October No Cookin' in the Kitchen - MOD Pizza
The No Cookin' party has moved to MOD Pizza located at 103 S. Washington Street, Suite 113, in downtown Naperville in October from 10:30 am to 9 pm.
Here is the Group Raise link for the MOD fundraiser. https://www.groupraise.com/events/158482-all-saints-catholic-academy-at-mod-pizza
Click here for the event flyer.
You can participate in this fundraiser by:
- Take out
- Delivery
- Pick up
MOD Pizza will accept your order in several ways:
- Restaurant Website
- Storefront Walk-in
Please read the instructions below, so that MOD Pizza knows you are with the GroupRaise Meal for All Saints Catholic Academy, and your group will get 20% of your meal’s price donated back!
Restaurant Website
Visit MOD Pizza's online order website. Use the promotion code of "GR158482A" and 20% of your meal’s price will be donated back to All Saints Catholic Academy.
Click here for the menu.
Storefront Walk-in
Visit the location at 103 S. Washington St. Suite 113, Naperville 60540 and they will take your order from their storefront for take-out. Mention that you are with All Saints Catholic Academy before placing your order.
What you need to know about October’s No Cookin’ Night:
When: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 from 10:30 am to 9 pm
Where: MOD Pizza, located at 103 S. Washington Street, Suite 113, in downtown Naperville
Why: Delicious food, fun with friends, AND, MOD Pizza will be donating 20% of qualifying sales back to ASCA.
How: See the instructions above.
Last Word: Students who attend the event will receive a Pick a Day Out of Uniform Pass. Simply send in your receipt, dated picture, etc. in an envelope marked ‘MOD Pizza Night’ and your student’s name(s) and homeroom(s). OR, send your receipt, dated picture, etc. via email to kkokkinos@ascacademy.org with ‘MOD Pizza’ and your student’s name(s) and homeroom(s)" in the subject line.
As always, thank you for your participation. Please note that participation in No Cookin' nights does not count toward your FFO (Family Fundraising Obligation).