a wonderful place to congratulate or send a good luck message to a student or the cast

The Kilroy Program Ad Form will be sent home with all oldest/only students today, and will also be available at the ASCA website.  Please contact Jackie Hand at  or (630) 550-6638.   

ASCA Lenten Service Project – Hogar del Pobre

ASCA is continuing to collect clothing for the Hogar del Pobre orphanage for the next couple of weeks of Lent.  For most of the children at the orphanage, the clothing that they receive from All Saints students will be the only new outfit that they receive all year long.  In past years, All Saints families have generously been able to contribute over 700 pieces of clothing during the forty days of Lent, which is our current goal (many of our classrooms have set a class collection goal).  The ASCA Lenten Service Project Flyer is available at the school website.  Thank you in advance for your generous contributions.

Please note that the orphanage is located in an area of Mexico where it gets very cold at night without heat.  Warm clothing is their greatest need.  Shoes, jackets, pajamas, socks and underwear are needed too.  Even though we have assigned each grade level a size, you are welcome to bring in any size.     

In this project, we continue to encourage our students to become ‘others centered’, learning and experiencing how it is to be Christ's loving hands and hearts when doing small things with great love! 

Spring Portrait Packages

Spring Portrait packages have been sent home with all students who were photographed.  Purchasing these photos is completely optional.  Please return your payment envelope and any portraits not purchased to the school by this Friday, April 11. 

Panoramic Photos

We still have a very limited number of Panoramic Photos available on a first come, first served basis.  The cost for this lovely keepsake is only $15 per photo.  Please contact Helen Kolar at (630) 961-6125, or to secure your copy before they are all gone. 

May Lunches

Online orders for May hot lunches may be placed on line until Tuesday, April 15.  Please visit  All Saints’ school password is allsaints136.  Please note that last day of school for kindergarten is Friday, May 23 when ordering.

“Let’s Go Wild” at the Annual Daddy Daughter Dance

The Daddy Daughter Dance is almost here - and your last chance to respond to the invitation is quickly approaching. Don't miss out on all the magic of this year's event - Let's Go Wild. The dance will be held this coming Saturday evening, April 12, in the 'Jungle Gym at ASCA' from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.

Invitations have been distributed, but it is NOT TOO LATE to RSVP! Don't delay, and get ready to start making those Daddy Daughter memories!

Wednesday Rosary

On all Wednesdays of Lent, the Rosary will be prayed just before Mass in the school gym.  Besides being a great way to receive additional graces and to honor Mary, our spiritual mother, it is a wonderful way to share our faith with the students as they enter for Mass.  Please join us in the gym at 7:55 am (if you are running late – come anyway!).  Instruction sheets and extra Rosaries will be available.  We ask that you honor those joined in prayer and jump right in as you enter the gym for mass.  It has been lovely to hear our students join in the prayer as they are seated.  Please contact Darlene Newman at with any questions.

Last Out of Uniform Day Benefitting the ASCA Class of 2015

The last out of uniform day benefitting the ASCA Class of 2015 is scheduled for this Friday, April 11.  If you did not prepay for all of the out of uniform days, you may pay as you go by bringing $5 (cash or check made out to ASCA) on Friday.  Please place your money in an envelope labeled with your student’s name, grade and ‘Out of Uniform’.

If you have any questions, please contact Mili Jain at or Dana Campbell at  The Class of 2015 thanks you for your support throughout this school year.

The Runaway Pencil is open every Monday and Thursday morning outside CafĂ© 1 from 7:30 to 7:50 am for all of your school supply needs.  See you at the Pencil!


Community Outreach

Big Spring Clean - "This and That" Collection for SCARCE

We will be collecting several items for SCARCE (School and Community Assistance for Composting and Recycling Education) during the month of April. The following items are needed:

  • Puzzles
  • Yarn
  • Glasses and/or sunglasses
  • Keys
  • Metal molds (for super crayons)
  • Corks

Clean out your closets and bring all donations to the ASCA office during April. Please contact Ann Zediker at if you have any questions.

American Flag Recycling

The Lisle Convention and Visitors Bureau is now a central location for the retirement of American flags. Citizens who have old flags which have been worn beyond repair may retire their flag by donating it for a flag retirement ceremony at the Memorial Day remembrance ceremony which will be held on Monday, May 26th in downtown Lisle. A collection box will be located in the Lisle village hall lobby, 925 Burlington Ave., Monday-Friday, 8 am – 5 pm. Donations accepted through Friday, May 23rd.

Core Values of Catholic Education Faculty Awards

In an effort to recognize faculty members in the Diocese of Joliet (DOJ) elementary schools, the Catholic Schools Office will be awarding one teacher from each grade and one teacher from the specials categories who best embody the core values of a Catholic education during the 2013-2014 school year.  If you would like to recommend a teaching staff member for consideration please email Dr. Renehan at   The award will be presented to full or part-time faculty members who best embody the core values of Catholic education as stated below.

