2019 Fun Fair
Fun Fair 2019 is THIS WEEK – Friday, February 1 from 5:30 – 8 PM - Are you coming?
- 5:30 – 6 pm: Early Bird Entry for Preschool/Kindergarten ONLY
- 6 – 8 pm: Entry for ALL Kids
Come One, Come All! It's time to sign up for Fun Fair. The Class of 2020 can't wait to see you there!
The Fun Fair has become the much awaited finale to Catholic Schools Week!! We hope you plan on attending the 10th annual Fun Fair on February 1st. Preschool and Kindergarten students only will have the fair to themselves from 5:30 - 6 pm. Grade 1- 8 admission begins at 6 pm. Come and have lots of fun before 8 pm, when the fair ends for ALL students.
If you ordered an ASCA Teddy Bear for your child to have as a desk buddy (Pre-K thru 3rd Grade), your child's bear will be delivered on Monday morning, January 28. .
There is still time to order a 2019 FUN FAIR T-Shirt for your child to wear on Friday, February 1st as an out of uniform day. Please email Tracy Coleman at tracycoleman536@gmail.com if you would like a t-shirt.
You can still get the $20 wristband pricing by returning your order form and payment by the Thursday, January 31 deadline. Click here for the order form. Wristbands will be available for purchase at the door for $25. While the deadline for t-shirt orders have passed, there are a limited amount of shirts available for purchase in limited sizes.
The kids are all excited about Stuffed Animal Raffle. We are excited to let you know that we will be selling raffle tickets during lunch this Thursday and Friday if any of the kids want to get their tickets. (Especially, if they can't go to Fun Fair!) Tickets are $2 each, 3 for $5 and 7 for $10. Winner will be drawn at 7:30 pm during Fun Fair. Please click here for the Stuffed Animal Flyer.
Solaia Luxury Salon and Spa Specials
We are SO excited to welcome and thank our SAINTS SALON Sponsor - Solaia Luxury Salon & Spa! In addition to generously, sponsoring the Saints Salon they are offering these specials to all ASCA families. Check out all of their services at http://www.solaiaexperience.com/
- Mother/Daughter Haircuts $59 for Both (*$33 savings)
- Mother/Daughter Manicure & Pedicure $99 for Both (*$79 savings)
- Mother/Daughter Spa Day (30 Minute Massage, Express Facial, Express Manicure, Express Pedicure and Blowout) $249 for Both (*$125 savings)
- 50% off one service for anyone new to Solaia Luxury Salon & Spa
To redeem, simply mention ASCA Fun Fair. All of these specials expire APRIL 1st, 2019
Fun Fair Soda Pop Toss and Cake Walk Donations
We are in need of donations for the always popular Soda Pop Toss and Cake Walk. Please contribute if you are able. All flavors of soda in 2 liter bottles and all types of baked goods are welcome. Soda bottles can be dropped off at Door 1 Welcome Desk from January 28-31st. Baked goods can be dropped off January 31st-February 1st, also at Door 1 Welcome Desk. Please click here for Cake Walk Donation Form. Thank you in advance for your help in making the Fun Fair a success!
New this year:
- Limited Edition ASCA TEDDY BEARS - Grades Pre-K thru 3rd can have Teddy Bears as Desk Buddies during Catholic School Week!
- ASCA Drawstring Bag - what better way to bring home all your fun fair prizes
- Stuffed Animal Raffle
Click here to place your 2019 Fun Fair order online.