Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 3/21/2024 - Caring is a Choice
Please take a few moments to reflect on these words from Pope Francis: “
Caring for our little ones and for our elders is a choice for civilization. And also for the future, because the little ones, the children, the young people will carry society forward by their strength, their youth, and the elderly people will carry it forward by their wisdom, their memory, which they must give to us all.”
I love both parts of this message. The reminder to care for our little ones is essential to our role as a school and to your role as parents. Thank you for your partnership as we teach our students the faith; they are our future! I also found the inclusion of care for the elderly fitting this time of year, as many of us prepare to see extended family over break or at Easter. May we use this special time with the elderly in our families to have them share memories and impart their wisdom!
Thank you!
Words cannot express how grateful I am for each and every one of you who supported our 19th Annual Dinner Dance Auction last weekend. It was a truly incredible night, raising over $100,000 for our school’s operating budget and an additional $134,000+ for our teacher salary enhancement fund. To those of you who contributed behind the scenes through sponsorships, donations, raffle ticket sales, and volunteering, thank you! To those who attended, bid on auction items, and supported the paddle raise, thank you! We are beyond grateful for your support!
Knights of Columbus Contest
Each year several of our 4th graders participate in the “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest through the local chapter of the Knights of Columbus. This year, one of our students, Luke Kennedy, advanced to the state competition and earned 3rd place at state! Congratulations, Luke!
IML Math Contest
All of our 6th and 7th grade students, as well as any 5th graders in honors math, participate annually in the Illinois Math League (IML) Contest. Congratulations to our top scores:
6th grade contest:
- Tied for 5th place: Sapphire Richards, Eain Sawko, RJ Swanson
- Tied for 4th place: Kieran May, Charlotte Murray-Doherty, Caroline Zhang
- 3rd place: Mary Devine
- 2nd place: Sebastian Mourad
- 1st place: James Budd
7th grade contest:
- Tied for 5th place: Aubrey Chernick, Cavan McGovern, Nathaniel Tan
- 4th place: Clare Hruby
- 3rd place: Lucas Ling
- 2nd place: Gavin Foley
- 1st place: Abbie Ling
Regional Science Fair
On March 8th, nine of our 7th graders represented ASCA at the Regional Science Fair. Congratulations to all on a job well done! Their awards are below; the seven students who earned gold will also be going on to represent us at the State Science Fair in May. Great job, Saints!
- Ellie Centeno: Gold
- Gavin Foley: Gold
- Charlie Free: Gold
- Abbie Ling: Gold
- Lucas Ling: Gold, and special award for Artistic Design
- Christian O’Neill: Gold
- Sophia Steva: Bronze
- Harper Temple: Gold
- Rose Thies: Silver
Vacation Bible School
Several of our parishes will be hosting Vacation Bible School this summer! Click here for more information on Holy Spirit’s program. All are welcome!
Saintly Acts
Congratulations to the following students who were recognized today for their recent Saintly Acts: Sophia M. (Kdg), Nicolas W. (3rd grade), Matthew B. (6th grade), Matthew G. (6th grade), Izzy M. (2nd grade), and Jonathan T. (5th grade), Liam B. (3rd grade), Alexa L. (3rd grade), Karen O. (3rd grade), Harrison P. (3rd grade), Rohan T. (3rd grade), and Greta W. (3rd grade). Keep being saintly!
I pray that your family has a blessed Holy Week and a very Happy Easter!
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.