Hesed House Advent Collection
Each year, during Advent, ASCA collects items for Hesed House. Hesed House is a homeless shelter based in Aurora. Almost 1000 individuals (including ~200 children) are served each year through Hesed House’s shelter and three housing programs. Hesed House has informed us that they are in need of the following items for their clientele. Hesed House requests these items to fill the immediate needs of their guests. They are only accepting NEW items. Please click here for the informational flyer.
We are asking each grade to collect the following items from December 2 – 13. Your child can bring these items to school during these two weeks, as collection bins will be available in the school. Please note that this collection is voluntary – participate if you are able. One or multiple items from your grade’s list may be donated, and families can pool together to purchase items that are more expensive.
Holiday Wish List
Items Requested
Adults and children’s sizes socks
(both athletic/white and/or heavy/warm/wool)
Adults and children’s sizes t-shirts
First Grade
Adults and children’s sizes underwear
(regular and thermal)
Second Grade
Adults and children’s sizes
hats/stocking caps/scarves
Third Grade
Adults and children’s sizes heavy ski gloves and ski masks
Fourth Grade
Adults and children’s sizes hoodies
Fifth Grade
Adults and children’s sizes jeans
Sixth Grade
Adults and children’s sizes sweatshirts and sweatpants
Seventh Grade
Adults and children’s sizes sweaters
Eighth Grade
Belts and shoelaces
Any Grade
Gift Cards*
* Gift cards allow Hesed House to fill specific needs for their guests during the holiday season and year round. They are used as both gifts, and to purchase gifts/special needs and are truly the most valuable gift items they receive. Ideas for gift cards that are most useful: Walmart, Target, Meijer Walgreens, and CVS.
Gift cards can be placed in an envelope ATTN: Community Outreach/Hesed House and given to the ASCA Office.
Questions? Please email Anne Soto at anneponcesoto@gmail.com or Robin Beck at robindbeck24@gmail.com for more information.
Thank you!