8th Grade Class of 2020 Mass Celebration
On Sunday, July 26, 2020, we will finally gather to celebrate our 8th grade graduates at Mass.
We warmly invite the members of the ASCA Class of 2020 to join us for this liturgy at 2 pm here at All Saints. Due to gathering and social distance requirements, we must limit attendance to two guests per graduate. Please contact the school if you have any questions regarding the number of guests allowed.
On the 26th, we ask that students and their guests arrive at 1:30 pm. Masks will be required in the building when social distancing cannot be maintained. Students should proceed to McSherry Hall, where they will robe. Guests should proceed to the gym.
The mass and processional will begin promptly at 2 pm.
Following the liturgy, we ask that all students and guests exit the school where light refreshments will be served outside. Additionally, Elan Photography, All Saints' official photographer, will be present to take photos of students and guests.
Graduation gowns should be returned before leaving the campus.
We hope that you will be able to join us for this special celebration. So that we can plan accordingly, we ask that you respond to this invitation by Friday, July 17.