Spring Book Fair
Dino-mite bookfair.....Stop, Chomp, and Read! The spring book fair is almost here and the students cannot wait! The spring book fair will be here from March 11th-March 15th. The book fair committee is currently looking for volunteers to make this event a success! Volunteering at the book fair is a great way socialize and meet other parents while being able see your children during the school day.
If you are interested in volunteering, please click here to sign up. Thank you in advance for your help!
More info about the Book Fair:
Student Preview
On March 11th, students in grades Preschool through 5th grade will have a sneak peak of the book fair with their class. They will participate in contests to win a poster, book, or other prizes. The students will also make a “Wish List” of the books they would like to purchase. A preview flyer will be sent home with the students next week.
Shopping Opportunities
Students can shop during the school day on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morning. Parent volunteers will escort the children to and from the classroom to the book fair. If you would like your child to shop during this time, please send payment (cash or check) in an envelope with your child’s wish list. All purchases are taxed. Please include the 7.75% sales tax!! Checks should be made out to ASCA for the exact amount.
NEW FOR THE SPRING BOOK FAIR…eWALLET! Scholastic is now offering a cash-free way for your child to shop the fair. Please visit http://www.scholastic.com/bf/allsaintscatholicacademy1 for additional details and to sign up.
Books for Teachers
Our wonderful teachers and librarian will pull books to create “Wish Lists” for their classrooms. You can purchase books in your child’s name and present it to the teacher. Please visit the Teacher book cart at the Book Fair and make a wish come true for a teacher.
How are the Book Fair Profits Used?
100% of the Book Fair profits go directly to our school library. The profits are used to purchase the current award winning books, replace older but “much loved” books, and additional items for the library. If you are unable to attend the Book Fair be sure to visit the Book Fair online at http://www.scholastic.com/bf/allsaintscatholicacademy1. Our Online Fair is available for an extended time from Sunday, March 3 – Wednesday, March 20. We have a goal of $8,000 in sales. If we reach our goal, the students will be awarded with an ALL SCHOOL OUT OF UNIFORM DAY!!!
Book Fair Hours
Preview Day – Monday, March 11th 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 pm
Tuesday, March 12th , Wednesday, March 13th, and Thursday, March 14th 7:45 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday, March 15th 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
How do I order my copy of Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid?
Click here for a copy of the order form.
Feel free to reach out to Kathy Kokkinos flyinchippy@yahoo.com or Cristine Shaw cristineshaw@gmail.com with any questions.