Fun Fair T-shirts Order Deadline
First of all, we are so excited to bring back the Fun Fair in conjunction with Trunk or Treat, both of which will take place on our ASCA Campus on Friday, October 28. Our last ASCA Fun Fair took place in January 2020, and we are ready to have some fun. Save the date, as you and your student(s) will not want to miss these events.
If you have never been to an ASCA Fun Fair, think fun games like the Cake Walk and the Soda Pop Toss, just to name a couple. While more information will be coming your way about both Fun Fair and Trunk or Treat, we do need to place our 2022 ASCA Fun Fair t-shirt order, and we are under a tight deadline. We can not take any orders after 4pm this coming Wednesday, October 5. Again, this is a hard deadline.
Our Fun Fair platform is all set up, and all you need to do is click here to get going.
Your t-shirt purchase (and attending the event) will support our current 7th graders (the ASCA Class of 2024). Don't miss out on purchasing the very cool 2022 ASCA Fun Fair t-shirt. But, you have to place your order no later than THIS Wednesday, October 5 at 4pm. There will only be a very limited number of t-shirts available for those who do not pre-order, so don't be disappointed.
So, save the date, purchase your t-shirt, and get ready for lots of fun. The ASCA Class of 2024 thanks you in advance.