Cradles to Crayons - Winter Needs Drive (gently used shoes and coats)
Kids Coat Collection - November 17, 18, 19
We will be collecting NEW or gently used/ clean COATS (no holes or stains please) for local children in need. Mrs. Greco has teamed us up with the Aurora school district to help keep local students warm this Winter. Any overflow will benefit Cradles to Crayons. Large BLACK Collection Bin marked “COATS” will be located at Door 1.
Veterans Coat Collection- November 17, 18, 19
We are partnering with the Naperville Rotary Club to collect NEW or gently used/clean MEN’S COATS (no holes or stains please) for local Veterans in need. We are in need of Men‘s sizes L, XL, XXL and XXXL coats at this time. There will be a clearly marked box for Vets at Door 1.
Shoe Collection- November 17, 18, 19
Please bring in kids NEW or gently used (clean) shoes, boots and sneakers to benefit Cradles to Crayons (ALL SIZES NEEDED - Infant/Child through Adult). Large BLACK Collection Bin marked “SHOES” will be located at Door 1.