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Friday, March 14, 2025

Registering for ASCA

Find Out More About the Excellent Education Grounded in Faith at All Saints 


Welcome to All Saints Catholic Academy, and thank you for your interest.  We are humbled by your consideration of our great school.


At All Saints, we understand that selecting the right school for your child and family is an important decision.  We believe that ASCA offers you a choice that is second to none.  We look forward to sharing our vision with you.  We hope that you will recognize our focus on academics, our vibrant school community, our beautiful facility and campus, and our safe, nurturing and caring Christ-centered environment.


We are joined in these efforts by a superb faculty and staff who are dedicated to each student’s success - both in the classroom, and in the formation of who they are, and who they are becoming.  At All Saints, we are family.  You and your child will be known and loved.   At ASCA, we partner with our parents, who are the primary educators of their children.


Our parents support us with their time, talents and treasure for the benefit of all of our All Saints students.  Our students show their love for Christ and others by looking after one another, treating their peers with respect, and doing their very best each day.  We are a community working together, valuing children, and modeling virtue. 


We will challenge your child to discover his or her unique gifts, and to learn to use these gifts for personal success, to help others, and to serve those in need in the broader community.   At All Saints, we welcome families and students of ALL faiths. 


Schools operated under the auspices of the Diocese of Joliet admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally available to students at the schools.  We will admit students who are non-Catholic per our Admission Policy. 


Parents and students must understand participation in and respect for Catholic religious instruction, school activities, and community service related to the Catholic identity of the school is required.


Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year 


Apply at All Saints

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year at All Saints are now open.  Each New Student Application is date and time stamped, so if a grade level becomes full, a waiting list will be formed based on order of acceptance, then by submission date and time.  


Click here to begin your 2025-2026 school year application to All Saints. 


Order of Priority for Admission to All Saints 

  1.   Newly enrolled siblings of current ASCA students/school families.
  2.   Children of All Saints Alumni.
  3.   Children who are transferring from a Catholic school which has closed. 
  4.   New families registered and active in ASCA's supporting parishes (Saint Elizabeth Seton, Saint Margaret Mary, Saint Thomas the Apostle, Holy       Spirit Catholic Church, and Our Lady of Mercy).  
  5.  Prospective families who are transferring their child(ren) from another Catholic school, whose children are in good standing at that school.  
  6.  Children of Catholic families who belong to another Catholic parish. 
  7.   All other families. 


All Saints Catholic Academy is a multiple parish-supported school.  Once a family is accepted into All Saints Catholic Academy, any subsequent child's application will have priority in the enrollment process as long as openings remain.


Once you determine that All Saints is the right match for your student and family, we encourage your early application as a number of our grade levels were full in the 2024-2025.    


Admissions Process 

The application and enrollment process for All Saints takes place mostly online through FACTS, our admissions and student information system.


There are two phases in the registration process at All Saints:  the Application Phase and the Enrollment Phase.


In the Application phase, the following paperwork must be submitted:  

  • Original birth certificate (no hospital certificates).  While other items may be uploaded via FACTS, you must present a hard copy of the original birth certificate to the school during school hours.  It will be examined, copied and returned to you.
  • If your child is entering grades 1–8, please upload your child's most recent report card and any standardized testing results.  
  • If your child has an IEP or any other Service Plan Accommodations, please upload the most recent paperwork. 
  • Your child's Baptism and First Eucharist certificates.
  • Students who will be entering grades 5-8 are required to meet with the principal, Mrs. Marshall, as part of the Application phase.  Mrs. Marshall will contact the student to schedule this meeting.


All applications will be reviewed by the Principal.  If the application is moved forward to the Enrollment phase, families will be sent an offer of acceptance at that time along with a link to complete the Enrollment phase.  Acceptance emails will not be sent until ASCA returns from Christmas Break in January 2025.


Please note that acceptance to All Saints is not final until both the Application and Enrollment phases of registration have been completed and submitted, requisite fees paid, and all required paperwork uploaded and presented.  


Applications will be evaluated based on the Order of Priority for Admission to All Saints (noted above), class availability, and date and time of application.  Students must be the appropriate age for the grade level for which they are registering, per School Code.  As a non-public school recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education, All Saints Catholic Academy is required to follow School Code. 


Age Requirements for the 2025-2026 School Year


  • Preschoolers entering PS3 must turn 3 on or before September 1, 2025.

