February 2023 Hot Lunch Orders
To complete your order, simply log into your SchoolSpeak account. Once you place your order, send in your payment - cash or check. The order deadline is this coming Sunday, January 22.
Menu highlights for the month:
- Breakfast Burrito with Apple Pancake on Friday, February 10
- Thursday, February 16, the 8th grade is holding a fundraiser. The meal is a hotdog, chips, a rice krispie treat and water.
- Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday, February 22 . All pizza slices will be cheese for that week.
- Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup on Friday, February 24
In addition, during Lent, all of the Friday meals will be meatless. This includes the salad. In place of the chicken it will be served with bread.
Ordering is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3:
1. Log into your SchoolSpeak account.
2. Place your order ONLINE.
3. Send in your cash or check payment (made out to ASCA) by the order deadline.
- All drinks and ice cream/frozen treats much be purchased ahead of time.
- Please complete an order for each student.
- If you have multiple children, you may make out one check payment for the total.
- We do not offer refunds or credits due to absence or illness.
If you have any questions about hot lunch ordering, please contact Cristine Shaw at cshaw@ascacademy.org. Thank you!