Event date: 1/21/2020 Export event Patty Bajek / Friday, January 17, 2020 / Categories: School Events Chicago Blackhawk Visit to ASCA On January 21st, members from the Chicago Blackhawks G.O.A.L. (Get Out and Learn) program will be coming to All Saints to teach Mr. Lindgren’s 7th and 8th Grade PE classes the basics of hockey. The Chicago Blackhawks started G.O.A.L. to teach children throughout the Chicagoland area more about hockey, as they might not ever have a chance or opportunity to play. G.O.A.L. is also going to provide new hockey sticks, hockey goals, and hockey balls to All Saints after their lesson. That is so neat! ASCA and Mr. Lindgren would like to thank the Blackhawks G.O.A.L. program for coming out and teaching his students the fundamentals of hockey, and for generously donating their hockey equipment to our school. Go Hawks! A huge thank you to Mr. Lindgren for making this amazing opportunity come to All Saints. Print 571
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