  • Preschoolers entering Pre K 4 must turn 4 on or before September 1, 2025.

  • Kindergarteners must turn 5 on or before September 1, 2025 to enroll.


All preschool students must be fully potty independent’ and able to use the restroom without assistance.  No pull ups.


Age requirements noted are per School Code, and there are no exceptions.   Students who are not age appropriate and transferring from another school may be asked to provide curriculum standards from their current school to ensure that they align with ASCA's standards.  If the school being transferred from is an Illinois school, it must have Nonpublic School Recognition from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).   Click here to see if your school has this recognition. 


Application for the 2024-2025 School Year Enrollment

Are you interested in finding out more about the excellent education grounded in faith at All Saints? 
Your journey begins with the Inquiry Form -   click here to complete the form.  Once we receive your inquiry, our admissions office will contact you with further information on current openings and enrollment. 

Why Choose All Saints - Hear From One of Our Students


My name is Lucas Ling and I am an 8th Grader at All Saints Catholic Academy.  I have been a student at All Saints for 9 years and I would like to tell you what makes All Saints such a great school.
One of my favorite weekly activities is meeting with my faith buddy.  We attend our school mass together each Friday and then participate in faith related activities together in the classroom.   The teachers at All Saints make learning fun and exciting.  Whether it’s the Academic Olympics in History, coding robots in the STEAM lab, or only speaking Spanish while in Senora’s classroom, I feel challenged each and every day
Even though it’s my school, All Saints seems more like a family to me.  When I am walking the halls, I am often greeted with a smile and my name by either my principal, fellow student, parent volunteer or former teacher.  While I’m at school, All Saints feels like my home away from home.
We would love for you to join our All Saints family.


We welcome you, and we'll be with you each step of the way as you discern this important decision for your child(ren) and family ......


Ask Yourself, What Kind of Education Do You Seek For Your Child?   

We are living at a time where there appears to be so much division in our society. If one is looking for a reason to separate ourselves from one another, there will be polarization and disagreement. Division, however, is not the prism through which God sees His beloved children.







At All Saints, we believe that we see God in all people and that we are called to love one another. We are committed to fostering an inclusive community in which each person feels a sense of value and belonging, and where our diversity recognized and celebrated in a positive way.


One of the primary reasons that parents give for sending their children to a Catholic school is academic excellence, and All Saints is no exception.  Three out of four All Saints graduates choose to continue their education at a Catholic high school where an entrance exam is required.  The All Saints faculty works tirelessly toward preparing their students for the academic rigors of ASCA and beyond.  


Equally if not more important to parents is the emphasis on Catholic morals and values, healthy social relationships, and a supportive, nurturing and safe environment.  Students are expected to accept responsibility for their actions, to respect others and to make good decisions in the context of their faith experience. With Christ as our model – the goal of a Catholic education is to help children mature into Christ-like people.


If you are wondering why you might choose a Catholic school for your child, the real question might be, What do I want for my child?” The likely answer is “a Catholic school education.”


All Saints is a Diocese of Joliet regional Catholic elementary school established in 2005, and proudly affiliated with and supported by the following parishes:  St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Margaret Mary, St. Thomas the Apostle, Our Lady of Mercy, and Holy Spirit Catholic Church.


Questions?  Contact Patty Bajek, Director of Enrollment and Marketing at (630) 961-6125, or

Information on Tuition and Fees

Tuition/Fee Information 

Please click here for 2024-2025 Tuition and Fee information.   2025-2026 Tuition and Fee information will not be available until Spring 2025.  Note that pricing and programming are subject to change.  


Registration Fee

As part of the registration process, all families are charged an application fee ($100) and enrollment fee ($250) via the FACTS online system (total registration fee of $350); both fees are non-refundable.


On July 1, 2025 the enrollment portion of the registration fee increases to $275 (total registration fee of $375), and from August 1, 2025 forward, the enrollment portion of the registration fee increases to $300 (total registration fee of $400).


All admission applications submitted by new registrants who list one of our sponsoring or supporting parishes (St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Margaret Mary, St. Thomas the Apostle, Holy Spirit Catholic Community, or Our Lady of Mercy) will be reviewed by these parishes. 


In Parish Tuition will be extended to families who have been determined by their parish pastor (or parish designee) to be registered and active participants with regards to their longevity in the parish, stewardship to the parish, and service to the parish.   School families who are members of an affiliated parish are reviewed quarterly by their parish pastor (or parish designee), and any parish changes will be evaluated and made at that time. 


