Event date: 8/19/2018 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Export event Patty Bajek / Wednesday, August 15, 2018 / Categories: School Events Meet and Greet On Sunday, all students and school families are invited to come to All Saints to visit their classroom, meet their teacher(s), and reconnect for a fun celebration of the start of a new school year. It is looking like the weather is going to be great. Just a few notes about this event: Families will be informed on Friday, August 17 when SchoolSpeak will be available for logging in to view homeroom assignments and schedules. Don't forget to bring a box of cereal for our Community Outreach to Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry in Naperville. Let your child pick out their favorite cereal that will potentially be enjoyed by another child and student 'just like them'. Loaves and Fishes serves hundreds of local families in need each month, with children making up 50% of their clients. They are so very appreciative of the support that they receive annually from the All Saints school community. Classroom visits will take place from 1 - 2 pm on Sunday. Class lists will be posted on the wall outside Cafe 1 across from the school office. You can still return your Back to School mailing forms at Door 1 (by the Welcome Desk). Don't forget them if you have not yet turned them in!!!! Remember to double check all of your forms to make sure that you have included all of the parent/student signatures, initials, and other important information that we need from you. We will also be taking any health physicals, dental and vision examinations that you have. Please be sure to fill out and sign the parent portion of the health physical. You will not want to miss a visit to the school gym! Here's is what's happening in the gym on Sunday: JemHedz will be producing spirit wear t-shirts that you can purchase and take home with you. Remember that we celebrate Spirit Wear Fridays at ASCA, where students can wear a spirit wear top of their choice with their uniform bottom. Find out more about SHPP, ASCA's School Home Parish Partnership organization, and how you can become involved. Find out more about fundraising at ASCA, learn how you can take care of your Family Fundraising Obligation, and enjoy a delicious Butter Braid coffee cake treat. Find out more about the DDA, our annual Dinner Dance Auction, and All Saints' biggest school fundraiser. Sign up to be a lunch or recess volunteer. Talk to representatives from and/or obtain information about Band and Orchestra, the Pancake Cafe hot lunch program, athletics, as well as after school activities such as Chess, Sticky Fingers Cooking Class, and Nano Beast STEM programs. Students who are interested in private piano, keyboard or voice lessons during the coming academic year may contact Allen & Patti Stock for information. Mr. and Mrs. Stock are the Directors of Music at St. Elizabeth Seton, and served our ASCA family as Campus Ministers for several years. Please contact them directly at: pattiastock@gmail.com or via phone at (630) 701-4036. **************** In celebration of this year's theme - "Do you have an Attitude of Gratitude?" - we are asking all school families to stop in the gym to create a Gratitude Pennant. There will be tables set up in the center of the gym. ************************** Don't forget to visit the recess pad to enjoy a frosty treat and dancing with our favorite DJ, Mr. Andy Fuzak from 2 - 3 pm. Principal Santos will be available to answer questions from 2:30 - 3 pm in Cafe 1. Print 850
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