Volleyball and Cross Country Sign Ups Through Sunday, May 2
Volleyball evaluation dates/times have yet to be determined, and will be communicated once registration closes. Participants must be registered in order to participate in evaluations.
Participant registration can be completed at 2021 Volleyball Registration (click here) and 2021 Cross Country Registration (click here), or by visiting the All Saints Athletics website at https://allsaintsathletics.sportngin.com.
Registration for Basketball and Track & Field will open soon, please watch your email for the registration link.
Parents interested in volunteer coaching may register at Parent/Volunteer Coaching (click here), or through the ASAA website.
PLEASE NOTE: Registration fees for 2021-22 Athletics will be billed upon confirmation the designated sport will commence for the season.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Keith Glab, Athletic Director (kglab@ascacademy.org), Kathy Kokkinos, Volleyball Coordinator (flyinchippy@yahoo.com), Christopher Johnneson, XC Coordinator (christopherjohanneson@gmail.com), or Erika Baka (jnebaka@gmail.com).
Stay safe and healthy! We look forward to athletics returning to All Saints.