Saints Speak from Mrs. Marshall - 2/6/2025 - Little Actions Can Help Bring Unity
Today and tomorrow I will be out of the building at a Diocesan seminar for all principals. Please keep us in your prayers!
Our saint this week is St. Katherine Drexel. She is the patron saint of racial injustice, and I picked her for this week because February is Black History Month. Like St. Elizabeth Seton who we learned about last week, St. Katherine Drexel was an American. After witnessing injustice toward minority groups in our country, she dedicated her life to serving Native Americans and African Americans. She had a deep desire for unity for all people, focusing her life’s work on bringing people together.
I challenged the students this week to work on bringing people together in their own lives. For them, this might look like inviting someone to sit with them at lunch or join their game at recess. While social dynamics are different for adults, there are many ways we can work to bring people together in our own lives. We can look for commonalities with others instead of focusing on differences. We can let little frustrations go at work, focusing less on what bothers us about our coworkers and more on our common goals. We can show appreciation for our family members’ contributions instead of critiquing the way they do a task or chore. These little actions can help bring unity to our own communities!
DDA Tickets are now on sale!
In case you missed Monday’s DDA newsletter, tickets are now on sale for Casino Royale, this year’s Dinner Dance Auction! Go to TODAY to get your ticket at the early bird rate. You don’t want to miss this night of fun as we celebrate our 20th anniversary together!
Cultural Day Reminder
On Tuesday, February 11th, we will be celebrating Cultural Day! Students are invited to wear clothing that represents their culture in place of their uniform if they choose. In the afternoon all students will attend a student-led assembly to learn about some of the cultures that are represented within our ASCA family!
Valentine’s Day Reminders
Since there is no school next Friday, we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Thursday, February 13th. This day is also an out of uniform day as part of the Class of 2026 fundraiser; Valentine colors are encouraged but not required.
Preschool-5th grade students will have their class parties to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and our junior high students will take their annual field trip to Bowlero. Students are welcome to bring in Valentine cards for their classmates. If you choose to distribute Valentines, please make sure your child has a Valentine for each student in the class and that any treat bags do not include food items. Thank you!
Joliet Jammers
Yesterday we had some special guests at school, the Joliet Jammers! This group of Diocesan seminarians (along with our very own Fr. Alex and Fr. Max) joined us for the afternoon and played basketball against our 8th grade boys team. It was a fun and exciting game, featuring a vocation talk and game of Knockout during halftime. Congrats to Matthew B in 7th grade, our Knockout champion, and to our entire 8th grade boys team on a great game! We love these opportunities to learn more about our faith while having fun together. Click here for a few pictures!
Classroom Spotlight
Earlier this week, our Kindergarten students celebrated their hundredth day of school! The students made shirts with 100 items on them and modeled their creativity in an afternoon fashion show. Throughout the day they also engaged in various games and activities related to the number 100. Click here for a few pictures!
Spelling Bee Results
As part of Catholic Schools Week, we had our school spelling bees last Thursday! Congratulations to our winners!
Intermediate (3rd-5th grade) Spelling Bee:
1st place: Alexa Ling
2nd place: Evan Askew
3rd place: Brady Barton
Junior High (6th-8th grade) Spelling Bee:
1st place: Abbie Ling
2nd place: James Budd
3rd place: Sebastian Mourad
ASCA Weather Sketchers
Another ASCA 2nd grader was selected to have her artwork featured on Channel 7’s Weather Sketchers segment! Tune in on Wednesday, February 12th, at 5:30am to see Alannah O.’s artwork. Congratulations, Alannah!
Parish News
St. Margaret Mary Parish invites all ASCA families to their upcoming Bingo Night! Bingo Night is Friday, February 21, at 6:30pm, and is sure to be fun for the whole family! Click here for more information.
Saintly Acts
Congratulations to the following students who earned Saintly Acts this week: Noah B. (5th grade), Will G. (5th grade), Eva B. (5th grade), Shaan K. (5th grade), Sophia M. (1st grade), Ari S. (5th grade), Teddy E. (5th grade), Milena G. (8th grade), Blake J. (5th grade), Evelyn K. (1st grade), Ethan L. (8th grade), Samantha C. (8th grade), Esme V. (Kdg), Michael B. (6th grade), Nico M. (6th grade), Julio M. (3rd grade), Charlotte P. (2nd grade), Luke V. (6th grade), Ashton B. (5th grade), Uriel C. (4th grade), Mikey P. (8th grade), and Christian V. (4th grade). Keep being saintly!
Warm regards,
Margie Marshall

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A Tremendous Thank You to the Diamond, Platinum, and Cornerstone Sponsors of our 2024 Dinner Dance Auction (DDA): Masquerade Gala

We hope that you will support these generous benefactors of All Saints with your business. Please thank them, and let them know that you are an All Saints school family.