Deadline for the 8th Grade Morphing Video Photo Submission
8th Grade Morphing Video
This year, Young Shin, will be producing our 8th Grade Morphing Video. Thank you in advance, Young! The video is always a work of art, and a wonderful, entertaining visual history of our 8th grade graduates' growth through the years. It will be presented at the Graduates Award Dinner Dance, and is greatly anticipated not only by the graduates and their families, but by the entire school who will enjoy it on the big screen in the 1st floor hallway.
So you ask, what do we expect from our graduates/parents????
All you have to do is follow the instructions (see click here for instructions below) ; and submit (see click here for submission form below) your photos on or before the Monday, April 15th. That's it!
- Click here for the 8th Grade Morphing Video Instructions
- Click here for the 8th Grade Morphing Video Submission Form
Your job is EASY . All we require from you is to work hard selecting your photos; and then, submit your photos by the deadline.
If you are a parent of a previous graduate, you already know how awesome this video is. If you are first time parent of a graduate, you will absolutely delight in seeing your child (and their classmates) grow up right before your eyes.My dear 8th grade parents:
If you have any questions about photos or the submission process, please contact Young Shin at He will be happy to help you.