Event date: 5/7/2018 Export event Patty Bajek / Sunday, April 15, 2018 / Categories: School Events Teacher Appreciation Week Thank you to everyone for making this year's Teacher Appreciation Week so special for the staff of All Saints. During this week, teacher's will enjoy: Monday - Quick chair massages offered by local Chiropractor from 11:30 am - 1 pm Tuesday - Special Assembly for staff & students; and a Staff Luncheon for teachers Wednesday - Snack Cart for teachers at 1:30 pm Thursday - Continental Breakfast for teachers from 7:15 am - 8 am. Letters from the students to teachers Friday - Dessert & Coffee Cart from 1:30 - 2:30 pm. Presents to be distributed to teachers. It is hard to believe we are getting close to the end of the school year! We take this time every year to give special thanks to our teachers for all they do for our children. Teacher appreciation will take place the week of May 7th through May 11th. Please click here for more information. We are looking for your support in a few different ways. 1) Work with your room parent to decorate your teacher's door. 2) Consider donating a dessert or coffee fixings for our dessert station. Visit sign up genius to donate http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D4EAFAF2DA02-teacher 3) Consider making a cash or check donation in which a special gift will be purchased for each Teacher (including Specials teachers) and our Principal. A letter will be distributed to each teacher with the names of those who contributed. A donation of $10.00 per child is suggested. We are asking that your check be made payable to ASCA and has a note in the memo area stating, teacher gift. PLEASE turn in the slip below and funds to school by Wednesday the 25th of April. This is a hard deadline. This will give us just enough time to get the gift and have it shipped and wrapped. You may also wish to get something on your own. The office and the SHPP Facebook page has a list for each teacher with their choice of gift cards. You can click below. Remember you can earn credit towards your family fund raising by purchasing through SCRIP. Click here for teachers with last names B-C Click here for teachers with last names D-J Click here for teachers with last names K-P Click here for teachers with last names R-W Print 5241
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