Book Fair 2021
The enjoyment of books and reading brings joy for a lifetime.
The theme this fall is “Books Bring Us Together” and we are hoping the fair will do just that!
As with previous fairs there will be plenty of new reading material and extras to entice your kids to come on out and shop. The Scholastic pamphlet and a letter about our fair is on its way home so please take a minute to read that. Also, please pay special attention to the payment options due to the current national coin shortage. One option is the eWallet offered by Scholastic. .
You can create your wallet using the following link:
Please note all eWallet funds must be used at the fair, online at or can be carried forward for use at the Spring Book Fair. There will be a ‘round up’ option available, so if you would like your purchase to go even farther in helping our library, please be sure to check that option.
Also, we still need volunteers at all stages of the fair so if you already have your volunteer requirements up-to-date, please consider joining us in the library to help our kids browse, shop and perhaps you will make some new friends along the way as well. Volunteers can sign up here:
The goal for this fair is $5,000 with the promise of an out of uniform pass for all students if we reach it but we can’t do it without your help, some come on out to the Book Fair!!!