  1. Incorporating Faith into the Classroom:  Our schools incorporate Catholic spirituality into every aspect of their curriculum, reinforcing to students that their personal faith, centered on the Eucharist and the sacraments, remains relevant regardless of the course they might be studying or the situation in which they might find themselves.
  1. Balancing Challenging Courses with a Nurturing Environment: Our caring teachers balance high expectations for each boy or girl with a genuine respect and love for that student, recognizing always that each child is unique and therefore ever-deserving of individualized attention and one-on-one focus.
  1. Collaborating with Families: Understanding that many parents work, and some may even work multiple jobs, our teachers and school leadership do their best to maintain proactive, candid and open communication with each student’s family, because learning doesn’t stop at the edge of the schoolyard, nor is it where it begins.
  1. Holding Each Other to a Higher Standard: Inspired by the Gospel, our teachers, staff and school leadership hold one another to a higher standard of professionalism, morals and ethics both in and out of the classroom, believing one of our primary roles is to provide an example for our school communities of faithful Christian witness. 
  1. Looking Ahead: As tomorrow’s innovations promise to leapfrog today’s technologies, our local school leaders are continually looking  ahead to ensure their schools’ learning resources, teaching approaches and classroom tools stay abreast of new ideas and best practices as they plan for the long-term success that will benefit students and teachers alike.

To nominate a teacher, please include the following:

Describe how the nominee best embodies one or all of the core values of Catholic education. You may comment on all criteria or just on a particular area you feel the teacher excels.

Incorporating Faith into the Classroom

Some examples may include:

  • Leads by example in living his/her faith inside and outside of the classroom.

  • Incorporates faith into lesson planning in unique and engaging ways.

    Balancing Challenging Courses with a Nurturing Environment

    Some examples may include:

  • Develops a learning plan that can be worked on at home for students who need extra help.

  • Taylors teaching style to students’ strengths and weakness.

    Collaborating with Families

    Some examples may include:

    Makes him or herself available for parent conferences beyond the regularly scheduled conferences.

    Provides up-to-date information on classroom happenings on a timely basis.

    Holding Each Other to a Higher Standard

    Some examples may include:

  • Is active in his or her parish (list parish involvement).

  • Is extremely professional and consistently demonstrates high morals and ethics.

    Looking Ahead

    Some examples may include:

  • Is actively involved in evaluating current curriculum and recommends go-forward-strategy (could be on the school curriculum committee, etc.)

  • Goes above and beyond to identify new trends/best practices to implement in the classroom and shares ideas with his/her colleagues.

Camp Rock

Camp ROCK(Reaching Others for Christ’s Kingdom) is an overnight summer camp organized by John Lamperis, who is the Director of Religious Education at Holy Spirit.  This camp experience is for middle school students currently in grades 6 through 8.  The camp dates are June 12 – 15, and August 9 – 12, and will be held at the Dickson Valley Camp and Retreat Center in Newark, IL.  Not only will campers enjoy all of the typical camp activities, such as swimming, canoeing, archery, campfires, hiking, sports, music, skits and crafts; campers will have wonderful opportunities of prayer and worship that will help them to grow closer to Jesus and their Catholic faith.  The Camp Rock informational flyer can be found at the ACSA website, or by going to the following link:  Contact John at (630) 846-0688, or with any questions.

Kane County Cougars Outing

SAVE THE DATE!  The annual All Saints at the Kane County Cougars Game will be Friday, June 6.  More details will follow in the coming weeks.

St. Thomas the Apostle – Celebrate Spirit!

St. Thomas is holding a Women’s Micro Retreat on Friday, May 2 from 6:30 – 9 pm.  Gail Meyer, LCSW, will be presenting this event.  Celebrate the Spirit that shines through your unique and special self.  Cost is $10 at the door.  To register, contact Marge Coronado at (630) 355-8980, ext. 118, or  St. Thomas the Apostle is located at 1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville.

News from the All Saints Athletic Association

1st Track and Field Meet This Saturday, April 12 - Hosted by All Saints and SS Peter & Paul

We have over 80 students in our track and field program this year! Come and see them compete in field events like shot put, long jump and javelin, and in running events from the 75m dash to the 800m relay!

MEET SITE:                          North Central College

                                              30 N Brainard St  Naperville

MORNING SESSION:         Junior Varsity (Grades 5 & 6)

                                                8:15 am: Field Events Begin Girls

                                                8:30 am: Running Events Begin Boys

  AFTERNOON SESSION:   Varsity (Grades 7 & 8)

Will start 15 minutes after completion of JV

meet but not before 12:00

12:15 pm:   Boys Running Events           

12:00 pm:   Girls Field Events

Volleyball Season is Around the Corner!

Benet Academy Volleyball – Sign Up for 2014 Summer Camps

Benet will be running summer volleyball camps for all ages and level of play.  

You can sign up online at

Go Saints!




If you are a FOOTBALL PLAYER and….

  • You will be in 5th through 8th grade in the 2014/2015 school year.

  • You attend All Saints Catholic Academy OR

  • You are a member of the St. Thomas, St. Elizabeth Seton, Holy Spirit or St. Margaret Mary parishes.

    … then you are eligible to play for All Saints Football!!!

    Why All Saints Football?

  • The excitement and tradition of playing Catholic League travel football!

  • Our NO CUT policy – if you are willing to give your best we have a place for you!

  • The chance to play for the defending 2012 and 2013 CGSC league champions!

Come and find out more at our information and registration open house event.

When:             Saturday April 12, 2014

Time:              1:00pm to 3:00PM

Where:           All Saints Catholic Academy

1155 Aurora Avenue, Naperville, IL 60540

Stop by and meet the coaches, learn about our program philosophy, learn about the competitive Catholic Grade School Conference of Chicago, and ask any questions you might have about our program, the league, and eligibility.

We will have registration forms on hand so bring your checkbook!

For more information contact Frank Ribaudo: (630) 853-5397 /

We look forward to seeing you on April


All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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