Multiple Child Discount

All Saints currently offers the following multiple child discount for tuition paying families of children in Grades K-8:


  • The tuition discount for the 2nd child enrolled in Grades K-8 will be $200.
  • The tuition discount for the 3rd child enrolled in Grades K-8 will be $1,000.
  • The tuition discount for the 4th or subsequent child enrolled in Grades K-8 will be $4,900 for each student. 


The discount is cumulative in nature so that a family with 2 children in grades K-8 receives a $200 total discount.  A family with 3 children in grades K-8 receives a $1,200 total discount.  A family with 4 children in grades K-8 receives a $6,100 total discount.  A family with 5 children in grades K-8 receives an $11,000 total discount.    


The Multiple Child Discount cannot be taken by students/families who are also receiving the Tuition Transfer Grant.   Families must select either the Multiple Child Discount or the Tuition Transfer Grant.


Additionally, all school families (current and newly enrolled) will be required to remit a $250 per family payment due no later than Tuesday, April 15, 2025 (or within two weeks of acceptance if after this date).  This payment will retain your student’s spot for the 2025-2026 school year, and will be applied toward 2025-2026 tuition.  This payment is non-refundable.  


Tuition Transfer Grant

All Saints is pleased to offer the Tuition Transfer Grant to families who transfer their child into grades 1-7 from any local private*, public, charter or home school for the 2025-2026 school year. With this two-year grant, families will receive $1,000 per student in year one, and $500 per student in year two, which will be applied to offset the current school tuition. 


*Students transferring from another Catholic school within the Dioceses of Joliet, Peoria, Rockford, Springfield and the Archdiocese of Chicago are not eligible. 


Tuition and Fee Payment

All school families are required to establish a tuition payment plan in FACTS which is used by All Saints Catholic Academy to electronically collect tuition and student fees. 


The annual fee for the FACTS account is paid by the school family.  Setting up your family’s FACTS account is part of the Enrollment phase of the Registration process.   


All required fees in the Student Fee Schedule will be billed in July 2025 and due in full 10 days from date of invoice. 


New families accepted for the 2025-2026 school year from July 1, 2025 forward will be required to pay student fees and the 1st month of tuition along with their registration fee.


Important Information About Tuition and Fee Payments

All registration and student fees are non-refundable.  Payment of tuition is explained in the ASCA Tuition and Fees Payment Policy, which can be found in the ASCA Parent Student Handbook on our website at 


Any exception to the ASCA Tuition and Fee Payment Policy must be an extraordinary circumstance that will be evaluated on a case by case basis, and must be presented in writing to the School Principal and Executive Board.



Each school family is responsible for a Family Fundraising Commitment (FFO).


  • The annual fundraising commitment for K-8 student families is $500 per family
  • The annual fundraising commitment for preschool only families is $250 per family


The school will provide a number of opportunities to families to assist them in meeting this commitment. 


Families will be provided a list of fundraising options, and have until May 1, 2026 to complete their fundraising commitment in its entirety.


Referrals of New Students

There is so much to celebrate at ASCAWe hope that you feel that way too!  The most successful way that All Saints attracts new students and families is not through newspaper ads or social media.  It is not through signs, banners, or our website.   

It is through word of mouth.  It is through our families sharing all of the great things that are happening here at All Saints with friends, neighbors, and other potential new students.  We like to say that happy school families bring us more happy school families. 


How Can You Help?


Please consider sharing what you love about ASCA with a friend, and then personally invite them to inquire about All Saints, or schdule a tour or shadow opportunity.   Families who refer a new school family to ASCA may potentially earn a $250 credit toward their FFO (Family Fundraising Obligation).

So, don’t be shy.  We wouldn’t even consider it boastful or rude.  Share what you love about All Saints with a friend, and invite them to find out more about how All Saints might be a great fit for them. 




All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone (630) 961-6125
Fax (630) 961-3771

Quick Links


School Year Hours:  7:30 AM - 4 PM.  Our main entrance during the school year is Door 1.

Summer Office Hours:  9am to Noon (Monday through Thursday) beginning Monday, June 3, 2024 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024.  Please come to Door 7 during the summer months.  Due to summer construction projects, the school may be closed at various times over the summer break.  Please phone first to confirm that the office is open. 


To Report Absences:

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