Open House - Kicking off Enrollment for the 2020-2021 School Year
Welcome to All Saints Catholic Academy, and thank you for your interest. We are very proud of All Saints. We are humbled by your consideration of our great school.
At All Saints, we understand that selecting the right school for your child and family is an important decision. We believe that ASCA offers you a choice that is second to none. We look forward to sharing our vision with you. We hope that you will recognize our focus on academics, our vibrant school community, and our safe, nurturing and caring Christ-centered environment.
We are joined in these efforts by a superb faculty and staff who are dedicated to each student’s success - both in the classroom, and in the formation of who they are, and who they are becoming. At All Saints, we are family. You and your child will be known, cared for, and loved.
At ASCA, we partner with our parents, who are the primary educators of their children.
Our parents support us with their time, talents and treasure for the benefit of all of our All Saints students. Our students show their love for Christ and others by looking after one another, treating their peers with respect, and doing their very best each day. We are a community working together, valuing children, and modeling virtue.
We will challenge your child to discover his or her unique gifts, and to learn to use these gifts for personal success, to help others, and to serve those in need in the broader community. At All Saints, we welcome families and students of ALL faiths. All are truly welcome at All Saints.